Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 177
SGT Jim Arnold
MSG Lonnie Averkamp short answer is no. there are screw ups on both sides of the political spectrum and a few in between but to call a whole group radical is ridiculous
SPC Henry Strong
SPC Henry Strong
11 mo
I agree but we need to start some where. I have seen how other countries look at us from there side and how I as an American see us now. This just blows my mind away.
I will not travel out side the US anymore because I am ashamed of what our government is doing to all of us and even to our friends and allies around the world.
I am tired of all the lies they say and all the false reporting going on.
We really need to start getting our lives in order because life is short and we do not have much time left.
SPC Henry Strong
SPC Henry Strong
11 mo
Spc Mark Marquette: I am not saying that it was the last few presidents that are at fault nor am I pointing any fingers at anyone in our government. All I am saying is that we currently need to have term limits in place to rid the government of the old blood and put new fresh blood in to get us a fresh start. I am a strong Republican who only votes republican and I am proud to say this my family has been voting republican for several years. I don't like seeing that all of our hard work of our fellow service brothers and sisters who gave the ultimate price for our safety and security of this great nation go un appreciated and disrespected by some old cronies in the government. This is what I making refferance to.
SSgt Mary Dungan
SSgt Mary Dungan
6 mo
If anyone is radical. it is the right. they have systematically started dismantling this country ever since the Tea Party, but much more with MAGA cult members. Not saying everyone on the left is perfect, but there not trying to destroy democracy or tying to pit left against right. i remember back to when we could actually agree to disagree. That day is long past thanks to MAGA and Trump.
SFC Domingo M.
SFC Domingo M.
2 mo
SSgt Mary Dungan - Can you please be more specific when you say how the right is more radical as compared to the left. (I consider BLM and ANTIFA a part of the left) Critical thinking will tell you that President Trump has been railroaded from the very start. Why do the top feeders on the left want to keep him out of office? He is not a politician and yes, he is there to rock the boat. He is there to fix what is broken in our government, and that may mean bringing down some big names not only on the left but the right as well. I support what he is doing for the country. He's not doing it for the money since he gives his government income to charitable causes as opposed to all others going in poor and becoming millionaires before they leave.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
That's the sort of thing you see when one reads trash. Pay no attention to it. MHO
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
11 mo
SPC Kent Laughlin - Hi Kent. Who we are and what we say, our opinions, are always going to "hurt" someone even when we are very diplomatic in the way we present ourselves and in the diplomatic way we word our opinions. This is just the way the world is and how humans interact with one another. Please express yourself, remembering that one person's critical or negative opinion of us can be ignored but we need to take note when several persons' critical or negative opinions of us are being expressed. If we don't express our opinions, at the end of life we will tend to say that we wished we'd been more assertive and more open and vulnerable with our opinions.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
SSG Bill McCoy it sure is.
PO1 Robert Ryan
PO1 Robert Ryan
11 mo
Drill Sergeant SSG Phillip MAI Fort Jackson South Carolina March 1967 " Opinions are like butt holes everyone has one and they all stink". So I keep my opinions to myself.
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
5 mo
SPC Kent Laughlin - Do Not Sensor Yourself to save someone else's feelings. State your case or don't comment, but don't justify your non-comments. In our world you either speak up for yourself and your views or you end up having someone else's views forced on you, like this b.s. at colleges right now. Speak your mind, that's what being grown up is all about.
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LTC John Griscom
I know that most of the veterans still take their oath very seriously.
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
1 y
I just hope they remember it says enemies, foreign and domestic that’s my biggest concern.
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
SPC Brian Pritchard/Hall
1 y
I’m afraid this is an issue we will not be able to avoid in the coming times.
LtCol Bruce Janis
LtCol Bruce Janis
12 mo
SFC John Davis - I truly ish I could down vote you several times. Just what is your definition of a domestic enemy? ANTIFA? The woke movement? Probably not. I look at what my kids and grandkids will have as a country and intensely dislike it. Hope you are studying up on Mandarin!
SSG Willie Means
SSG Willie Means
12 mo
LtCol Bruce Janis - i recall a particular System from my Artillery Days we trained with for such as nations with millions time millions of people. I also recall beginning to think the System was not real until they caught the Chinese man trying to return to his country with specifications describing the System and it's purpose. I hate it like shit that those young idiots watching The Apprentice were the ones who powered that man into the White House! From Artillery to Public Affairs I ran into those who brought their racism and prejudice into the Military with them! Five years ago I saw numbers listing the Veterans' Population around 24 million. I saw an article recently listing a population of between 10 and 15 million. Scratched my head and wondered where they got their information. When I got to Germany in '77 my Battery was full of Vietnam Veterans who talked of areas where the damn rubber trees were planted being nonfire zones and other kind of shit. Spill Our People blood and allow those russian influenced fighters to run to them because they knew they were safe zones. Both sides of the aisle have some really messed up people who have no business being in Congress. If I say none of those people need to hold office unless they have Military Time, many of you will say we will have a Police State. I don't think so, if we had a heavy leaning and Pro Congress for the Military I seriously doubt we would be having that situation with the tuberville man!
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