Posted on Sep 24, 2015
1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor

Sharia Law which is the Law of Islam is complete counter indicative of the United States Constitution, SEE BELOW:
Sharia law is the law of Islam. The Sharia (also spelled Shariah or Shari'a) law is cast from the actions and words of Muhammad, which are called "Sunnah," and the Quran, which he authored.
The Sharia law itself cannot be altered, but the interpretation of the Sharia law, called "figh," by imams is given some leeway.
As a legal system, the Sharia law covers a very wide range of topics. While other legal codes deal primarily with public behavior, Sharia law covers public behavior, private behavior and private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Islam's Sharia law is the most intrusive and strict, especially against women.
According to the Sharia law:
• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
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Responses: 58
Sgt Sherry Taylor-Bruce
Dr Carson makes valid points, active Muslims share ideals that are contrary to the ideals and principles that America was founded on. He was in ROTC while in school, so he understands chain of command and will consult experts when he makes decisions. Of the 56 signers of the declaration of independence 5 were physicians, 25 were lawyers and 17 served in the military during the Revolutionary War. None wanted to kill people that didn't share their values.

If you look up the origin of political correctness it was associated to the Marxist regime where people were indoctrinated to their way of thinking, who decides what is correct?
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SPC Andrew Griffin
From What I just read about Sharia Law! NO!!!! It does not line up with the Ideals of the Constitution!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
It is not the national charter for religion to create laws. How do you argue against god?
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Off course it's not compatible. On a side note, I am sick of all of the political correctness surrounding current events. In order to be a faithful, devoted Muslim, we can't be considered equals in their eyes, can we? I mean, not just from practical experience... This is just a surface of a deeper, not so pleasant issue.
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
>1 y
I was a devoted faithful Muslim, I have never looked at anyone below me, in fact I served my whole 6 years as a Muslim and let go of my faith upon leaving. Not because of the religion, but because I have faith in other beliefs.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
Not necessarily below, but not equal. I am not saying all are like this, but from my own experience, the view is pretty grim unfortunately (both from where I'm from and what I've felt/seen).
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
I think the same could be said of Christianity and Judaism, or any other religion. I'm not aware of one that doesn't see non-believers as inferior.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
lol oh brother... hahaha...
LCpl Mark Lefler
Dr. Carson is very wrong.. seriously? you show this as if somehow it represents all of Islam? how about picking up a college level book on world religions or read the Koran instead of this bullshit. Oh and if you think Muslims shouldn't be in government, tell that to the ones buried in Arlington.
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Maj William Gambrell
Not true, look at Indonesia. Most are not married under civil law but are married under Islam. I know this for a fact. Separation of Church and State exists in the largest Muslim country in the world.
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MAJ Matthew Arnold
I have posted an excerpt from a quote from Bridgette Gabriel before saying "The peaceful [Muslim] majority is irrelevant". Since several posts in this forum continue to mention the peaceful Muslim majority I post the full quote below, hoping to persuade all that the peaceful majority is irrelevant.

"There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. Of course not all of them are radicals. The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15-25% according to all intelligence services around the world.
"That leaves 75% of [Muslims being] peaceful people. But when you look at 15-25% of the world's Muslim population, you're looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization. That is as big as the United States," said Gabriel.

"So why should we worry about the radical 15-25%? Because it is the radicals that kill. Because it is the radicals that behead and massacre," Gabriel said.
"When you look throughout history, at the lessons of history, most Germans were peaceful. Yet the Nazis drove the agenda. And as a result, 60 million people died, almost 40 million in concentration camps. 6 million were Jews. The peaceful majority were irrelevant," Gabriel said.
"When you look at Russia, most Russians were peaceful as well. But the Russians were able to kill 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
"When you look at China for example, most Chinese were peaceful as well. Yet the Chinese were able to kill 70 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
"When you look at Japan prior to World War II, most Japanese were peaceful people too. Yet, Japan was able to butcher its way across Southeast Asia, killing 12 million people, mostly killed by bayonets and shovels. The peaceful majority were irrelevant," Gabriel said.
"On September 11th in the United States we had 2.3 million Arab Muslims living in the United States. It took 19 hijackers - 19 radicals - to bring America to its knees, destroy the World Trade Center, attack the Pentagon and kill almost 3000 Americans that day," Gabriel said.
"So for all our power of reason, and for all us talking about moderate and peaceful Muslims, I'm glad you're here. But where are the others speaking out?" Gabriel asked. The people in attendance began to applaud.
"And since you are the only Muslim representative here, you took the limelight instead of speaking about why our government - I assume you're an American [Ahmed responded yes.] As an American citizen, you sat in this room, and instead of asking a question about the four Americans that died [in Benghazi] and what our government is doing to correct the problem, you stood there to make a point about peaceful, moderate Muslims," said Brigitte Gabriel.
1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Matthew Arnold Excellent share Sir. Very important perspective that is often overlooked.
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1LT Aaron Barr
No, mohammedism isn't compatible with the Constitution in particular, nor Western civilization nor any other civilization and, if what I see on the news is any indication, completely incompatible with itself. Everywhere mohammedism is contact with another civilization, there's bloodshed and violence and now we have ISIS claiming that al Qaeda isn't muslim enough.....
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CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
Islam chooses to be incompatible with the U.S. Constitution. But hey, don't take my word for it...
1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor
1SG (Join to see)
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CPO Andy Carrillo, MS Thanks for sharing. A picture is worth a thousand words.
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Cpl Mark McMiller
Edited >1 y ago
The problem with Islam is that it is a religion that comes with its own judicial system, Sharia, that does not recognize individual freedoms. Sharia is Islam and Islam is Sharia; they are inseparable. The literal translation of the word Islam is "Submission to Allah" and Sharia is Allah's legal system. Those that say otherwise are either clueless or liars. Sharia and, therefore, Islam are incompatible with our Constitution.
1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller Thanks for your thoughts on this topic. Well are spoken, opinion.
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