Posted on Mar 16, 2015
Are old Air Force berets with an embroidered flash still authorized for wear in the field?
I have an old beret that I used to wear out in the field (not during guard mount or inspections). It has an embroidered flash - not separate from beret material. Would this be allowed today?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 2
If it was me, I would definately not wear it! I'd keep it as a classic display piece in a shadow box. Those old USAF berets are museum pieces. Put it in one of those nice "helmet" display cases. I have several of my families old 1930's dress blue Navy hats in display cases.
Here is the reference from AFI 36-2903.
"Beret (Blue). Authorized for wear both outdoors and indoors by armed Security
Forces personnel or others bearing arms while performing duties. Position headband straight
across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows. Drape the top toward the right ear and the
stiffener. Align cloth flash above the left eye. Adjust ribbon for comfort, tie in a knot, and
tuck inside or cut-off. Continue to wear SF shield and beret together while attending
professional military education and recruiting duties. The SF full cloth flash will be sewn to
the center of the stiffener, ¼ inch above and parallel to the headband. Enlisted personnel
wear the SF flash with SF insignia. Officers wear the plain (no insignia) SF flash, and affix
regular size bright metal rank insignia centered on the flash. SF beret should be worn while
in garrison with all authorized uniforms. Wear ABU cap when a subdued appearance is
required, or while in the field. SF personnel do not wear organizational baseball caps; this
does not include caps worn to identify SF patrols. SF berets are worn only by SF personnel
assigned to officer Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 31PX and enlisted AFSCs 3P0XX/A/B."
I have never seen a beret with the flash actually directly embroidered on the felt. It has always been a separate "patch" that is sewn on to the "stiffer."
CMSgt James Nolan
"Beret (Blue). Authorized for wear both outdoors and indoors by armed Security
Forces personnel or others bearing arms while performing duties. Position headband straight
across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows. Drape the top toward the right ear and the
stiffener. Align cloth flash above the left eye. Adjust ribbon for comfort, tie in a knot, and
tuck inside or cut-off. Continue to wear SF shield and beret together while attending
professional military education and recruiting duties. The SF full cloth flash will be sewn to
the center of the stiffener, ¼ inch above and parallel to the headband. Enlisted personnel
wear the SF flash with SF insignia. Officers wear the plain (no insignia) SF flash, and affix
regular size bright metal rank insignia centered on the flash. SF beret should be worn while
in garrison with all authorized uniforms. Wear ABU cap when a subdued appearance is
required, or while in the field. SF personnel do not wear organizational baseball caps; this
does not include caps worn to identify SF patrols. SF berets are worn only by SF personnel
assigned to officer Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 31PX and enlisted AFSCs 3P0XX/A/B."
I have never seen a beret with the flash actually directly embroidered on the felt. It has always been a separate "patch" that is sewn on to the "stiffer."
CMSgt James Nolan
SSgt (Join to see)
I actually bought it at the PX near the schoolhouse back when I was going through tech school. I thought it would be better to wear it when outdoors at ICBM sites than one of the sewn on flashes that I could reserve for guard mount & inspection. Never had it pointed out as improper by any flight sgts.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
With the way I see folks wear them today, I think they need a good lesson in proper wear and mx of them.
SSgt (Join to see)
You mean like the fellas that wear them and they look like their ear is the only thing keeping them on their heads? lol
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