Posted on Aug 23, 2015
Are You Tired Of Hearing That The Female Rangers Were Shown Special Treatment?
So is Maj. Jim Hathaway, the Ranger Training Brigade executive officer. So, here is what MAJ Hathaway did.
Ranger School Officer Smacks Down Facebook Trolls:
If you’ve followed the progress of the Army’s female Ranger candidates at all on social media, then you’ve likely noticed a great deal of criticism directed at the women, as well as the Army’s Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia. Amid claims that standards were lowered, Maj. Jim Hathaway, the Ranger Training Brigade executive officer, took to Facebook to push back.
“No matter what we at Ranger School say the non-believers will still be non-believers. We could have invited each of you to guest walk the entire course, and you would still not believe, we could have video recorded every patrol and you would still say that we “gave” it away. Nothing we say will change your opinion. I and the rest of our cadre are proud of the conduct of our soldiers, NCOs and officers, they took the mission assigned and performed to the Ranger Standard. Rangers Lead the Way!!!!!”
Ranger School Officer Smacks Down Facebook Trolls:
If you’ve followed the progress of the Army’s female Ranger candidates at all on social media, then you’ve likely noticed a great deal of criticism directed at the women, as well as the Army’s Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia. Amid claims that standards were lowered, Maj. Jim Hathaway, the Ranger Training Brigade executive officer, took to Facebook to push back.
“No matter what we at Ranger School say the non-believers will still be non-believers. We could have invited each of you to guest walk the entire course, and you would still not believe, we could have video recorded every patrol and you would still say that we “gave” it away. Nothing we say will change your opinion. I and the rest of our cadre are proud of the conduct of our soldiers, NCOs and officers, they took the mission assigned and performed to the Ranger Standard. Rangers Lead the Way!!!!!”
Posted >1 y ago
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Did you know recycling is allowed during ranger school?
I keep hearing the rumbling of the women being given an unfair advantage to complete Ranger school because they were allowed to recycle. Wanting to know if this were true or not I searched for the rules regarding recycling through Ranger training and I came across this article. The article states that 101 Men were recycled with the women. Now I understand that there may be insider information regarding the women's performance ratings and or individual task completion that may sway my opinion if I knew it, but I don't so what I see is that men are recycled the same as the women. (don't jump on me because I didn't use he/she..)"Here's what I found by the book, "If student performs successfully, but suffers an injury that keeps him from finishing, he may be medically recycled (med recycle) at the discretion of either the battalion or the Ranger Training Brigade commander; he will be given an opportunity to heal and finish the course with the next class. Students recycled in the first phase are temporarily assigned to Vaughn's Platoon (informally known as the "Gulag" to Ranger students). Recycled students typically receive classes on Ranger School tasks and perform a variety of general tasks for their respective Ranger Training Battalion. While marking time at Ranger School is not always pleasant, those who have been recycled typically perform well when reinserted back into the course, with pass rates well over 80%.
Students can also be recycled for a variety of other reasons, including failing their patrol evaluations, peer evaluation, collecting 3 or more bad spot reports in a phase, or receiving a Serious Observation Report (SOR). Students may receive SORs for actions including, but not limited to, negligent discharges, safety violations involving demolitions or mountaineering, not looking through their sights while firing, or throwing away ammunition to lighten their load while on patrol. If a student fails a phase twice for the same reason (patrols, peers, etc.) he will usually be dropped from the course, but may possibly be offered a "day one restart," and will restart on Day 1 of the next Ranger School class. In rare cases, those assessed of honor violations (lying, cheating, stealing) and SORs may be offered a day one restart as opposed to being dropped from the course."
I keep hearing the rumbling of the women being given an unfair advantage to complete Ranger school because they were allowed to recycle. Wanting to know if this were true or not I searched for the rules regarding recycling through Ranger training and I came across this article. The article states that 101 Men were recycled with the women. Now I understand that there may be insider information regarding the women's performance ratings and or individual task completion that may sway my opinion if I knew it, but I don't so what I see is that men are recycled the same as the women. (don't jump on me because I didn't use he/she..)"Here's what I found by the book, "If student performs successfully, but suffers an injury that keeps him from finishing, he may be medically recycled (med recycle) at the discretion of either the battalion or the Ranger Training Brigade commander; he will be given an opportunity to heal and finish the course with the next class. Students recycled in the first phase are temporarily assigned to Vaughn's Platoon (informally known as the "Gulag" to Ranger students). Recycled students typically receive classes on Ranger School tasks and perform a variety of general tasks for their respective Ranger Training Battalion. While marking time at Ranger School is not always pleasant, those who have been recycled typically perform well when reinserted back into the course, with pass rates well over 80%.
Students can also be recycled for a variety of other reasons, including failing their patrol evaluations, peer evaluation, collecting 3 or more bad spot reports in a phase, or receiving a Serious Observation Report (SOR). Students may receive SORs for actions including, but not limited to, negligent discharges, safety violations involving demolitions or mountaineering, not looking through their sights while firing, or throwing away ammunition to lighten their load while on patrol. If a student fails a phase twice for the same reason (patrols, peers, etc.) he will usually be dropped from the course, but may possibly be offered a "day one restart," and will restart on Day 1 of the next Ranger School class. In rare cases, those assessed of honor violations (lying, cheating, stealing) and SORs may be offered a day one restart as opposed to being dropped from the course."
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