Posted on Apr 24, 2014
SGT Cavalry Scout
Just PCS'd to Fort Hood from Fort Riley. I was placed in a Platoon as a Team Leader. I inspected things right out the door. Counseling Packets... 5-6mo of consecutive no counselings. No SLRRT Counselings. Year old admin input ie ERBs etc. I make a memo assuming the date I filled the Team Leader Slot and typed up the intial counselings and had the SLRRTs ready to engage the Soldiers. Met the other Team Leader. A E5 promoted a month after myself. He consistently starts underminding my decisions with the soldiers and threatens them with negative counselings (that are never done) left and right for things I solved with a on the spot correction. He is never at work or PT. Dead man profile for the past 7 mo yet he sports the PT Badge when he is there and puts down the soldiers. I maintain a 300 and try my best to encourage the soldiers. The morale is the lowest I have seen in a squad let alone the platoon. I tried talking to him about it and he brushes it off. I talk to the squad leader and PSG but nothing is done. No support whatsoever. Ive been here a week and the guys are getting a little more motivated and the aura is great until this E5 comes around again usually the end of the day. From pv2 to PSG they refer to him as free paycheck... yet nothing is done to help his leadership skills? I am at a loss of words. I won't quit on those guys and I am trying to get this squad back up to speed but when another E5 is underminding my decisions and noone supports them. I feel infuriated these soldiers have been neglected as such. Any advice? It is greatly appreciated
Posted in these groups: Help1%281%29 Counseling
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 10
CW2 Joseph Evans
He disappears all day and the Squad leader isn't stepping up. Step in, step up.
Either you'll motivate some others to actually do their jobs or they'll fade out because the jobs getting done. Either way, you win, the Soldiers win.
You may have to put up with his shenanigans for first and last formation, but that's a small price to pay if you got the rest of the squad dancing to your beat.

You've only been there a week and you don't know what else is going on though and some things are probably about to change. If you've demonstrated good initiative, reliability and judgment, you should be fine.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Lead by example... it's infectious... it is noticed.. and peers will bring them self's up to your level (hopefully challenging you to high standards as well) or the will continue to embarrass them self's.

Eventually a leader with the ability to modify the other TL s behavior will notice..... and then the tough questions start for the TL's supervisors, from squad leader to commander.

Sometimes this change is not quick,, it may take a new Sq Ldr , PSG, 1SG, PL, CDR, CSM to PCS in.... until then.. Do whats right, never stop offer that olive branch to the other TL... one day he may realize it's easier, better, more rewarding to work as a team, then to work at dragging others down to his level.

I spent a couple of days at Hood in 1st CAV.. it has its fair share of GREAT leaders......and useless ones as well am sorry to say.
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1SG Eric Rice
You have taken the first step to initiate change already from what you have stated in the forum. It is important that you continue to do what is right. Always be an engaged leader and do not do anything that will not let you sleep peacefully at night. Even though you are the "New Guy" you can influence change by demonstrating what right looks like. Sometimes when faced with toxic leadership situations you must be the beacon of light for others to emulate to include peers, junior soldiers, as well as senior leadership in the organization. As long as you do what is right by the Soldiers most everything else will fall into place. If it does not then utilize the Chain of Command to voice your concerns through the Open Door Policy. Everyone has a boss. Just make sure that give your immediate supervisor/leadership the opportunity to address your concerns? Good luck in your journey to make things right.
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