Posted on Jan 14, 2021
I’m sure that most of us were appalled at the attack on our nation’s Capital on January 6, 2021. It truly saddens me that a lot of the rioters were Veterans and Retired Military personnel. My question is this, can those individuals who are retired lose their retirement benefits if the are convicted of Sedition or some other crime?
I know elections can generate strong emotions and passion. However to see so many Veterans and Retirees forget the oath to “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic “?
I know elections can generate strong emotions and passion. However to see so many Veterans and Retirees forget the oath to “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic “?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
What I am appalled by is the actions of everyone in DC. From the rioters to the politicians. I'm appalled by the people that spew hate. I'm appalled by the people that twist everything around. I'm appalled by the people that point fingers in the blame game and refuse to work together. My political affiliation aside, I'm appalled that both parties are pissing on the very document I swore to defend and that they swore to uphold.
I'm proud of the fact that our oath of office is to the constitution, and not to an individual or a branch of the government. Our oath places a responsibility on us, especially at the senior level, to read and study the understand it and interpret it as best we can. From the Federalist Papers to very recent interpretations of the constitution as a "living document", we need to be aware of the widely varying interpretations and attempt to remain apolitical as we execute our duties and lawful orders. I urge everyone to read it again.
The answer is no. They earned their retirement and whatnot and got out. They cannot be recalled except in very narrow circumstances. Those being:
Navy that retire with less than 30 years are transferred to fleet reserve until they serve 30 years and are then done. They cannot be recalled. However they can be processed for any crimes during that 30 year time.
All other branches no, once you get out that is it. You get out and if you can draw retirement you keep it, SS, SSI and the like you keep, same with VA benefits.
Navy that retire with less than 30 years are transferred to fleet reserve until they serve 30 years and are then done. They cannot be recalled. However they can be processed for any crimes during that 30 year time.
All other branches no, once you get out that is it. You get out and if you can draw retirement you keep it, SS, SSI and the like you keep, same with VA benefits.
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