Posted on Dec 29, 2017
Can we make it a law that all Islamic immigrants must be sponsored by an American citizen, so an attack puts the sponsor on trial too?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 8
You bet, just as soon as you Justify your new law with how it would have stopped this former US Marine turned Islamic jihadist

FBI Charges Former Marine With Planning Christmas Day Terror Attack
The FBI has charged a former United States Marine and Muslim convert with planning an ISIS terror attack on San Francisco's Pier 39. The plot involved killing as many civilians as possible on Christmas day.
SGM Erik Marquez

San Francisco terror attack thwarted, feds say
A former US Marine talked with an undercover FBI employee about carrying out a terror attack over the holidays at Pier 39, a busy shopping and tourist area in San Francisco, according to an affidavit filed in US District Court in California on Friday.
Your question erroneously presupposes that all Muslims are bad. In fact, 99.9% of them are just people like you and I wanting to live their lives. You gonna require sponsors for Christians, Catholics, and Jews, too?
Cpl Robert Masi
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - I don't know if you read the polls, but around 50% of them around the world believe that violence is an acceptable way to deal with non-believers. The truth is, you don't know anything about Islam. So you are coming from your feelings. maybe you should spend time researching something before you form an opinion
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Cpl Robert Masi - I know more about Islam and studied more about it than you seem to have and most likely have known more since you were in diapers. I give a source for the silliness you are spouting please.
Have you read the Qua-ran from from to back, have you read the Bibble the same way or the Torah, I have. You seem nearly igrnoran of the Quaran other that parroting cherry picked quotes. from your writings I would say the same applies to Constitution and the foundations of US law since you have been making up imaginary laws.
Study source documents not the religious and political proganda that you seem to be relying on. For example the 1st Amendment, if you bothered to read it, guts your original proposal, the 14th does the same,
Here at least, even Conservatives will not let you stand on bigotry and lies to spew unconstitutional attacks on a faith, any faith. After all, we all of us swore to defend what you are attacking.
Have you read the Qua-ran from from to back, have you read the Bibble the same way or the Torah, I have. You seem nearly igrnoran of the Quaran other that parroting cherry picked quotes. from your writings I would say the same applies to Constitution and the foundations of US law since you have been making up imaginary laws.
Study source documents not the religious and political proganda that you seem to be relying on. For example the 1st Amendment, if you bothered to read it, guts your original proposal, the 14th does the same,
Here at least, even Conservatives will not let you stand on bigotry and lies to spew unconstitutional attacks on a faith, any faith. After all, we all of us swore to defend what you are attacking.
Frustrating, isn't it? You can hear the frustration in the question. America was designed for people who could handle freedom. That is, take responsibility for their actions. Islam fundamentally preaches that people can't be trusted with freedom. They are incapable of making decisions for themselves and, thus, cannot be held responsible for their decisions. Therein lies the real problem. How then can you transfer responsibility to a "sponsor"? They won't be able to control the people they sponsor if they cannot control their own behavior.
Cpl Robert Masi
Here is the problem:
It is illegal to obey any law in America that isn't the American Law. Islam is inseparable from Sharia Law. The Quran embodies 3 things: Dogma, Economics, and Law. Which really makes it an Ideology. That being said, in the Quran, every Mosque is a Sharia Law Court. And in order to be a Mosque leader, you have to be officially ordained to be a Sharia Law Judge. So every Mosque is an Epicenter of Criminality against America.
It is illegal to obey any law in America that isn't the American Law. Islam is inseparable from Sharia Law. The Quran embodies 3 things: Dogma, Economics, and Law. Which really makes it an Ideology. That being said, in the Quran, every Mosque is a Sharia Law Court. And in order to be a Mosque leader, you have to be officially ordained to be a Sharia Law Judge. So every Mosque is an Epicenter of Criminality against America.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Cpl Robert Masi - "It is illegal to obey any law in America that isn't the American Law' no it is not lt least in the reality most of the world lives in, in some fictional alternate reality it might
That is not even a good lie, Where did you get that silly and sad ignorant BS from? Please quote the Law that you say makes obeying such law illegal, delusions do not count.
That is not even a good lie, Where did you get that silly and sad ignorant BS from? Please quote the Law that you say makes obeying such law illegal, delusions do not count.
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