Posted on Nov 18, 2013
SFC Michael Boulanger
Correct me if I am wrong Air Force members of this site:  The Air Force has a Diamonds for the E7 and E8 ranks for the Leadership if they are in the 1SG positions.  Do you thing because this is commom that the Army should adopt this practice as well?  Would this help simplify thingd if a SFC could have a Diamond if they are in a 1SG position?
Posted in these groups: Army usa or 08a.svg 1SG
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Responses: 5
SFC Platoon Sergeant
I don't think this is necessary.  I have only ever seen or heard of a handful of occasions where a SFC has filled a 1SG position for the long-term.  I think our rank structure is good the way it is and doesn't need modification for these occasional situations.  Usually when this happens, it is while waiting for a new 1SG to report to the duty station, or if the 1SG is away on TDY.  Do you see this as happening frequently enough to warrant a diamond in the SFC rank?
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MAJ G 6 Plans Oic
I spent 8 years in the AF.  In the AF, a 1st Sgt is a position, not a rank (but it is denoted by a diamond).  They have 1st Sgt ranks for E-6 through E-9.  The majority of 1st Sgts I had were E-7, but I had two that were E-8 and one that was E-9.

In the AF, 1st Sgt is not the same type of leadership position it is in the Army.  In fact, the 1st Sgt is usually not the highest ranking enlisted member in the unit.  Most squadrons (at least that I was in) have a Chief Enlisted Manager that is a Chief Master Sergeant (E-9).  Only in the one unit where I had an E-9 as a 1st Sgt, was the 1st Sgt the 'Top' NCO in the unit.

I don't think the Army needs a special rank for E-7s in a 1SG position.  The biggest issue, and the one that needs to be addressed is the lack of experience that this (usually) brings.  It is generally pretty clear who the 1SG is, with or without the diamond from my experience.
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
10 y
Sir, the AF has 1stSgt positions of E-7 to E-9. You can apply to 1stSgt at promotable E-6 but will be promoted if accepted. Then you put the Diamond on after graduating 1stSgt Academy. There are no E-6 First Sergeants.
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SSG Greg Miech
When I looked at basically any NCO filling a position higher than the rank his position dictated with respect and up and coming. Sometimes the NCO was put in that position and did not do well as an E7 but later on, after mentoring, experience and guidance did well. I still think the mandatory promotion grade to reenlist is a mistake. Some would be happy and great as E4 below or at lower ranks.
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