Did you know there is a 79R re-class initiative for SGT-SFC with less than 16 1/2 years TIS?
below.</p><p><a href="https://web-satx.mail.mil/owa/redir.aspx?C=2ROMNYqeT0uII1fd66IFGiKbxbeL9tAIUKC_ThgBRdrRsQVDT8EjKfhww5u83JYD5wOijn2qFjc.&URL=https%3a%2f%2fdrive.google.com%2ffolderview%3fid%3d0B5A7PksH7UFgN3NfSXdvV2hjOUU%26usp%3dsharing" target="_blank"><u><font color="#0066cc">https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5A7PksH7UFgN3NfSXdvV2hjOUU&usp=sharing</font></u></a></p><p><br></p><p>If you fall under III Corps, please send me an email if you are interested in converting or for those interested in initial recruiting assignment. My email is: [login to see] </p><p><br></p><p>All other NCOs who fall under other Commands can either contact their USAREC Outreach NCOs (I can provide you their POCs) or the RTR Team. </p><p><br></p><p>USAREC has gone through many positive changes over the past several years. Depending upon how you look at it, ALARACT 147 made room for a lot of potential career progression and leadership growth at every Senior Leader position. Are you willing to take advantage of that opportunity?</p><p><br></p><div class="pta-link-card"><div class="pta-link-card-picture"><img src="https://www.google.com/images/logos/google_logo_41.png"></div><div class="pta-link-card-content"><div class="pta-link-card-title"><a href="https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5A7PksH7UFgN3NfSXdvV2hjOUU" target="_blank">Application</a></div><div class="pta-link-card-description"></div></div><div style="clear: both;"></div><div class="pta-box-hide"><i class="icon-remove"></i></div></div>
SFC Chapman,
I have certainly heard similar stories from folks that were in the command several years ago. Times and this command have changed and continue to do so. There is a current CG directed 9-5 work hour policy in place for Soldiers and their families to have predictability and a high quality of life.
Telephone and face to face prospecting is done during the work hours. Appointments outside of the work hour policy are done on a case by case basis with approval through the BN CDR for anything up to 1900. NCOs conducting MEPS runs on Sundays, are required to be compensated that time either the week before or the immediate week of. If someone must do an early or late run, that must be coordinated by the CC and the NCO compensated with early off that day or late call the following day. Does it always happen this way? No, I don't know too many places where everything goes according to plan. But, the policies are in place to protect our NCOs and give them the support to address greviances.
Can't say there are no threats, but I know all it takes is a call to IG these days to quickly address and redirect that sort of toxic behavior. The command does not tolerate "toxic leadership". I for one try to always take the best care of my NCOs and took more burden on my ownself than what I asked of them. And there are a lot more Senior Leaders these day trying their best to do the same. Is it always perfect and a dream job? No, but again every job or SM goes through these situations at times.
The less than 16 1/2 years is necessary unfortunately. Imagine the Army pays for SMs to attend the ARC, CC Course and full cost moves to urgently fill slots needing to be filled with an expected ROI of 3 years from said SMs. Now imagine some of those SMs dropping retirement packets a year or so into their assignments. In an era of tight wallets, you should be able to see the TIS requirement. I wish there were a way to waive the potential of that, but I think we'd run into some legal issues.
MSG Cunningham,
These are regulatory guidelines outlined in AR601-1. The ARC is the Army Recruiter Course.
Per AR601-1, 2-4 a.(28) Have at least 3 years time in service remaining following the completion of the ARC... & c. All former recruiters who are accepted, but who have been out of USAREC for over 1 year will be required to successfully complete the ARC conducted at Fort Jackson, SC. Prior to award of the MOS 79R, former recruiters must attend the Station Commander Course (now called Center Commander Course) conducted at Fort Jackson, SC (waiver not authorized).
Hope that answers your questions in regards to the requirements.
SFC Pierce