Posted on Oct 3, 2022
Sgt Chrisotpher Holt
I have a Marine who is still within the Marine Corps. He is being medically separated and can barely stand for 5-10min. The Marine Corps ball is coming up. He told his NCOs that he did not want to pay for a $60 ticket, travel 49 miles, and pay $120 for one night at a hotel. He does not have a car either. They are giving him negative paperwork for not wanting to pay and attend. Is there a specific order that could prevent them from doing this? I feel this is a form of extortion (threatening to give negative paperwork for not paying).
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Responses: 24
LtCol Robert Quinter
Edited >1 y ago
I would recommend the Marine consult with an SJA at the base Legal Office after confirming the requirement with his Commanding Officer. Considering the years since I was on active duty, the regulations may have changed, but in my experience, if a serviceman is required to perform duties away from his assigned duty station, transportation, quarters, meals, and all expenses relative to the temporary assignment are to be covered by their unit. There is also the question concerning his medical suitability for performing the duty.
Frankly, this sounds more like threats at the section level since I cannot imagine a Commanding Officer issuing such a requirement.
MSgt Jack Sigman
MSgt Jack Sigman
>1 y
Yes and no about the CO. I have had many experiences with this being an “All Hands” event, particularly in peacetime and/or non-deployable units. As SSgt Murphy says, there are ways to make it happen without the Marine having to pay for it. My units had a shuttle bus for transpo. but you had to sign up for it so the command would know if they needed a 12 pax van or a 44pax bus. That vehicle would also leave about an hour after the ceremony was complete.
SSgt Michael Bowen
SSgt Michael Bowen
2 y
Although it's done more to officers then enlisted. Making voluntary and out of pocket paid events mandatory is nothing new. Now whether it's legal or not it's very unlikely it's on the books legal .
SFC Recruiting and Retention NCO (ANG)
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
Too many NCOs think they have authority they do NOT.
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
Ball attendance is generally required but the ticket is normally associated with the meal and sitting at a table. Most balls have gallery seating for those not sticking around for the meal. This seems less an issue with being on a med board and more about not wanting to spend $60 for a ticket. I'm sure this Marine isn't the only one on a budget. I'm sure they could carpool with other Marines. 49 Miles isn't that much of a commute. I'm sure if he stated he only wanted to attend the Ceremony and not receive a meal (which is what the price is associated with) there would be something worked out. I attended many a ball and nobody was forced by threat of NJP to pay for a ball ticket. I'm sure speaking to EO or FRO could help add some common sense to the conversation.
SSG Brian MacBain
SSG Brian MacBain
2 y
I spent 20yrs in the Army and never once I had to attend the Army Ball. If this is mandatory, I be dam sure that I will not be paying a dime. If I did not have a car, the unit would have to provide transportation and the cost of the meal as well as hotel room if needed. However, being only 49 miles, do not see that happening. I would have a meeting with the EO ASAP if I was being threaten with UCMJ and bad reviews.
CPT Richard Fematt
CPT Richard Fematt
2 y
Give me a cash app or Venmo and I will pay for this Marines final Marine Corps Ball. Sounds like there are other issues that have mot been addressed! Semper Fidelis Marine...SSgt/5811 June 1975-Feb 1991
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SSgt Christophe Murphy
2 y
CPT Richard Fematt This was posted 5 months ago. The ball has come and gone
CPT Richard Fematt
CPT Richard Fematt
2 y
SSgt Christophe Murphy I should no better Nov 10th, thanks for the feedback⭐️
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
If they so order him to be at the Ball as his designated Place of Duty, then yea....which would suck for this kid.
Cpl Wilfred I Banchs
Cpl Wilfred I Banchs
>1 y
But if its his place of duty then they are supposed to feed and accomodate him as a duty... so NO a DRINKING EVENT in TODAYS MILITARY would never be mandatory...
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Wilfred I Banchs - I agree. Making someone pay and attend an event that isn't mandatory.....but is straight BS in my book.
LCDR Aerospace Engineering Duty, Maintenance (AMDO and AMO)
LCDR (Join to see)
2 y
If it's his place of duty, then they need to provide a duty driver to get him there and back, since it's away from his normal place of duty. They also cannot require him to purchase the ticket. So he can stand duty outside the event... and then file an ethics complaint.
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