Posted on Sep 20, 2016
Are third parties a viable way to raise issues in US politics?
Responses: 7
At the very minimum, the other two parties must react to the presence of the third party.
The eventual goal of both parties is TOTAL monopoly of Power. The two party system is equilibrium of Power. A third party threatens equilibrium and the eventual gaining of monopoly (counter-intuitive since third parties tend to draw from the discontent of BOTH sides).
We have modern examples where the dynamic has worked. Ross Perot and the Tea Party are both effectively sub-party movements. In the case of the latter, it was reabsorbed before total split and the party politics shifted accordingly.
The major issue is not however the presence of a third party though, it is the ATTITUDE of others regarding it. "Some" seem to think either party is entitled to MY or YOUR vote. They are not. It doesn't mathematically matter who I vote for. "I" am statistically irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. "I" am never going to change the course of an election. This is compounded by how our election system is set up, especially at the Presidential level. The flawed logic of "A vote for X is a vote for Y" has somehow permeated our society and really needs to be stomped out anytime someone says this BS, otherwise we're going to get the candidates we deserve rather than the ones we want.
Edit: Spelling. No more typing at 6:30
At the very minimum, the other two parties must react to the presence of the third party.
The eventual goal of both parties is TOTAL monopoly of Power. The two party system is equilibrium of Power. A third party threatens equilibrium and the eventual gaining of monopoly (counter-intuitive since third parties tend to draw from the discontent of BOTH sides).
We have modern examples where the dynamic has worked. Ross Perot and the Tea Party are both effectively sub-party movements. In the case of the latter, it was reabsorbed before total split and the party politics shifted accordingly.
The major issue is not however the presence of a third party though, it is the ATTITUDE of others regarding it. "Some" seem to think either party is entitled to MY or YOUR vote. They are not. It doesn't mathematically matter who I vote for. "I" am statistically irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. "I" am never going to change the course of an election. This is compounded by how our election system is set up, especially at the Presidential level. The flawed logic of "A vote for X is a vote for Y" has somehow permeated our society and really needs to be stomped out anytime someone says this BS, otherwise we're going to get the candidates we deserve rather than the ones we want.
Edit: Spelling. No more typing at 6:30
COL Lee Flemming
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS Ross Perot absolutely changed the landscape of the political process and thoughts as it pertains to third party politics!!
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
COL Lee Flemming - He did. Barring all else, the shift of Presidential debates from the League of Women Voters to the CPD was probably the largest.
They are I think. Right now, I also feel there are too many red and blue supporters though for a third party to make a difference COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
TSgt Joe C. yesterday an impassioned third party supported highlighted that they can be particularly effective as it pertains to singular issues that have an energized support base.
There are several smaller parties with amazing ideas and interested people. The way current powers control the system, the American system has been transformed to keep third parties out forcing to pick between two options.
Modern Whig Party is a group of people started by veterans. ...but to become a real Presidential option, it will take a dedicated decade to grow from local, state, and national offices all over the country- that's not an easy task when entrenched encumbrances control the purse.
Modern Whig Party is a group of people started by veterans. ...but to become a real Presidential option, it will take a dedicated decade to grow from local, state, and national offices all over the country- that's not an easy task when entrenched encumbrances control the purse.
Welcome to The Modern Whig Party of America. We are a political party based on reason, civility, and service to our country. A grassroots force founded by veterans, we are committed to fighting for a political system based on common sense and courage.
COL Lee Flemming
MSG (Join to see) thanks for sharing this third party example. I had not heard of their platform and agenda until now!!
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