Posted on Mar 27, 2014
SFC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
 I took an open requisition through ASK to make an interpost transfer. Once I arrive to my new unit, I am pulled to work outside my MOS, as HQ Platoon SGT and orderly room NCOIC(of course neither are on the MTOE). While I do not mind working outside my MOS for a bit, I am always looking for my next assignment. I find out there is an opening in FT Stewart, in January 2015 and ask branch if I can have the assignment and send them the requisition number. I will have been at FT Bliss for over 3 years, and at my current unit for a year at the time of PCS. Branch tells me my unit strength is too low. I check the MTOE and to my suprise there is only 1 91B30 slot available for my current unit. I verify this information through S1 and retention. There are currently 3 91B3 in my unit, one is double slotted with a SFC and the other is holding a 91B20 slot. I explain this to my branch manager, and PDNCO. The other 91B30s are new to FT Bliss, only about 5 months on station. Of course, I never hear back from branch, although they read the emails they never respond. I do not know why it is so hard to get them to place you on assignment, I am sure if they were to show up and not have an MTOE position they would want to leave as well. Like I said, I do not mind my current position, as it provides an opportunity to expand my knowledge, but after a bit I need to get back into my MOS.
Posted in these groups: The pentagon us department of defense building Assignments3916126932 armedforces xlarge BranchImages PCS
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Responses: 7
SFC Michael Hasbun
Working outside your MOS is a good thing. It shows you're more than a one show pony. What really matters is how well you have performed outside your MOS. Success or failure in your assigned duties is just that, and will reflect as such.
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1LT Project Manager
You should always look for a Key development (KD) assignment. if you are technically and tactically proficient and can be spared to work an MOS immaterial assignment it couldn't hrt, buit I wouldn't look to stay in that position too long either. You have to take care of your own career. be a team player, but if the assignment is not for you, I would look to other options when that time came. Worst thing to do is to have a bad attitude about it though, because that will effect you now and potentially in the future. Good luck!
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SFC Benjamin Harrison
Being assigned to a Faux but required position that is "outside of your MOS" is also called an MOS immaterial duty/assignment, just like Recruiters, Drill Sergeants, IG, and even full time Retention NCO's provides an NCO the opportunity to learn a new skill set, and in my personal experience, opened my eyes to how the Army actually functions having the capability to view first hand the full spectrum of operations that are conducted daily in order to keep the Army rolling along. Enjoy your stint away from the norm, perform the mission provided just as you would any other, and remember that the goal of every Soldier professionally should be to reach the highest rung in the ladder. So now I must ask, how many SGM's/CSM's have you seen turning a wrench or running a motor pool? 
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