Posted on Oct 5, 2023
{Note: What follows is a thought. Enjoy the language. For some I have spoken to there may be something to the notion. Before responding, read the words TWICE then take a deep breath. It is ONLY an idea. As I continue to listen to the divisiveness in today's heated rhetoric I began to wonder there might be way to quell the nuttiness we are all feeling today. So, I took a swipe at something I have been thinking about for > 20 years. Enjoy!}
Purpose: As the Founders attempted to do in framing the Constitution the Preamble offers that common vision designed to shape the kind of government, we want to work for all and not just the few conveniently or in the shadows making self-serving decisions.
New Language Proposed: The following is the proposed rewrite of the Preamble to be changed by Constitutional Amendment designed to recombine the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, the themes that are currently in the Preamble of Constitution of the United States and other moments in our collective history because our nation has grown in the nearly 250-years since its founding that should be reflected in a future we can achieve – collectively - as a unified and purpose drive people.
"We the people of the United States of America hold these truths to be self-evident that in order to form a more perfect in the hearts, the minds, the spirits, and the purpose driven efforts by the inhabitants of this nation by whatever power they individually or collectively choose to call their creator that for all human beings this nation will offer them the dignity to which they are entitled as their basic civil rights with humility, integrity, and selflessness so they are able to have an equal chance to lawful opportunities that are provided under the rule of law for equal and non-politized justice, so that they and future generations can enjoy the domestic tranquility to pursue their unique dreams via their equally unique talents when their common defense in the places where they live, they work, they learn, and they play are assured as functionally safe so that in so doing it promotes the general welfare allowing for their ability to secure the blessings of liberty to themselves, for others, and for their collective posterity as their unalienable rights that among these are Life, are to exercise Liberty with Personal Responsibility and Accountability, and to the pursuit of Happiness, so that they can mutually pledge to each other there Lives in hope and there sacred Honor as a matter of unshakable trust in principles that underscore of this republic, then we therefore do ordain and reestablish as a new birth of freedom this Constitution of the United States of America because the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and in having the courage to face fear collectively as a diverse people we can as all the people establish and sustain a new level of justice with integrity - for all." (New Preamble word count = 295 words)
Reasoning for Update: Our Constitution was in fact created by imperfect men with prejudices incurred by the times in which they lived, yet they with great clarity understood that freedom, real freedom, has a price, always has and always will. Real freedom requires concentration on the mission that is the uniqueness of the United States of America. The E Pluribus Unum, out of many - one, that while a nation of individuals we are one people – Americans. Proud of the best of our unique heritages, and willing to share the best of those heritages with others so they may be enriched in that sharing of the food, the culture, the lifestyle, the shared values, and the unique philosophies that when examined wholistically form the basis for a framework for creating a greater common good because we have a great common understanding upon which to engage the human capacity for greater understanding, without giving up the disciplined required to achieve national success at the community level every-day.
The offered language of this new Preamble forges the way to remake our nation into a bastion of harmonious individuality in ways all people dream about yet have been unable to effectively articulate in recent years with the undertones of willful ignorance, bombastic rhetoric, and prejudice that is NOT the dream so many have fought and died to preserve as an - ideal. In writing this idea for a new preamble, I began to realize Thomas Jefferson and James Madison the framers of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America respectively that they from other writings seem to secretly hope for such unified language someday that is - enlightened. I also realized that to achieve the Dream of Dr. King that the preamble as Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address required would need to be a “…new birth of freedom…” and that in providing that new birth that each American could see themselves as part of a future built upon a past that informs the path forward that has yet to be charted. This new Preamble is a brighter beacon to shine on that emerging path in the words of Poet Robert Frost so that we can collectively travel down the “road less travelled by (that) will make all the difference” and in so doing forge stronger unbroken bonds of genuine human fellowship.
Expected Benefits of New Language: Simple -
- It brings together all the best ideals we want to aspire to and place as an Executive Summary before the American people that who we are and what we can as a nation become.
- It says in clearer language with purpose what the Founders may have individually thought but may not have been able to be as expressive about at that point in history in writing.
- It puts for a better framework to be inclusive and equitable that can fundamentally reshape how we begin to love toward a more perfect union.
- It says what is expected of everyone to take responsibility for their actions and seek to be better within themselves and within their communities, in so doing begin to extend a hand up with dignity and not the handout that seeks to kiss the ring(s) of power to become submissive to the few or the one.
- It creates a new framework that We the people to endorse the overhaul of laws and systems in such a manner as to be more just in support of the ideals of this new Preamble language. This new Preamble would then force law makers to disassemble laws once enacted with “subtle” malice to attempt to satisfy hidden agendas.
- When followed by other amendments of consequence provides strength to the opening statement so We the people a more engaged and inclusive as a “civil society” retooled for mutual benefit.
- It provides the language that pledges our lives to each other because in making such a pledge as a people we are committed to establishing mutual trust over time with those that had been disenfranchised who can now – breathe the fresh air of freedom!
So, is new language for the Preamble required or not?
Purpose: As the Founders attempted to do in framing the Constitution the Preamble offers that common vision designed to shape the kind of government, we want to work for all and not just the few conveniently or in the shadows making self-serving decisions.
New Language Proposed: The following is the proposed rewrite of the Preamble to be changed by Constitutional Amendment designed to recombine the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, the themes that are currently in the Preamble of Constitution of the United States and other moments in our collective history because our nation has grown in the nearly 250-years since its founding that should be reflected in a future we can achieve – collectively - as a unified and purpose drive people.
"We the people of the United States of America hold these truths to be self-evident that in order to form a more perfect in the hearts, the minds, the spirits, and the purpose driven efforts by the inhabitants of this nation by whatever power they individually or collectively choose to call their creator that for all human beings this nation will offer them the dignity to which they are entitled as their basic civil rights with humility, integrity, and selflessness so they are able to have an equal chance to lawful opportunities that are provided under the rule of law for equal and non-politized justice, so that they and future generations can enjoy the domestic tranquility to pursue their unique dreams via their equally unique talents when their common defense in the places where they live, they work, they learn, and they play are assured as functionally safe so that in so doing it promotes the general welfare allowing for their ability to secure the blessings of liberty to themselves, for others, and for their collective posterity as their unalienable rights that among these are Life, are to exercise Liberty with Personal Responsibility and Accountability, and to the pursuit of Happiness, so that they can mutually pledge to each other there Lives in hope and there sacred Honor as a matter of unshakable trust in principles that underscore of this republic, then we therefore do ordain and reestablish as a new birth of freedom this Constitution of the United States of America because the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and in having the courage to face fear collectively as a diverse people we can as all the people establish and sustain a new level of justice with integrity - for all." (New Preamble word count = 295 words)
Reasoning for Update: Our Constitution was in fact created by imperfect men with prejudices incurred by the times in which they lived, yet they with great clarity understood that freedom, real freedom, has a price, always has and always will. Real freedom requires concentration on the mission that is the uniqueness of the United States of America. The E Pluribus Unum, out of many - one, that while a nation of individuals we are one people – Americans. Proud of the best of our unique heritages, and willing to share the best of those heritages with others so they may be enriched in that sharing of the food, the culture, the lifestyle, the shared values, and the unique philosophies that when examined wholistically form the basis for a framework for creating a greater common good because we have a great common understanding upon which to engage the human capacity for greater understanding, without giving up the disciplined required to achieve national success at the community level every-day.
The offered language of this new Preamble forges the way to remake our nation into a bastion of harmonious individuality in ways all people dream about yet have been unable to effectively articulate in recent years with the undertones of willful ignorance, bombastic rhetoric, and prejudice that is NOT the dream so many have fought and died to preserve as an - ideal. In writing this idea for a new preamble, I began to realize Thomas Jefferson and James Madison the framers of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America respectively that they from other writings seem to secretly hope for such unified language someday that is - enlightened. I also realized that to achieve the Dream of Dr. King that the preamble as Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address required would need to be a “…new birth of freedom…” and that in providing that new birth that each American could see themselves as part of a future built upon a past that informs the path forward that has yet to be charted. This new Preamble is a brighter beacon to shine on that emerging path in the words of Poet Robert Frost so that we can collectively travel down the “road less travelled by (that) will make all the difference” and in so doing forge stronger unbroken bonds of genuine human fellowship.
Expected Benefits of New Language: Simple -
- It brings together all the best ideals we want to aspire to and place as an Executive Summary before the American people that who we are and what we can as a nation become.
- It says in clearer language with purpose what the Founders may have individually thought but may not have been able to be as expressive about at that point in history in writing.
- It puts for a better framework to be inclusive and equitable that can fundamentally reshape how we begin to love toward a more perfect union.
- It says what is expected of everyone to take responsibility for their actions and seek to be better within themselves and within their communities, in so doing begin to extend a hand up with dignity and not the handout that seeks to kiss the ring(s) of power to become submissive to the few or the one.
- It creates a new framework that We the people to endorse the overhaul of laws and systems in such a manner as to be more just in support of the ideals of this new Preamble language. This new Preamble would then force law makers to disassemble laws once enacted with “subtle” malice to attempt to satisfy hidden agendas.
- When followed by other amendments of consequence provides strength to the opening statement so We the people a more engaged and inclusive as a “civil society” retooled for mutual benefit.
- It provides the language that pledges our lives to each other because in making such a pledge as a people we are committed to establishing mutual trust over time with those that had been disenfranchised who can now – breathe the fresh air of freedom!
So, is new language for the Preamble required or not?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
I think the current Preamble is fine IF we educate our citizens to the actual intent of it. Perhaps it could use updating into today's vernacular. Same with the Amendments.
SFC John Skaarup
MSG Stan Hutchison - In their day, a British Pattern 1769 Short Land musket, the French Model 1766 infantry musket Charleville, and the Spanish Model 1757 infantry musket Sebas we 'assault weapons'. The political challenges and ideologies of the 1770 colonialists have practically no relationship to the political tribalism visible in 2023 America. Modern liberalism is typically associated with the Democratic Party while modern conservatism is typically associated with the Republican Party. In the 1770's, speaking out against the Crown would get your neck stretched.
CPO Nate S.
LCpl Michael Cappello - We have to remember that our Founders while they were "traitors and turncoasts" to a repressive and invasive government the King and palament did not respect them and only saw them as a source of revenue via taxes and service fees. So, loyality to the crown that has no problem abusing it's citizens is not a loyality I would have wished to no be part of either. If that would have made me a Liberal, a radical, a traitor and a turncoast at that time then - so be it!
I tend to agree with SGM Bill Frazer that people have become toooo dumb to take the time to educated themselves. That is also why I not a "King James Version" fan, rather I am more a Jerusalem Bible (i.e., scholar's bibile) advocate.
Also, CPT Endre Barath my father arrive here after WWII from France. He too joined the USAF, became citizen and serve this nation. Yes, people in high places often forget the lessons history teaches. I get frustrated with just how dumb people are too. I agree with Maj Ronald Illingworth the present is just fine, but wanted to offer another view just for sake of debate. Sometimes, it is good mix it up abit. It is only when we know out topics well that being challenged is not problem, because those of us with thick skins can handle it.
Finally, SFC John Skaarup commentary "...The proposed language adds 'hubris'
that what was original can be improved upon. Additionally, it highlights the 'flaws' in the founders rather than recognizing the amazing paradigm shift of history that was made by their hand...." It was infact an "...amazing paradigm shift of history..." and sadly some want us to go back to pre-revolution times to just sit down, shut up and just go along to get along. Sorry, not my speed!!! We should challenge in an appropriate manner the assumptions and presumptions of others. The courage by the Founders to dare to dream new dreams has no shame in it. The current Preamble when it was approved was language hard fought for, becuase "the people" had to know it was their government. Has it ever been a perfect government? NO, not ever. But it has been updated do that the "...more perfect union..." it states it wants to become among all the people can be realized in due time.
There will become a point when we start with the Preamble to set a new lamp on our path with a brighter light to show the way. Yes, I believe there will be that time But, we as citizens (i.e. inhabiants) have both a duty and a responsibility to ourselves begin that conversation, before those who force that conversation would offer to do so at the point of bayonet as it were. We should NEVER be afraid of each other to have a conversation, but we should be able to see the alterior moves of others so that we can clearly challenge language, that no matter how sweet, it viperous, in it intent.
If "We the people..." are to believe we can have power we cannot yield the moral or ethical highground to the immoral and unethical elitest class with so challenging them!
The comments in this thread have beem respectfull as best as I can tell. So I offer my above commentary as additional fuel for thought...............................
I tend to agree with SGM Bill Frazer that people have become toooo dumb to take the time to educated themselves. That is also why I not a "King James Version" fan, rather I am more a Jerusalem Bible (i.e., scholar's bibile) advocate.
Also, CPT Endre Barath my father arrive here after WWII from France. He too joined the USAF, became citizen and serve this nation. Yes, people in high places often forget the lessons history teaches. I get frustrated with just how dumb people are too. I agree with Maj Ronald Illingworth the present is just fine, but wanted to offer another view just for sake of debate. Sometimes, it is good mix it up abit. It is only when we know out topics well that being challenged is not problem, because those of us with thick skins can handle it.
Finally, SFC John Skaarup commentary "...The proposed language adds 'hubris'
that what was original can be improved upon. Additionally, it highlights the 'flaws' in the founders rather than recognizing the amazing paradigm shift of history that was made by their hand...." It was infact an "...amazing paradigm shift of history..." and sadly some want us to go back to pre-revolution times to just sit down, shut up and just go along to get along. Sorry, not my speed!!! We should challenge in an appropriate manner the assumptions and presumptions of others. The courage by the Founders to dare to dream new dreams has no shame in it. The current Preamble when it was approved was language hard fought for, becuase "the people" had to know it was their government. Has it ever been a perfect government? NO, not ever. But it has been updated do that the "...more perfect union..." it states it wants to become among all the people can be realized in due time.
There will become a point when we start with the Preamble to set a new lamp on our path with a brighter light to show the way. Yes, I believe there will be that time But, we as citizens (i.e. inhabiants) have both a duty and a responsibility to ourselves begin that conversation, before those who force that conversation would offer to do so at the point of bayonet as it were. We should NEVER be afraid of each other to have a conversation, but we should be able to see the alterior moves of others so that we can clearly challenge language, that no matter how sweet, it viperous, in it intent.
If "We the people..." are to believe we can have power we cannot yield the moral or ethical highground to the immoral and unethical elitest class with so challenging them!
The comments in this thread have beem respectfull as best as I can tell. So I offer my above commentary as additional fuel for thought...............................
SFC Michael Cook
"That is also why I not a "King James Version" fan, rather I am more a Jerusalem Bible (i.e., scholar's bibile) advocate."
Sooo... I'll just go ahead and mark you as NOT a fan of the NIV version of the bible then? LOL
I'm not going to lie, the proposed preamble made my head hurt! My problem is this; you are trying to put an unnecessary level of specificity in to what should (and currently is) a very simple and straight forward statement.
Lets go back even further; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." and make it more "inclusive". We'll start with that pesky "men"... How many gender identities are there now? Serious question actually. I just googled it and came up with the #'s 5,6,20,72 and 135! But we need to get it figured out before we move on to the pantheon of gods, and adding abortion on demand and IPhones to the list of "Inalienable rights". I mean if we want to make sure that we are inclusive that is...
Instead of changing history, lets teach it. Lets get back to teaching critical thinking, instead of critical race. We can't make society more educated by dumbing down education. But that is I believe where we find ourselves. We are at a point in our society where A LOT of our population lacks the ability to think critically, and when you add to that 24 hr "news" channels which are basically 99% opinion programming that regurgitates the political propaganda of their preferred party. Our "huddled masses" without the ability to critically think for themselves tune in to "receive" their opinion instead of "form" an opinion.
But I digress; lets go back to what I opened with: "That is also why I not a "King James Version" fan, rather I am more a Jerusalem Bible (i.e., scholar's bibile) advocate." By your own admission you prefer what I assume is a more difficult bible to understand. I presume that is because there is a belief that it is truer to the word of god than the one created by some random group of people centuries ago. I also assume that you would not be the first in line at the book store when the "Ebonic Bible" is released. And seeing that you apparently believe the original Bible is better... Why change the original Preamble?
Sooo... I'll just go ahead and mark you as NOT a fan of the NIV version of the bible then? LOL
I'm not going to lie, the proposed preamble made my head hurt! My problem is this; you are trying to put an unnecessary level of specificity in to what should (and currently is) a very simple and straight forward statement.
Lets go back even further; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." and make it more "inclusive". We'll start with that pesky "men"... How many gender identities are there now? Serious question actually. I just googled it and came up with the #'s 5,6,20,72 and 135! But we need to get it figured out before we move on to the pantheon of gods, and adding abortion on demand and IPhones to the list of "Inalienable rights". I mean if we want to make sure that we are inclusive that is...
Instead of changing history, lets teach it. Lets get back to teaching critical thinking, instead of critical race. We can't make society more educated by dumbing down education. But that is I believe where we find ourselves. We are at a point in our society where A LOT of our population lacks the ability to think critically, and when you add to that 24 hr "news" channels which are basically 99% opinion programming that regurgitates the political propaganda of their preferred party. Our "huddled masses" without the ability to critically think for themselves tune in to "receive" their opinion instead of "form" an opinion.
But I digress; lets go back to what I opened with: "That is also why I not a "King James Version" fan, rather I am more a Jerusalem Bible (i.e., scholar's bibile) advocate." By your own admission you prefer what I assume is a more difficult bible to understand. I presume that is because there is a belief that it is truer to the word of god than the one created by some random group of people centuries ago. I also assume that you would not be the first in line at the book store when the "Ebonic Bible" is released. And seeing that you apparently believe the original Bible is better... Why change the original Preamble?
Folks need to keep in mind the language of the time- they had wise men, educators, and clergy who helped draft/vote it in place. It is the intent that is truly important. Wanta shock- read the Bible before the King James version- we changed "Thou Shalt not kill to "Thou shalt not murder" Damn big difference from the Bible that was written long before Christ was born. When it was the Commandants to the Jewish tribe roaming the Sinai desert. It was to keep peace and civility among the tribes and killing tribe members had punishments as well as atonements. read- God in giving the Jews Israel sometimes they had to eradicate several tribes done to and including the livestock. Our problem is we have dumbed down so much that if don't put things into simple words, folks are too dumb to look up what they are reading.
CPT Endre Barath
Just to be clear I can to this country in 1967 and served as an Airborne Ranger Infantry Captain in the US Army... people like you are the problem with making comments like this.... I came from communist Hungary where they rewrote history.... to go further than that I see another problem and sadly many who are now in power and serve as high ranking members of the military forgot history or never learned it... and they are weak too... and playing into the Socialist & Communist who infiltrated the media and the teacher in the early 1960's and they are winning...
CPT Endre Barath
Sorry I can not delete my comment it was meant for the original person who posted it CPO Nathe s.
CPT Endre Barath
took a while but I managed to respond to the original write hope no hard feelings maybe you can delete my comment
SGM Bill Frazer
Not a problem CPT, after 23+ yrs. I have a thick skin- I would never condone a re-write, it has worked for 230+ years without problems. Problem is either people are too stupid to read and understand, or just damn dumb! Have a safe Christmas Sir!
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