Posted on May 15, 2023
What are the eligibility requirements to go before an E-5 promotion board?
Hello, I am looking into going to the board and am wondering what the eligibility is for a promotion board. I am currently completing DLC-1 and want to get ahead of the curve, Are there any TIS TIG requirements?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
AR 600-8-19* has the answers.
The time requirements for an appearance before the promotion board for SGT is:
Secondary zone: 17 months TIS, 5 months TIG (for those rising stars - CDR recommendation only)
Primary zone: 35 months TIS, 11 months TIG (everyone else)
Mandatory list integration: 47 months TIS, 23 months TIG (if you haven't been promoted and still remain eligible by this point, then HQDA integrates you into the promotion list automatically)
The time requirements for an appearance before the promotion board for SGT is:
Secondary zone: 17 months TIS, 5 months TIG (for those rising stars - CDR recommendation only)
Primary zone: 35 months TIS, 11 months TIG (everyone else)
Mandatory list integration: 47 months TIS, 23 months TIG (if you haven't been promoted and still remain eligible by this point, then HQDA integrates you into the promotion list automatically)
Did you talk to your NCO? Supervisor? PSG? 1SG? I'm just curious because any NCO can answer this for you and should have already counseled you on this in monthly counseling. Or whoever your supervisor is should be counseling you monthly and this should be part of it. If you aren't getting counseled monthly, you're being failed. If they haven't counseled you on what to do for the promotion board, you're being failed by leadership.
SGT Ruben Lozada
Excellent response and this is the same response I was thinking about. Counseling is very important in order to know what materials or documents to gather towards a promotion board.
You are being let down if you aren't receiving counselling on a monthly basis. Leadership has failed you if they haven't given you advice on how to ace the promotion board.
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