Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 167
SGT James Hunsinger
Edited 8 mo ago
I took an oath to defend this nation and our constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Lately I have seen a lot of what I would call domestic enemies of the constitution running this country into the ground. I believe they need to be fought tooth and nail. If that makes me "radical" so be it. If being a patriot is radical, so be it. If being a proud Christian is radical, so be it. If not toeing the radical Leftist line is radical, so be it. If not falling into the mob mentality and the group think is radical, so be it. If deciding you are not going to allow your town, community, county or state to fall to failed radical Leftist policies and demands is radical and extremist, then look no further. Here I am, unashamed, undaunted, unafraid and unapologetic.

Leftism is a scourge on our society and all it has ever stood for. If you don't like America then you have the freedoms to leave to whatever global destination serves your purposes...Bye! If you think you are going to drive me into submission you are really in for some radical opposition.

If all that makes me a radical threat to the nation then your thought process is flawed and you don't belong here in the country where those attitudes, ideologies, values and beliefs have kept this country strong until the blight of radical Leftism infected our society. Radical, rabid Leftism is the threat to the society and this nation we have had and requires no fundamental changes. Yes, I will fight it tooth and nail. If that's radical and a threat to this nation I guess I'm your man and really don't care what anyone else thinks about my position.

I took an oath and I meant every word of it. It wasn't just words spoken to get a job like padding a resume like some veterans I have met.
SSG Scott Novak
SSG Scott Novak
7 mo
At the honored risk of having my name added to the radicalized veteran list (if it’s not already there) I wholeheartedly agree with you. Our oath to this nation never ends but that oath, according to leftists, is actually what makes us radicalized. Not that I give a shit what they think, they are a bunch of morons that believe a man can become a woman by slapping on a pair of tits and vice versa. They all already pee sitting down so what’s the difference. All we can do is pray and prepare for the day that it comes to our doorstep.
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LTC David Howard
Today it does not take much to be labeled by the Far Left as a dangerous right wing fanatic, or similar insulting labels. If you voted for Trump, if you believe that there are only two genders, if you oppose open borders, and on and on. Those that support the Far Left are far less inclined to feel the call of patriotism, if they feel it at all. In their view, much of the military is suspect even in the best of times. Personally I would be suspicious of anyone that gave any credence or respect to the Daily Beast, the NY Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NBC, CBS or ABC among others.
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MSgt Eric Amidon
I believe it's funny that there are ever only conversations around "right-wing extremists" and that the left-wing liberals who have taken over all the services are allowed free reign.
SGT James Hunsinger
SGT James Hunsinger
7 mo
And there is your reason. When you control the media, entertainment industry, education system and even parts of the government, you get to control the narrative. It will change. The pendulum is starting to swing the other direction. It just makes me sad to see there are so many veterans that buy into the Leftist bull shit agenda.
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Col Dan Ketter
Just more of the Joe Biden rhetoric
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SFC Jim Freshour
Considering the source radicalized military vet is a complete myth. Guarantee the author never served a day and probably flies a rainbow and blm flag before an American flag.
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SPC Randy Torgerson
I believe the "radicalized non-vets" are a far more extreme threat.
SFC Jim Freshour
SFC Jim Freshour
8 mo
Sounds like blm and antifa. Completely agree.
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SFC Barbara Layman
We can thank Janet Napolitano, former Secretary, Department of Homeland Security for this - primarily a myth. [login to see] /?gnt-cfr=1
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Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
If, instead of far-right, it were far-left...
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
9 mo
What is the "Far left?" Tell me what the "far left" is.
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Lt Col Theo Dressler
What I see is that we all took an oath to defend the constitution of the United States both foreign and domestic. IF a military veteran violates that oath by attempting to overthrow an election (with no proof other than their favored candidate lost) or supporting any group attempting to overthrow the government then that service member, active guard, reserve or retired is guilty of violating their oath and should be punished to the full extent of the law. We NEVER took an oath to protect and defend an individual person or group of individuals, elected or despot wannabes
PO2 Stephen Cline
PO2 Stephen Cline
9 mo
Oh, yeah, J6 was an armed insurrection. The only ones armed were the capital police and the only ones that died were protestors. There is plenty of proof the 2020 election was stolen. Funny how no court would even see the proof.
PO2 Stephen Cline
PO2 Stephen Cline
8 mo
PV2 Larry Sellnow - I don't care who wrote it. NPR is a a very trustworthy source, Not even close!
PO2 Stephen Cline
PO2 Stephen Cline
8 mo
Actually I didn't but you proved my point by posting an article from NPR well known liberal organization. Next you'll post an article from CNN.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
8 mo
PO2 Stephen Cline - Don't mind Larry. He's one of the far-left ideologs who's had stage-3 TDS so long, it's progressed to stage-4 Progressive Zealotry Syndrome (PZS).

Signs of PZS are frequently calling anyone that doesn't share your slavish devotion to their political ideology White Supremacist Nazis who all need to be deprogrammed from a cult or accusing others of spreading BS while the majority of their posts are an ad for a horizontal manure dispenser.

While spontaneous development of PZS does occur in rare situations, the most common cause is from a steady diet of CNN and MSNBC and being told repeatedly that THOSE people are a threat to democracy and ANYTHING (lying, physically attacking, suspending Constitutional rights, politically motivated lawfare, and so on) is justified as long as it gets results.

Please note: People many of those suffering from PZS should be pitied and not retaliated against. Just as you don't really blame a dog when it pisses on a fire hydrant, you can't blame someone with PZS for saying such inane stuff that even the majority of the progressives can't understand what they are talking about.
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SFC Eileen Miller
As long as we let one side define terms like "extremist" (which they use to refer to anyone who doesn't cowtow to their twisted world view), we lose the battle. They like to throw labels around in an attempt to scare people into shutting up. Things like patriotism, Americanism and nationalism are now considered radical and dangerous to people who want to control the population... and I pray to God that we are that threat that keeps them from destroying our Republic.
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