Posted on Dec 2, 2015
LTC Student
I know these articles are a little old, but they speak to the point that if we don't know what the game is how do we think that we will ever effectively get ahead of the enemy?
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CPT Military Police
LTC (Join to see)

The article stated,"Bin Laden corporatized terror and franchised it out. He requested specific political concessions, such as the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Saudi Arabia." which makes perfect sense, since he had a degree in economics. The article fails to go into detail about OBL's background, with regards to his schooling, it fails to mention that he received a large portion of his religious education in Saudi Arabia, learning a fundamentalist form of Islam known as Wahhabism.
As lengthy and historically detailed as this piece is it fails to mention the Saud family and their part in the spread of Wahhabism, the founder of Wahhabism, the inclusion to this day of the founder's heirs in the highest Islamic religious forum, that takfir is a tenant of Wahhabism, it did not talk about the alliance between Abdul-Aziz Ibn Saud and Muhammed Ibn Abd al Wahhab.
"One of the main tenets of Abd al-Wahhab's doctrine has become the key idea of takfir. Under the takfiri doctrine, Abd al-Wahhab and his followers could deem fellow Muslims infidels should they engage in activities that in any way could be said to encroach on the sovereignty of the absolute Authority (that is, the King). Abd al-Wahhab denounced all Muslims who honored the dead, saints, or angels. He held that such sentiments detracted from the complete subservience one must feel towards God, and only God. Wahhabi Islam thus bans any prayer to saints and dead loved ones, pilgrimages to tombs and special mosques, religious festivals celebrating saints, the honoring of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad's birthday, and even prohibits the use of gravestones when burying the dead."

In Wahhab's view anyone not complying to the strict conformity of his beliefs were not Muslims.

In order to understand the Islamic State one must know the history of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia.

I've linked an article here if you would like to read it.
MSgt Keith Hebert
MSgt Keith Hebert
>1 y
I should say get rid of western influence
CPT Military Police
CPT (Join to see)
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MSgt Keith Hebert
I don't think this is the solution.
MSgt Keith Hebert
MSgt Keith Hebert
>1 y
No not the solution because, just observation.
CPT Military Police
CPT (Join to see)
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MSgt Keith Hebert -
It's not because of that either.
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SSgt Terry P.
LTC (Join to see) My impression is there is no "getting ahead " of this enemy --they seek total submission or total annihilation.
LTC Student
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I disagree, you can get ahead of any enemy if learn and try some just take a lot more time to get in front of.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - To me it is like dealing with some bullies--they are bent on your destruction and the only avenue open is to destroy them first.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
>1 y
Fanatics never quit.
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SSgt Auto Total Loss Claims Associate
I don't think we do because we, as a culture, have become eroded by the 30-60 minute mindset. It is almost as if we cannot grasp being so dedicated to something that we realized it may take generations to accomplish it. Our attention spans are shortened to expect resolution within the timeframe of an average tv show.
We also do not have the intestinal fortitude to withstand such a lengthy battle. Nor, does it seem, can we fathom that someone might see us as intolerant or supporters of their right to do whatever. Call it sissified or PC or whatever.
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Do we really understand the face of modern terrorism?
SGT James Hastings
At some level I would believe (pray) that there is enough intelligence (military) that know the guts of the problem. Now, developing a strategy that doesn't have a high collateral damage factor for non-terrorists will be a challenge. When a terrorist group fire rockets from inside a high rise apartment building do you return fire and kill more non-combatants than the enemy? 
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CPT Hhc Company Commander
LTC (Join to see) - If you haven't, I suggest that you read General Stanley McChrystal's book on Rules of Engagement for the 21st Century. He outlines in depth the complexity of our adversary via Al Queda in Iraq and details many of the problems in fighting foreign adversaries. The book is very well written and informative.

My personal feelings/battle strategy is multi-part. First, I am not opposed to accepting Syrian refugees. We can screen the daylights out of them but we'll never get rid of them. Yes, we may get some terrorists....but there is nothing to say that they cannot go to Europe and arrive in the US.

Second, we need a concrete battle-plan against ISIS. Not a wishy-washy "limited air strike" campaign, but full scale military operations with a set of clearly defined goals. These must be supported by local Muslim nations, or else it provides propaganda for ISIS recruiting, talking about "Western invaders". In this case, the hacktivists of Anonymous can also play a critical role by restricting electronic access. By launching a massive coordinated strike, we force ISIS to decide between exporting terror to other nations, or remaining at home to defend their "homeland". This has been my feelings since ISIS first formed, and one of the few methods to contain them. This is another place where Anonymous and cyber-counter terrorism measures can play a strong role. If they are centralized then they are easy to locate, but if we spread them out, then we can force them to utilize electronic measures that can be tracked (or restricted). However, having a safe-haven for them to train replacements means that they are able to replenish fighters that are killed. By having Muslim nations in, it limits the recruiting potential and creates an alternative for moderate Muslims that may be disenfranchised with their current situation but NOT radicalized. It also may instill a desire to fight and a cause to fight for among these populations.

Once we have these two aspects done, then at this point we can begin to get ahead of this ideology by destroying the replacement pool and providing alternatives towards supporting an extremist Caliphate.
CPT Butler
LTC Student
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I have read the book, it is awesome.
CPT Hhc Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
That has joined my list of recommended reading for my future leaders. I'm super impressed by the depth and manner in which he explained the situation/background before going into details on the rest of why he believes the plan of action works.
CPT Butler
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
That is always a good tool for Propaganda. "The Appocalypse" you can get a lot of mileage out of that one. God is Comming, The End of the World, The Great War, Fight for God and all is Forgiven, You will go straight to Heaven. Makes no nevermind which Religion you are talking about either.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Sorry I used up my Thumbs Ups for today otherwise I would give you one for this article.
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LTC Student
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Always a good Approach, Psychology.
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SPC Nathan Freeman
Our administration is too busy trying to be politically correct to point out the elephant in the room. ISIS (and the rest of the world) are laughing as he threatens to hold a global warming conference in response to ISIS. No amount of recycled bottles is going to defeat ISIS.
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CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
No sane, rational person can truly comprehend nor fully relate to the mind of a sociopath, nor can the sociopath relate to someone who experiences a full range of 'normal' emotional responses. To IS we are not human but an impediment to prophetic fulfillment that exists solely to be destroyed.
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SGT Dana Williams
If you're an historian, you'll realize that the origins of the modern "jihad" movement was started in Berlin in 1942. Following a meeting between the Grand Mullah of Jerusalem and Adolf Hitler, the Germans provided money, equipment, and instructors to Arab organizations which supported Germany. Some of the earlier students included Gamel Abdul Nasser, Yasir Arafat, and Sadaam Hussein. Following the war, that's how Otto Skorzeny found employment. One of his latter day students was none other than Usama bin Laden. The face of modern terrorism espouses many of the beliefs indoctrinated by men such as Skorzeny.
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