Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 167
CPL Chris Palmberg
There is a morsel of truth to be found here. I have had the privilege of knowing people through my service who were encouraged by their respective inner-city community organizations to take advantage of their lack of a rap sheet to enlist as a way to gain training in tactics and firearms usage before returning after several months (for reserve components) or a few years (active duty) with valuable skills useful for less above-board enterprises. It stands to reason that modern nefarious organizations would still be doing the same...
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SGT Walter Duncan
i think any radicalized group can be extreme!! not everybody is easily swayed into thinking extreme! Undiagnosed mental health, cultural upbringing and emotional immaturity are subject to vary between people who lack insight into what's considered an acceptable norm of behavior in civilized society. Karens, incels, extreme religious interpretations, racial purity and other stupid nonsense like this will not change the world those people want.
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SP5 Wick Humble
I'd say that it isn't certain citizens voting a certain way that makes them radicalized; how you vote is your choice, for whatever reason you choose. It could just be the fact that certain citizens might take non-democratic actions -- such as armed insurrection or other violent, illegal acts -- that worries many Americans. My principal concern would not center around vets of any stripe but of serving servicepeople, and their reaction. And frankly I am not seriously worried that serving troops would behave badly or outside the strictures of legal orders or commands. I find myself trusting the joint command structure to do the right thing, and truly 'defend the Constitution'. This is a paradox, since I didn't feel so confident during the Vietnam conflict, etc. Times change, people mellow, I guess.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
The Daily Beast is a left leaning tabloid at best. We’re not radicalized, we’re generally more educated, and tend to be guided by Faith, Family, God, & Country. We’re less likely to flip-flop on issues, we have a moral compass, and we exercise this, and they don’t like it, we are also the well regulated militia, more likely to own firearms, we follow the law, and expect our leaders to follow the law. If this is radicalization, color me wrong.
LCpl Jeff Moore
I due believe that the cartel, sovereign citizens nutjobs, white supremacist and other groups are joining the military for training and insight. I think military members are just as likely to become radicalized as anyone else. I mean the guy that shot the court Marshall deputy in Portland was a vet Timothy McVeigh was a vet. The problem is the hard core Bible thumper tend to join the military more then the radical left. So vets tend to appear more in right wing groups
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SSG Eric Blue
Not really sure how to answer this question. I do know, however, that Radicalized Military Vets do exist, as well as Radicalized Military Servicemembers. And yes, domestic terroists of all kinds recruit from the military. The numbers are not as high as some people believe, though. I've seen some units that will have a squad+ of troops in that category while you'd be lucky (or unlucky) to find one in a different brigade on the same post. It is very subjective because you still have to figure out "what meets the threshhold for radicalized." The answer won't be the same from one command team to the next. One command team may sound the alarm like, "HOLY F---! We got a g--damn terrorist in our unit! Get the MPs! We gotta roll him/her outta her NOW!" And another command team may dismiss the individual and their actions or appearance as some kind of misguided ideology, but not an actual threat to good order & discipline and the nation's security. To me, this is where good leaders (and especially good NCOs) come in. Good leadership would be able to identify potential snakes in the grass and attend to them properly instead of passing them on to someone else become THEIR problem or encouraging their behavior...which is what I've seen leaders do. The passing them off or encouraging their BS, I mean. Moreover, you also have to consider the ones who were more than likely radical BEFORE they went to BCT or boot camp. Those snakes exist, too. And they infiltrate the ranks more than people want to believe.
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SSG Michael Doolittle
Anyone who violates their oath or supports an overthrow of our Constitutional Democracy is a threat to our Nation. They are NOT PATRIOTS
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SSG Shawn Mcfadden
They could be. If they follow idiots like trump. Look what took place during Jan 6.
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TSgt Lloyd Estes
They may have some correct ideas and beliefs but the way they support and portray them is comparable to terrorist and criminals who support lawlessness.
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SSgt Heather Capra
Edited 8 mo ago
Disagree. Your beliefs are not mentioned in the Dailybeast article. You have created a narrative and falsely correlated it to this article that evidently hit a nerve with you.

George Washington was to many a terrible person. He was a traitor to his nation, he killed his own countrymen, he inflicted grotesque violence on his enemies, he committed/endorsed genocide against the native populations and harnessed resources gained from his own familial wealth and power to create a system he envisioned was best. So yes he was radicalized, progressive, liberal, non-conformist Veteran. It always amazes me that that some people equate our founders as traditionalist, conservative aka "republican party-like" when in reality they were not. And the nation he lead to create was an imperfect one to be sure as we his legacy have been working to improve upon it since. And that is where the difference lies between the American Veteran who stands to improve upon George Washington's mission and those that have become radicalized with the intent to create a downfall of our nation to create either a new one or independent city-states that are not under federal authority.

So no the Dailybeast gave no indication of rounding up Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics and mothers disagreeing with school boards as if they were to be as disposed as the Gypsies and the Jews were in Germany in 1939.

The article paraphrase... we all need to be aware of the very real intent and actions of white nationalist hate groups targeting veterans who are brought in under the guise of protecting the nation, camaraderie, and similar good ideals to then be manipulated and used for the agendas that hurt our nation such as attacking our very own Capitol.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
1 mo
Nice thought, but as a White, Christian, Conservative Veteran my actions need to be watched because of my race, creed and politics?

I am white and I believe in nationalist even isolationist I am a White Nationalist? If it did not have the negative connotation (given by the left) I would submit to being called a White Christian Nationalist.

You referred to WWII and the National Socialist round ups...they started with articles in Newspaper's about how you had to watch Jews. How they had the potential to be greedy or whatever. The campaign started as early as the late 1920's.

So though Liberals do not directly espouse the "Superior Ideology" tag line to themselves it is pretty plain. As the US descends into Tribalism; Right versus Left. Dehumanization of the other side will play a huge part. Those dangerous/stupid/intolerant Christian White Nationalist. (in the article at the bottom replace Aryan with Liberal and Jew with White Christian) Yes, I have extrapolated this to the Nth degree, but logically and given current "Main Stream" media stories my point is not irrational.

With regard to George Washington and genocide? The Iroquoia? The American Revolution can also be called the Iroquoia Civil War. While I am not sure the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign was required (sometimes call the Sullivan-Clinton Genocide) You blithely overlook that half the tribes of the Iroquoia targeted had fought for the British during the Revolution (and there was no surrender) (Canada was British circa 1763).....therefore they were a threat (at least in the minds of the colonies affected). Maybe the Iroquoia (5 tribes?) would have reconciled and it would not have mattered....but to dismiss the nuance and say blithely the George Washington is a genocidal tyrant is intellectually dishonest.
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