Posted on Sep 10, 2015
SFC Joseph McCausland
I have talked to quite a few veterans lately who are finding it difficult to find employment.
So.... if you are a veteran seeking employment I offer the following:

Military Veterans who are seeking employment in the "civilian" work sector need to know "YOU" are unique, "YOUR" training, knowledge and experiences have set "YOU" apart from all those who did not serve. "YOU" have what they want and they are seeing and realizing what unique traits (those NOT taught in academia) that our Veterans bring to the table. The next time you find yourself sitting across from your interviewer(s)........ "Be Proud" (YOU "Earned" that right) "Be Confident" (without being arrogant) "Be Knowledgeable" (without being boastful) "Be Professional" (in a "friendly manner")

Above all....Remember! "YOU" are a United States of America "Military Veteran".

GOD Bless to all my brothers and sisters who proudly serve and have served Our Great Nation.

Now! Go out and get that "great" job that you rightly deserve.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
SSG Leo Bell
You are so right on what you said here. I've been to job interviews and allot of them turn me down because of my medical disabilitys and the medications I'm on. I did get a job however. It's part time and I though I would be just a cashier at the store but to find out they put me in a supervisors position because of my military back ground. We veterans are a breed of very special people and company's want us. Go out there and get what you have earned in the cilivian world. I salute all my brothers and sisters here on RP

SFC Joseph McCausland
SFC Joseph McCausland
>1 y
I only have three words to add to your closing words in your comment.... Amen! and Amen!
I am however concerned about your opening words of how you were "turned down" because of your medical disabilities and the prescribed medications you are taking.
Did you "volunteer" this information because this is information that NO job interviewer acting as an agent for their employer can ask someone during the course of a job interview, otherwise they are "IN VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW?"

As far as taking drugs.... you can be asked if you are "currently" using "illegal" drugs and when it come to disability, you can only be ask "If you are able to perform the "physical" requirements that the position you are applying for calls for..or words to that effect. If they feel it's needed, they can ask you to actually perform a task that would be part of your day to day work activities, IE, lifting up to 60 lbs.

Monster.Com wrote a great article on what a job interviewer CAN and CAN NOT ask their interviewee, for those still in the job hunt, I highly recommend that you check it out.

If they did come right out and asked you..."Do you have any medical disabilities or are you on any medications.... THEN WE HAVE A 'BIG' PROBLEM and I would like to know who these companies were so we can put a stop to this.

Sergeant, please reach out to me at... [login to see] , I would like to hear the "whole story".
SSG Leo Bell
SSG Leo Bell
>1 y
Will email you the whole story.
SFC Joseph McCausland
SFC Joseph McCausland
>1 y
Roger that, thank you.
SSG Leo Bell
SSG Leo Bell
>1 y
I just emailed you.
Thank you
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
SFC Joseph McCausland well said.

There is a linked in group Veteran's Mentor Network that is all about the issues facing Veterans in search of employment.
SFC Joseph McCausland
SFC Joseph McCausland
>1 y
Thank You Steven. I am sure you have heard the expression that "knowledge is power", yet "just knowing" yields no power at all, it is only when we put into action the knowledge we have learned that its' power is revealed.

I am reminded of a "very large" sign that greeted me as I walked through the doors every drill week-end when I was assigned to an Armor Unit in New Jersey....


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Cpl Brian Schwarm
I thought it was really easy, good employers love veterans, I really just kind of talked normally (colloquial) through my interview and everything went fine
SFC Joseph McCausland
SFC Joseph McCausland
>1 y
Great news Cpl, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
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