Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 173
Sgt Michael Caliendo
Not a chance. They have their point of view, and the 1st and 2nd Amendment protects that right. Why don't people ask why free speech is the very 1st amendment, and right to bear arms, the 2nd. It it so when you speak out against the government, they cannot squash your voice. Guns are so we can take are government back against Marxist and Socialist any presidential administration that threatens our rights. The right to bear arms has nothing to do with hunting. It is about regular citizens having the same weapons as the government. Note it does not say guns, it says arms. Arms included a whole lot more than guns.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
4 mo
Good points. And many States' Militias REQUIRED that members carry firearms that were compatible and interchangeable with the common military arms of the time....
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SMSgt Bob W.
Do you believe that "Radicalized Military Vets" are a true threat to the Nation? YES!!! Many Vets I encountered which are my definition of "Radical" are people who have a "axe to grind" with the military--some were discharged for cause, some were injured, and some are just outright NUTS. Mix this group with the military "want-to-bes" and you have a troublesome situation. The problem today is we have the far left and the far right mentally disturb people who want to be in charge of something to "better the government". Today's Washington "kooks" are no different than the "rejects" we got rid of in 2020. The problem is the other side of the "Radicalized Military Vets" are wanting their 15 minutes of fame. I believe that January 6, 2021 provided that there is a problem with the far conservative and the far liberal opinions of the country. The "entitled" Americans [sic], to which there are no such thing, want either government control over everything or to live in the Rocky Mountains secluded by forest and living in a bunker six feet below the earth's surface.
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MSgt Allen Chandler
I’m looking at the question and find it interesting that they’re worried about radicalized Veterans I am worried about all radicalized people.
Everybody’s entitled to their opinion, but some opinions are really out there and some opinions are really dangerous if people take actions based on them. The Manson family was a true danger to America because they were radicalize. I’m worried about anybody military ex-military or non-military that becomes radicalized.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
5 d
MSgt Allen Chandler; SO Well-Said. You see when the Left attempts to burn down a Federal Courthouse with government employees inside, that's a "....mostly peaceful protest...", but when some gullible Righties illegally enter the Capital (and possibly with the help and encouragement of Assets working in coordination with the then-Speaker-of-the-House), then it is an "Insurrection".
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SFC Domingo M.
My support is with the American people and the Constitution. We all took the Oath, and it has no expiration date. Since when does that become the qualifier for a radical extremist? When they want to fundamentally change America and our way of life, then we are on opposing sides. I hope they give this illusion up because they won't like where it leads.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
5 d
You are giving "them" way-too-much Benefit of the Doubt. It is not an illusion for them; it is totally by design. Stalin said, "Show me the man; I'll find you the crime". The same policy is currently in effect, on all levels.
SFC Domingo M.
SFC Domingo M.
3 d
MSG Lonnie Averkamp - I agree with you, thank God everything they try keeps blowing up in their face. They are not about to give up. They are desperate, thinking that one more term and President Trump will undo decades of work on their part to get where they are.
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AN Ron Wright
there is a reason why they are called a rag There is bad apples in every bunch But overall the military has honor and integrity to do what is right
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
9 d
Short, but sweet. Good answer.
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SP5 Lynn Circle
When you enlist in the military, you swear an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America. For most of us veterans, that oath remains with us for the rest of our life. So, unless you define "radicalized" as "devoted to the Constitution," my answer is NO!
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SFC Jerald Bottcher
I disagree with the assertion that military vets are out there just waiting to be radicalized. Yes it may be true that many vets are more right leaning than the general population, but I myself am a liberal.
I see many more failed veterans (those who could not complete their terms of service) as the majority of the radicalized vets. The military would no longer have nothing to do with them and they are looking to validate their lives. They think they got a raw deal and are unhappy with their lot in life. I would add that this would be a very tiny minority.
I would add that there is a very tiny minority of folks on the left who are radicalized.
All in all these radicalized people are a threat to our country and society as a whole, but it is a limited threat
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
12 d
SFC Jerald Bottcher, Very well said, and a fair assessment. In about 1976, I had already voted in one presidential election, and was pretty-much a centrist. I liked some of the things that the Kennedys and Proxmires stood for, and some that I did not. I think that it is normal, with you working in the Land Combat Arms, that you probably are around more conservatives, but when you get on the "2-Way-Rifle-Range" (where you shoot at the Pop-Up Targets and the Pop-Up Targets shoot back at you), there tend to me more important things, at the moment, than political philosophies.
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Sgt Michael Baechle
The Daily Beast is not a trustworthy news organization. It is a left-wing rag, spouting left-wing values.
As to "radicalized" vets, I doubt that there are a significant number. Every organization has its misfits and screwballs, so why would we expect service members and veterans to be different?
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
13 d
Indeed! If you want to see a bunch of "radicalized" screwballs, just turn on the evening news and look at the rabble camped outside our college campuses.
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MSgt Walter Thomason
Calling Vets "Radicalized" is just as stupid as the phrase "Man-splaining."
It's an ad hominem meant to discredit rational reasoning and discipline because they cannot respond likewise.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
14 d
Outstanding, concise summary, Master Sergeant!
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SSG Norbert Johnson
I believe it is a question of your interpretation of what IS, is. What is so radical to believe in God and Country? Or to know that COVID was MAN MADE and had its roots in USA, specifically Fauci. Or that there was absolutely no need for VACCINES for Covid-19! Yes follow the science, but check it for accuracy. Easiest pathway to infection was a Vitamin D3 issue, and strangely enough one specific racial group to have such a deficiency at the appropriate timing for the introduction into open society was which group? I will leave that to you, if you have an inquiring mind. Hell, I could be considered radicalized because I eat RED MEAT (only beef of course). I am not a vegan or bug eater by choice or habit and no one has the power to challenge that! Again, it all depends on what your Definition of Radicalized is.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
10 d
There is good thought in your post. To the Left, a "Radical" is anyone who will not fall in-line with their mandates (Constitutional or not), and is willing to forcefully resist.
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