Posted on Dec 29, 2014
SSgt S Sgt
I am a enlisted Marine looking for other opportunities in other branches of service. The Marines have the MECEP program which allows enlisted Marines to go to school full time and on active duty so they can start or finish their degree and become officers. I am wondering if the Army has the same program or a similar program I could look into.

Any information, help, or comments are greatly appreciated!

Semper Fi!
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 33
LTC Yinon Weiss
Yes, though probably not through an Army program. You should be competitive for Army ROTC if you get into a school that has an ROTC program, or if you already have a college degree, you can apply to Army OCS. Your prior service experience should make you more competitive for those programs.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
TSgt Joshua Copeland
>1 y
Capt Jeff S., as I understand it, based on a change in 2005, all Active Duty Officers are commissioned as Regular Officers now.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Okay, thanks. I got out in 2000 so was unaware of that. : )
LtCol Joseph Crane
LtCol Joseph Crane
>1 y
Yes it can happen, I have a friend who was Marine enlisted, went MECEP and during MECEP converted to Navy Nuclear program and became Naval Officer.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. - Early in boot camp, I was summoned to the series commander's office, where he told me about MECEP and asked if I'd be interested. After he said I'd have to graduate boot camp and then essentially do it all over gain in OCS after college, I turned it down. Then when I was in the ARNG, I was twice asked to volunteer to attend a seminar where they try to talk you into attending OCS. When I didn't volunteer, my CO put me on orders and I attended and turned them down both times. I was really stupid back then.
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CPT Company Commander
There are several programs that the Army has. Some are the same as the MC and there a few more. What you are talking about is the equivalent to our "Hip Pocket Scholarship." It is used to give active duty members in the Army a break to finish their school. The issue you will have this is that you have to be in the Army to get it. The Army really isn't taking many prior service at all.

If you are looking to go Active Army your best chance would be an Army ROTC scholarship. Once you go to a school you would draw your GI Bill and enroll in ROTC to get a commission. You wouldn't get an active duty pay check but you would draw BAH while in school. If you want to further off set your pay you could join the Army National Guard and go into the "Simultaneous Membership Program" or SMP. In this case you will be assigned to a unit as a cadet and go to school. You would draw your GI Bill and make drill pay on top of that. You would also get education benefits from the National Guard. You would still be able to go the Active Army once you grad from college.

If you had a degree you could go into a OCS program. The Regular Army has theirs at Fort Benning, GA. You will have to go to a Officers Board and get selected. Then the process begins. There is also the National Guard. I was prior enlisted and Commissioned in the Army National Guard. I went to an Active Duty OCS program called Accelerated OCS. I went to Fort McClellan, AL, as LTC Stephen C. spoke of . They are regionally aligned to support the North Carolina National Guard. I then went on to Infantry Officers Course and Ranger School from the National Guard. But I am only a weekend drilling soldier. You would be a civilian and only drawing pay for one weekend a month.

I hope this hopes. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
SSgt S Sgt
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you so much for your help Sir! I am wanting to stay active duty, and serve active duty in the Army. Does this help at all or change things?
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) There is pretty much one option that leaves you. You would have to enlist in the Army and get a scholarship while you are in the Army. The Green to Gold program was mentioned earlier. It looks like you are coming from a musical background. That would help you. I know that if you are talented in music, especially in military music, you would have a chance to join the Army for that. The Army really doesn't take much prior service and the ones they do take are E-1 to E-4, unless you have a special skill. For you your music background may help you. Once you are in you could apply for Green to Gold. You could also just going to school online while you are service and then apply to OCS. That would be another option if you were in.

With all of this you may have a better chance staying with the MC. You will be taking a risk trying to join the Army. You could get all the way to MEPS and they could say that there isn't a slot for you and you can't join.

I have attached a link to the Army Music program. That may be an option.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
Many thanks for your time and thoughts, CPT (Join to see)! BTW, I like the Ranger Rosa bit! Surely that's been run by you before!?
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
6 y
SSgt (Join to see), I know this thread is quite old, so it’s quite likely that you’ve made other decisions. However, I just wanted you to know that anything can happen if you’re determined, dedicated and ultimately become qualified.
I’m proud to say that CPT (Join to see) applied for active duty, was accepted, and now serves with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC. Can’t ask for better than that!
LT Shannon R
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SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSgt (Join to see) I went through the same process (my EAS was July 2014), the Army has many programs that were already mentioned. I at first went into the Army Reserves and tried to finish my Bachelors degree using the Army's SMP program. The program gives you the opportunity to compete for Active Duty just like the rest of the ROTC cadets. It will be tough because it's a huge mentality change (that goes the same for even the prior enlisted Army guys). That would be your best option. Now here is where I stand today...I did not complete the program. I happen to see a Marine Officer Selection Recruiter at my campus, we had a friendly conversation and I joked about going back into the Corps. Turns out it wasn't a joke and the Corps is looking for more Officers. I was not competitive for the MECEP while I was in at all, but for the PLC program I am. The Corps can guarantee Active Duty, the Army you have to compete...and that is the reason why I changed course. FYI get an Air Contract and you will be golden. Hope this story helps! Just explore ALL of your options and make the best decision for your own growth.
CPO Byron Sargent
CPO Byron Sargent
8 y
Sounds like sound advice as long as he is relatively same position. May I ask what your final Marine rank was. I hope Staff Sgt Solberg can act in a timely manor sometimes programs change quickly. Good luck in your career whether it is Officer or Enlisted. I have a BA and MBA and chose to stay enlisted as going from CPO to Ensign would have been like starting at the bottom again.
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