Posted on Aug 19, 2021
SGT Metal Worker
Hey everyone, I’m a SGT, got DA selected for recruiting. I’m currently OCONUS so I already received assignment for the RICHMOND BN and will receive pinpoint orders before attended ARC. My questions are:
What should I expect doing recruiting now a days?
Has anyone been to recruiting through this BN?
How hard is recruiting duty in single soldiers?
How long before I can submit a packet while on recruiting duty?
I’m genuinely nervous as I am not established in that area and will have to reestablish a new network. I’m a hard charger at anything I do however I will stand up for myself if I get taken advantage of and with the environment I’m heading to I feel as though that may be a problem. Simply put, I’ve been in for awhile, I understand you should go in everything with a clear head but for the first time in my career I’m genuinely nervous because of all the stuff I hear about recruiting. Any advice, recommendation or words of wisdom will be genuinely appreciated.
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Responses: 8
SSG Oscar Medina
As getting a new job outside of your realm is intimidating but just remember every Soldier is always going to a new position not knowing how to do it that is the nice thing of being flexible and given the opportunity to do something different is always good for professional growth. Regardless on what everyone said just do what you are supposed to because others always say how hard it is but just learn from their mistakes and do the best you can and that will give you the tools to be outstanding.
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SGT Charles Bartell
Edited >1 y ago
If this is Richmond ,VA. Sorry Anything in that area is going to suck.
You are going to have a hell of a time getting people that have a high school diploma ,Or can pass the Police record check.
The first time I enlisted was at the Richmond MEPPS. The people that came out on the A.S.V.P. was not M.I.T. Types.
The four guys that went up with me only one was allowed to enlist, One was taken any in handcuffs.
Now thing's have changed fore the better I have Been told.
Recruiting duty suck's no matter where you go any more. Their are always numbers to meat.
You will almost live in the office. 1 Thing you really need to do is get in with all the R.O.T.C. at the high school's in your area.
You will learn the one's to bullshit a little and witch one's not too.
There are a lot of kids that want to go to college, But can not get any scholarships.
Use that to sell them but do not LIE to them.
Never be alone with a applicant if you can help it.
You would be surprised what kind of shit some of them will say.
This is the best way I can put this NEVER have sex of any kind with any applicant's
That as cost both male and female's there career's and jail time.
I have seen these dumb ass high school girls throw them self's at recruiters.
1.just to see if they can play you.
2. To try to get you to guarantee them any thing from Rank, Duty Station, Jobs, And the big one Money.
I have never been a recruiter, But I have known a few and all this comes from thing's I seen or heard right from one of them.
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SGT Metal Worker
Apologies for the typos
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