Posted on May 29, 2015
PO1 Master-at-Arms
Mohammedfin 791x1024

A rally is planned for this Friday at the Arizona Mosque that seemingly mocks the prophet Mohammed. To make the matters worse, many of the participants are going to be armed.

This movement is a blatant illustration of the defense of 1st Amendment right, and should this right be violated, armed confrontations in defense of 2nd Amendment are to be anticipated.

One of its organizers is a former Marine Jon Ritzheimer who got slammed by Anderson Cooper on CNN. He was unable to stay consistent with his responses and in logical defense for the rally, all while putting his family in jeopardy (saying that he's in the process of relocating due to many threats from Muslims and non-Muslims alike).

What about you, do you agree with hosting such rally? Would you attend if you had an opportunity? Why or why not?

My personal take on this matter. This obviously seems to be a religion-sparked rally, therefore I'd go with my 'religion' of Christianity and why I oppose of this rally. I do NOT oppose of it for the fear of having my family persecuted, but of what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 8.

The chapter outlines practices that would cause a non-believer (or a new-believer in Christ) to stumble. Such habits (whether eating certain foods or conducting other seemingly harmless practices) should not be exercised around such individuals so as not to spite them (causing ungodly struggles).

So logically being at the Mosque and mocking Muhammad with the anticipation of armed resistance would probably not bring much credit to Christianity or American lifestyle, wouldn't you agree? Your turn.
Posted in these groups: Imgres Constitution77694128 Arizona
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 26
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
I see absolutely no reason for this rally ... period.
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Just an event begging for trouble (from religious fanatics or the police, or both) with no winners
SGT Anthony Rossi
SGT Anthony Rossi
>1 y
Totaly agree! This is the kind of junk that cause people that don't practice a faith to just shake there heads! I believe I. Convictions but what do you hope to accomplish with this?
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
>1 y
Personally, I think that they are just looking to stir up some trouble, incite a little violence, and get a lot of attention.
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
>1 y
I can think of several, albeit mostly foolish, reasons. Self promotion, a misguided attempt to draw out radicalized Muslim's in a time and place of their choosing, demonstrate they have as much of a right to publicly show their ignorance as the flag burners, remind people that in America we have freedom of speech - not freedom from speech, and that we are a country ruled by constitutional laws not by religious laws (i.e. Sharia law). What I can't come up with are any reasons why they should be prevented from doing it.
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SFC Mark Merino
Freedom of speech doesn't mean it is smart to do, especially in my neighborhood.
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Correct. Its original intention was to curb the tyrannical governmental involvement in private citizen's life. What this event does is tarnishes the American citizen's good name in the name of Constitution, so sad. Not much difference there from Westboro Baptist Church fanatics
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
>1 y
One can exercise his/her freedoms with a dose of common sense. After all, there is a time and a place for everything.
A1C Clay Slater
A1C Clay Slater
>1 y
I think that just becuase we can, doesn't mean we should. Freedom of speech often translates to, for many people and groups, "Let's bash on this other groups' beliefs because they conflict with ours."
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
"the rally also encourages participants to utilize their second amendment right at this event just in case our first amendment right comes under the much anticipated attack."

Real MENSA members at work here! They're also goating a gun battle, really nice!!
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
I'd love a head-count at this event of how many veterans are in attendance. My suspicion is such a head count will be low, so this faux patriotic masturbation display is partially for the benefit of people who realize their true contributions to freedom are a "lesser than" effort.
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