Are you hungry for knowledge or waiting to be taught?
I am constantly researching regs and learning new stuff. However, on the topic of the Nike boots, I did not know they were unauthorized until I became a rallypoint member. While I do make it a habit to read regulations, I don't make it a habit to read tags on boots to see what they are made of. That is probably the same across the Army, and is the reason that Soldiers have been "wearing them for two years with nobody saying anything". I have also known Soldiers wearing them and prior to my newly gained knowledge did not correct them.
On a very similar note, I was talked at (not to, but at) when I first got to TRADOC about starching my uniform. Was made to take off my top and read the tag on the inside where it says "do not starch". I knew what it said but humored this leader anyways. Brought one of my old BDU tops in the next day to show them the tag that said the same thing and ask where the difference was (you didn't dream of coming to formation in a non starched BDU uniform) with ignoring one or the other. I was then told to "do as I am told".
I feel like a bit of both should always be employed. When you are attempting to answer your own questions in relation to the wear of the uniform, how you are to conduct yourself, etc then personal research is best.
When you are attempting to advance in your specialty I feel that both can hold equal weight as you can continue to adapt your own knowledge by research and asking questions, but should also be open to listening when others speak.
I mostly try to follow the aggressive pursuit of knowledge, but one must never let that blind them to the receipt of knowledge from those attempting to assist.