Posted on Jun 22, 2023
SrA Chris Bowser
Anyone around that has worked at MEPS? I’m prior active Navy and currently in the Air National Guard. I got my 368 approval for conditional release for the Army National Guard. I’ve already passed my officer board. My current PULHES has straight ones. I assumed I would only need to go to MEPS for a rapid exam and swear in. However, the responses saying that since I need to repeat basic training, I’ll need a full physical. Alright, cool. I’ll do that, easy day. Then once my recruiter submitted my 2807 prescreen, they responded saying they need info regarding my VA disability and prior medical history. I had to submit all those clearances from private docs and specialist is 2021. I was obviously approved my Air Force Surgeon General. My have current passing PT scores and I’m a firefighter for my civilian job. So, my recruiter submitted everything from 2021 with all approvals. MEPS responded almost a month later saying they need need approvals from docs and all previous records regarding some same items and some different. Is this proper for someone with my case? I don’t understand why I can’t go to my physical at MEPS since I’m currently enlisted and drilling. Anyone have any ideas, advice, or a link to their regulations? I’ve searched and came up empty.
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Responses: 5
COL Randall C.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I THINK what you're asking is "If I'm already in, why are they asking about stuff like I'm enlisting for the first time?" (in other words, why are they looking at 'induction' standards instead of 'retention' standards) - because in essence, you are.

The overarching documents that apply to your situation are the medical standards for military service (The DODIs are 6130.03, Volume I and Volume II*). Volume I is for your initial entry (or if there was a break in service) while Volume II is for Retention. Specific to the Army (and Army National Guard), the regulation is AR 40-501*.

As you are likely aware, there is a difference in the medical standards to enter the military and those for you to be retained in the military (the later are less strict - there are illnesses/injuries that will disqualify you from joining the military, but you can remain if they occur while serving)

AR 40-501 states that 'induction' standards are used "for appointment as commissioned or warrant officers in the RA and RCs, including appointment as a Soldier in the USAR or the ARNG/ARNGUS. This includes enlisted Soldier applicants for appointment as commissioned or warrant officers."

With MHS Genesis being used, the MEPS station will likely see all your records from civilian providers and will need to ensure that everything claimed is within the standards for entry.
* DODIs 6130.03, Volume I -
* DODIs 6130.03, Volume II -
* AR 40-501 -
SrA Chris Bowser
SrA Chris Bowser
>1 y
Thank you for all the info and references , sir! My biggest concern is that out of the six items they want documentation and new reports for, I’ve only experienced one. I’ve never experienced the others conditions, legitimately. I’ll reach out to my recruiter again tomorrow for clarification.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
Isn’t your recruiter assisting you in the process?
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LTC Program Manager
The process at MEPS is hurting our strength.
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