Posted on Sep 25, 2020
SGT Avionics and Survivability Repairer
So I'll be exact and brief. I came down on orders to PCS overseas(1 year), but my report date is 5 months before my ETS date. I was given 2 options: 1. Reenlist/extend 2. Sign a dec statement.
That being said, I do not plan on reenlisting and have already started the transition process. So my questions are. Why would HRC put me on orders when there's no way I can accept them? And why do I have to sign a dec statement?

Also, can signing a dec statement hurt my chances of getting a federal job?
Posted in these groups: Military discharge 300x201 ETS/EAS
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Responses: 5
SFC Retention Operations Nco
HRC put you on orders because you CAN accept them. As with all branches in the military you are placed on assignment, you can choose to accept the assignment or separate from the active component of the branch. Your declination statement is a statement that says you’re declining to reenlist. You don’t have to sign it, your 1SG can sign for you stating that you decline to reenlist.
You can still apply to a federal job, you can still join the RC, and you will still have an Honorable discharge at ETS.
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Lt Col Jim Coe
Edited 4 y ago
This is an old personnel technique to thin the heard. You put people on orders for an overseas short-tour location and wait for them to decline the orders After they decline, you put the next service member in line on the same orders. Sooner or later they will find a service member who will take the assignment even if it means reenlisting. In the meantime, the HR folks have forced several folks to make life decisions they may have been putting off.

When I was passed over for O-6, I knew my next assignment would be a 1-year unaccompanied, overseas. I decided to retire instead.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
All that will happen with you signing a Dec Statement is you barring yourself from continued service. Guaranteeing you will ETS. Once the Dec Statement has been processed, your orders will be rescinded. And, no...your signing a Dec Statement will not hurt your chances of getting a Federal job.
SGT Avionics and Survivability Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
Thank you. Getting a straight forward answer has been a challenge.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
4 y
SGT (Join to see) - No worries. I had to do a Dec Statement once upon a time ago when I was in Germany and came down on orders to FT Riley about 4 months or so prior to my ETS.
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