Posted on Feb 17, 2014
SSG Retired!!!
The thing that got my attention a few weeks ago to RP is something that said there is help with getting your next assignment on here.<div>Besides seeing who in your MOS/grade is PCSing at the same time, I don't see anything else.</div><div>Am I missing something? Or do I just ask my assignment manager to switch me with SSG Xxxx at fort Xxxxx.</div><div>Anyone use RP to get your next duty station?</div>
Posted in these groups: The pentagon us department of defense building Assignments2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 6
CPT Aaron Kletzing
ALCON, in the main navigation bar, go to CAREER CORNER --> MILITARY ASSIGNMENTS. Make sure your PCS date is listed in your RP profile. From here, you can see PCS options that will be coming open anywhere in the world, +/- a few months of your PCS date, depending on the settings you choose. Once you see a slot you want, go to the unit page of that unit on RP and connect with leaders there to try to get a by name request, or use this info to talk with branch, or use some alternate COA to pursue the opening. We have had several members do this successfully. Good luck!
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
>1 y
This is the page I just referred to:
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
I wish RallyPoint had this site up when I was still in. I spent almost 20 years trying to get to Fort Lewis. Jealous.
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
10 y
We barely had computers 20 years ago. Slow, dialup, limited use and not very common.
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1SG Steven Stankovich
One of the things that RallyPoint affords you is the ability to connect with folks at your next duty assignment before you get there.&nbsp; If you have assignment instructions to "X BDE," then you can contact the Senior NCOs in that BDE about getting slotted prior to arrival.&nbsp; It can be used as an unofficial sponsorship program.&nbsp; I have passed ERBs to other 1SGs and CSMs on here before.&nbsp; While it is not 100% guaranteed that you get what you want, it does offer you the ability to be proactive.
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
MSG Stankovich,

I agree wholeheartedly! Before I came to my current assignment, I connected with my new commander and first sergeant here on RallyPoint after using the Search by Location feature. I love that RallyPoint makes it so easy for me to be proactive.
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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic

RP is a great resource in connecting with people who are already where you are or may be going, but it has no official connection with any US Military department.  So to think that RP will help you get your next dream assignment is somewhat naieve.

I love RP and the ability to see and connect with Military personnel all over the globe.  I plan on using RP to see and connect with people at my next assignment.  However, I have no illusions that RP can or will have any direct involvement in my assignments.

SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
Never underestimate the power of networking. My PSG was playing golf on a Sunday and met a Colonel. After a few beers and some chatting, he miraculously came down on orders to work in Italy. Never say never, and keep the channel open SSG(P) (Join to see) Do you have your follow on assignment yet, brother?
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Merino: I am just about halfway through my Korea assignment. My HAAP assignment is Fort Bragg. Let's see if the Army keeps its word (yes I have it in writing)!
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