Posted on Jun 29, 2014
PO1 Master-at-Arms
To all who have been personally affected by this post, I extend my public and personal apology. Be assured that IN NO WAY was this post intended to impinge on anyone's personal beliefs. As previously stated, I still have the same stand on 'keep it to yourself' on whatever choices you make. That means gay AND straight.

That also means if I hear anyone talking about how many b**%&es they knocked up or junk in the trunk, I will still politely and firmly ask them to stop. I also realized that I'm a service member just like most of us here. Offending and causing strife amongst brothers and sisters in arms was my ABSOLUTELY LAST INTENTION.

If anything, this post served for me as a personal lesson on how to express myself on public media, especially in writing, and hope it served a lesson for you to choose your words carefully, especially when addressing most of us wearing uniform here on Rallypoint.

I also wanted to thank MAJ Yinon Weiss for encouraging me to deal with it, learn from people's reactions, and restating my view in less hostile manner. Once again, as a brother and sister in arms, I may not like your certain points of view and you may not like some of mine, but let's agree to disagree, express ourselves more tactfully, and stay focused on our mission to this beloved country of ours.
Hooyah, hooah, hoorah, and hip-hip hooray (USAF?)
Posted in these groups: Pride logo Pride1fd5e038 Celebration
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 57
SSG Retired
To answer everyone above SGT Jeremiah Brookins, Po2, SFC Benevedez ect Homosexulity is a choice and what ever idiotic scientist says otherwise also was the same group that published the now disputed Global warming as frour foundng fathers being religous zelots that is exactly what they were as they were breaking away from the european ideas of christianity and if you go o Washington you wil find just how much the Bible influnced our founding fathers with the 10 commandments adorning the halls of congress and the Supreme Court a wll as every other monument there The aurthors or the Declaration of independece and the constitution as well as te articals of confederation were very religous men as they even signed their own death warrants when they signethe Declaration as for myself yes I agree that the Bible teaches to lve thy neighbor but on the other hand i also teaches that the Isrealites were to cmit genicide and wipe out everyone that lived in the area of Cannan which ony portion of that area gven to them by God is now modern day Isreal. it also stats thathomosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord or God and those fond to be practcing shold be taken out and stoned Also because of homosexuality the Lord destroyed both Soddom and Gomorrah by raining brimstone down on the area and I beliieve that if this country does not turn back to God and consider homosexuality to be the abonination that it is that he (God) will dstroy this nation a he did Soddom and Gomorrah and that is why I feel that homosexuls have no place in the miltary, this country, or anywhere else in the world if my beliefs are wrong under the teachings of the Lord or God then I will learn that when I face the Lord on judgment day
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
10 y
Climate change researchers are a completely different group of people from the psychologists and psychiatrists who do research into human sexuality. Nice try though.

We are not a theocracy, no matter how much some might want to make it so.

Jesus' greatest commandment was "Love one another", and what I'm seeing makes me physically ill as a man and as a Christian, because it's NOT what Jesus said to do.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
SFC Joseph Weber While I am an Agnostic Deist, I have to stop you there. The original reason the establishment clause was put in the Constitution is because since no less than 6 states had official state religions they did not want the federal government to show preference. Furthermore, I'd like to relate Thomas Jefferson's views on religion (views I share) via this anecdote: "...with his large red prayer book under his arm when a friend querying him after their mutual good morning said which way are you walking Mr. Jefferson. To which he replied to Church Sir. You going to church Mr. J. You do not believe a word in it. Sir said Mr. J. No nation has ever yet existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I as chief Magistrate of this nation am bound to give it the sanction of my example. Good morning Sir."
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
Yep, you got it in one. Jefferson also believed that morality via religion was necessary to make the US form of government work. I see wisdom in that POV.
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MAJ Company Commander
Please take the time to research a valid argument before posting an opinion if you expect to encourage a proper discussion. This website is not about getting likes or dislikes but this thread seems to be geared towards such. I don’t think you understand what the DADT policy is nor do you grasp why it is a step forward. If you do understand this all, then please post more in your original argument. As for my opinion, I think we are slowly heading down the correct path.
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CPO Christopher Chumbley
I served both before and during don't ask don't tell. I also served with sailors that I knew where homosexual. I did not give a damn. I only carred if they did their job and took care of their shipmates. I only was involved in one case in my career that sexual prefence was an issue. I was the OOD and recieved a call about 0200 from the Airforce Police at a neighboring base telling me that they had one of the sailors from my command in custody and asking me to come pick him up. It took me 5 minutes to even get them to tell me what the charges were. Then another 20 minutes to get the details of the violation and arrest from the incredibly embarrassed young female 2nd Lt. One of their patrols had noticed a single car in an otherwise empty parking lot. Upon approaching the vehicle they discovered two completely naked young men together in the back seat doing something that no amount of coaxing from me would get the 2nd Lt to tell me over the phone exactly what they were doing except that it was sexual. I thanked her for calling and told her that someone would be there soon to pick him up. I then spent the next 10 minutes rolling on the floor laughing, trying not to pee my pants, telling my on duty fire and security watch the story, and wondering how to write this in the log book. Now for you non-Navy types as the OOD (Officer Of the Deck) I was notionally the second in command while the CO and XO are away from the command. I was an E-5 at the time and had just been counseling an Air Force Officer about how to do her job. Do you think for a minute that I was going to go pick him up? The CDO (Command Duty Officer) was in Command but it was a sleep-in watch who was only awakened in the event that there was something going on that the OOD could not handle, or when the CO and XO needed to be notified. The CDO that night happened to be an old Navy Chief so woke him up, handed him a hot cup of coffee and then explained the situation to him. He made me repeat it three times and just kept shaking his head. He went and got the guy and confined him to his barracks room except that he had to report to me in full dress uniform for a thorough inspection every 30 minutes. This was in 1985. He was a complete dirt bag or he might have been able to stay in with an NJP. As it was he got an Admin Discharge and was back in the States and out of the Navy in just under 24 hours.
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SGT Jay Ehrenfeld
this make me sick to the core the DOD promote against the regulation it make me sick to look at it
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SSG Pod Load Technician
SSG Pod Load Technician
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10 y
I think it is a choice. If you wanna think outside the box, here ya go..... Think of the an outlet, and where the plug goes. The outlet is female, the prongs of the plug is male. But, if we are willing to accept other lifestyles, then why can other forms of relationships be accepted into the military like polygamy?
SSG Pod Load Technician
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PO1 Floyd Clark
PO1 Floyd Clark
10 y
Just look at the link:

I wonder which way that will turn out.
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SGT Bn C&E Ncoic
Repelling DADT is not abour parading someone's sexual preference. Is about the the spouse's benefits. Under DADT, if a same sex couple got married, the spouse of the soldier would not be entitled to any benefits because it was a big no no to tell the military that you were gay. Now, same sex spouses have the same benefits as heterosexual spouses. And that's a good thing, there's no discrimination because of someones sexual preference.

Now, about the whole parade thing they do and all that gay pride stuff, I think is stupid. The way I see it, there's a difference between equal rights, and asking for special treatments. And to me the parades and the whole gay pride thing is just people asking for special treatment. If you are gay, cool, live your life with who ever you want, that don't bother me at all. We can even be best friends for all I care. But don't try to shove down other peoples throat your sexual preference because that's nobody's business. You don't see heterosexuals parading and wearing "heterosexual pride" tshirts. lol
SSG Retired
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
just stop the DADTand even allowing Homosexuals to serve in the military as they should ot be allolwed to serve and there should not be any maritial bnefits available to members of same sex unions as the Bible states tha marriage is between man and woman not betweem man and man or woman and woman but between man and woman. ge rid of the socalled gay pride I want the word gay back a it means happy, merry and joyouse not soe peverted sexual act. The teachings of ourLord re very clear on this matter homosexuals are an abomination unto the Lord our God and should be wipedoff of the face of the earth as ws Soddom an Gomorrah.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
SSG (Join to see) please stop making Texans look so bad! Seriously, their is no room for religious zealotry in military service. You can have your personal opinion as it is your right in this country, but you must respect the right of others to choose as they see fit. For those still in active service, do not ever allow your personal views to outweigh your professionalism and your duty to protect ALL Americans, regardless of their orientation.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
10 y
And by the way, SSG Edwads, we are NOT a theocracy, as I've told you before.
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SSG Retired
Absolutely not We should revrt to removing every Homosexual from the mlitary service dont ask dnt tell was nothing more than a farcewe need to not only force them from the military but alsoban homosexul marriage and even civil unions take backour word Gay which means merry, joyuce, happy notsome peverted sexual preference that is taugt it is not natural. We need t turn tis country and is beliefs back to God and mral thinking not bending over backwards to please a peverted minority but back to our christiann roots and heratige as laid out by our founding fathers. Furthermore we need to close our borders usng miltary force to do so even it it means executing those that cross the border illegaly an those that help them to cross.
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
10 y
PO1 (Join to see) Discussions about difficult issues should not be ignored. I think there are many opinions on both sides of the DATD issue, and we should not shy away from having those opinions expressed. However, thanks to immediate feedback, RallyPoint does help people learn how to more tactfully express their opinions -- which I believe is also professionally developing. My advice for you, if you like, is to edit the way you phrased your original question. The actual question, in and by itself, is not something that should be deleted. Furthermore, we've had many other people post their own opinions on here, and we do not delete the legitimate thoughts of others.
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
LTC Yinon Weiss, this is where I believe the line is drawn for me however. I'm a service member serving alongside other service members. Though we have arguments and disagreements, in the military they should not get out of hand and out of control for the sake of preserving a good order and discipline. Different story if I were a veteran, but I'm not. Yet. And not planning to step down for a while. I'd hate to rub elbows with some members out in he field who are also here on rallypoint and letting personal differences get in the way regardless of how small those chances are. Editing this post will not remove all the outrage that members have posted. Although I learned a lesson or 2 in phrasing my opinion accordingly, others' opinions will still be here and cause collateral grief nevertheless. So I'm asking if you could still remove it along with all distressful comments please
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
10 y
PO1 (Join to see) We generally do not remove member comments at the request of other members. You can quickly see how that could degenerate into chaos with people requesting us to remove comments they don't like. Everyone needs to be responsible for their own voice.

I understand your concern about how others perceive things, and I believe that if you rephrase your comments, this issue will be diffused.
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
Roger that, LTC Yinon Weiss, have a great day
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