Posted on Sep 8, 2017
Can you defer a QMP separation due to a medical issue? Can your BN CDR authorize 60 days?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
CPT Mark Gonzalez
If the Soldier has a P3 and is accepted into the medical board process, it will delay the separation. However, they take time to review and sometimes the P3 is rejected. Your commander can only mildly influence the review process, as a division exists so that the commander cannot exercise influence on the outcome. Your commander can track it down and call over to inquire about the status. Otherwise, the Soldier has to prepare for separation. I've seen it go both ways before. As it relates to qmp Soldiers you should use your chain of responsibility as there were additional alaracts about this. They recognized that Soldiers would develop a need for medical care once notified, so they put tight measures in place. It may have changed, but that is their job to check on how this changes things.
In general, extensions for medical care go to the Surgeon General so it is not a local command decision, but there are regs on this as well. There is a difference though in receiving an extension for medical care and extension for a medical board.
In general, extensions for medical care go to the Surgeon General so it is not a local command decision, but there are regs on this as well. There is a difference though in receiving an extension for medical care and extension for a medical board.
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