Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 167
LTC Lance Headrick
I agree. I think if a study was done; it would find that Vets in general are less likely to participate in shenanigans like this.

My question would be; if you think Veterans are mostly conservative (of whatever flavor). Do you think they joined that way or did they become that way while serving? Then, if Service to our Nation is SO laudable and Service Members are great did they transition to terrorist after service?

Whether they because conservative during Service or not; Serving made them Great Americans? Then being conservative can't be that bad and maybe have to ask what takes them from Great Americans to terrorists.......if you believe that garbage.....just a thought.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
1 mo
Sir, I think that you just hit upon the crux of this mantra that is being pushed. Not all veterans, but many, tend to lean conservative. They see a greater good than their own comfort and safety. By its very nature, many of those kinds of individuals may gravitate toward the Combat Arms. The in-power Progressives are well-aware of this, and are the same people who pushed to have late mail-in ballots from Overseas Service Members thrown out, while allowing for all sorts of improprieties in mail-in ballots from Chicago or New York, because "....No One Should Be Disenfranchised....".
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PVT Skyler Brown
No, I believe the Left is just trying to gaslight as per usual. Majority Veterans I have met are All for Liberties, and freedoms that the Constitution gives us. Sure, we would fight to ensure that the Constitution is upheld. The Soldiers Creed comes to mind.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
1 mo
Good succinct answer. "Project on your enemies, those things that YOU are doing", (right out of "Rules for Radicals"). Isn't it interesting that, with ALL of the improprieties that Hillary Clinton did, with spreading disinformation, having an illegal computer with classified information, and destroying phones containing data and evidence, the Trump Administration did NOTHING to prosecute her after the election, but the party that calls Trump a Nazi is doing Everything that they can to imprison their opposition.
PVT Skyler Brown
PVT Skyler Brown
1 mo
MSG Lonnie Averkamp - Politicians make promises they can't keep. I'm not sure there is a single one without skeletons in his/her closet. I wish that people would stop voting based on party, and start voting based on policy. Somewhere, someone is very happy with the state of things. The United states is Not very United, and they are waiting for the moment of Saturation to Strike. God help us All.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
1 mo
PVT Skyler Brown - As previously stated, you have a gift for expressing Wisdom in the form of Brevity.
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CPL Theodore Moore
I was in the Army for 4 years. I was in the Navy Reserves for three. I met one soldier who held racist views. However, I think this was the result of his ignorant backwoods upbringing rather than his overarching political views. He got in trouble for saying some inappropriate things, but he learned to change or shut up. In the Navy, I met a guy who was pretty scary. He had some authoritarian and neo Nazi views. He was a Marine and later a SEAL. He got put out for some reason. Most of the other guys I met were Born Again Christians who wanted to be Cops, or they were befuddled hippies who couldn't figure out another way to make a living. I remember in Basic Training the extensive discussion on how we were loyal to the constitution and not to any one person or party. So, I guess, no.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
1 mo
Good job of bringing a lot of information into the mix, to form your conclusion.
CPL Theodore Moore
CPL Theodore Moore
1 mo
MSG Lonnie Averkamp - well, thanks. It kind of worked didn't it?
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SGT Mark Hasch
There is good and bad in every walk of life, I would love to be able to say everyone is good but we all know the truth!/:0(.
The sad truth is some wish to amplify the few that are bad!!!
PVT Skyler Brown
PVT Skyler Brown
1 mo
They Focus on the Bad, to try to Spoil the Bunch. Gaslighting, and Propaganda.
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SrA Bruce Banner
This is why I avoid sites like the Daily Bestiality. In fact, I ignore all news now and only read newsletters from my city and county as I know they will affect me directly. News since the advent of the 24 hour news cycle pioneered by the communist news network (cnn) has been sensationalistic and only propaganda to promote an agenda whether it be politics or advertising revenue.
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SSG William Zopff III
Radicalized military veterans is subjective; and is being used by the leftist activists to label veterans. Which paints all veterans in a RED warning light that can be used by the same activists and their government friends to deny those veterans access ti their rights, for any reason they choose!
PVT Skyler Brown
PVT Skyler Brown
1 mo
They Need to Make anyone who doesn't agree with them seem dangerous enough to lose their rights. They want to Disarm us in Many ways. if we can't fight back, they can do whatever they want.
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SGM Ronald Cheatom
We had them when I served, (1981-2001). So what. I fought to protect everyone's right to think and feel however they choose. That is why this is the land of the free. I may not like it, but they have a right to it.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
3 mo
Sergeant Major, This article was written back in 2023, when the Press was pushing the narrative that there was a disproportionate ration of "radical conservatives" in the military. The Pentagon released a finding that the ratio in the military does not, significantly, differ from the nation, as a whole. The problem is that many of the elitists who pull the strings believe that anyone who is not a cheerleader for any trendy woke program is a Neanderthal and a threat. If there were recordings of the Airborne Songs that we did around the Track in 1971, my retirement papers would read "E-1".
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PO2 Tom Hauser
Today there is a great divide in our country - good vs. evil - EVIL being the Progressive Democrat political base which is represented in Congress and by its voting constituencies that consist of Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Islamic Jihadist supporters, secular humanist, secular liberals, domestic terrorist groups (ANTIFA/BLM/Pro-Hamas), Antisemitics, religious apostate/liberal/heretic Judaism-Protestantism-Catholicism, Progressive Democrat sycophant "Fake News" media propagandists, New World Order, WEF, UN, WHO, CDC, Biden's politicized & weaponized corrupt FBI-DOJ-CIA (that engaged in sedition-treason-political coup of POTUS Trump), Deep State, Open Border, RINO's, NAACP, ACLU, ADL, Planned Parenthood, Cartel-Human/Narcotics/Sex Trafficker Smugglers, supporters of CRT-DEI-BDS-ESG-WOKE-Cancel Culture-LGBTQ-Abortion & replacing the Constitution with Sharia Law, WOKE corporate America, OTM Illegal Aliens, CCP, and those laying the groundwork for the rule of the Anti-Christ, etc. Opposed to these hate America, hate the rule of law, hate Jews & hate Israel, hate Christians, hate the Constitution, hate White people, hate the Unborn, hate the Tanakh-Holy Bible-Talmud, etc. are those Conservatives, Independents, GOP Republicans (not the RINO's), Evangelicals, pro-Israel & Zion Conservative Jews, military veterans, law enforcement, pro-Constitution, pro-Freedom & Liberty Americans that have come to realize that (like the IDF) until we kill or defeat in elections (provided they are not rigged like the 2020 election) these Progressive Democrat terrorist assholes & their constituencies (like Israel's terrorist enemies Hamas & Hezbollah) that are threatening the peace & our nation and its security there will be no peace. So, these Daily Beast & RAND Corporation assholes correctly know that we have the training, we have the experience, we have killed before & will pull the trigger, we have the motivation, we have the weapons to destroy their ultimate goal which is the destruction of America replaced by an Authoritarian, Dystopian Society bereft of reason and freedom ruled by dictatorial regime that imprisons and murders (like Seth Rich/Andrew Breitbart/Justice Scalia) dissidents like those hunted down and imprisoned for lawful protest on January 6th which is why these Progressive Democrats & RINO's did not want you to see the thousands of hours of the Pelosi/DOJ/FBI/Paid Contractors FALSE FLAG January 6th videos. You have a choice America's military and veterans - choose wisely.
SPC Kent Laughlin
SPC Kent Laughlin
4 mo
You sir, have covered all of the offended, uneducated, inexperienced, and immature children that comprise the "woke".... mao tse tung realized after 20 years or so of murdering his own countrymen ( to include those whose mission was almost parallel to his, but not perfectly aligned ) before realizing, like hitlery clintony, that " it takes a village "... yes after lusting after saul commie clown alinsky they knew that mao had hit the magic button when he stopped attempting to change the minds of good Chinese and went 100% after the program of indoctrinating the children...
mao called it the " cultural revolution " ... sound familiar to what we see with scum in DC supporting the school board leftists over parents ??
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SN Sylvan Tieger
Edited 7 mo ago
What was "Right" 30 years ago is wrong today. What was wrong 30 years ago is right today.
The war on drugs such as pot is now legalized.

Hating this country is now the new way colleges are telling the brain-dead students.

Running off to Canada during the Vietnam "conflict" to avoid the draft was wrong, allowing these cowards back into the USA is "right."

Giving aid to invaders who sneak into America waving flags of other countries was called an invasion now it is called asylum seekers.

Defund the police is right and allowing savages to enter a store and smash windows and grab everything in sight is ok according to libertards.

A man following a little girl into the rest room is ok if he says he feels he is a woman.

Males can compete in womans sports taking away scholarships that would normally be given to "birthing people."

The new military asks the recruits if they are happy?
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
4 mo
There are a lot of facets on that "gem of knowledge" that you just posted....
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MAJ Engineer Officer
Only those radicalized by imams like MAJ Hussein's at Ft. Hood (5th of November, '09) or by the post-Marxist bolsheviks of the Left. Most people who talk about "radicals" and "right-wing extremism" don't know what they're talking about and are just regurgitating bullet points from CNN, The View, the Washington Post, or one of our other American versions of Pravda-from-Wish-dot-Com.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
4 mo
Good job of condensing it into Bullet-Points, Sir.
PVT Skyler Brown
PVT Skyler Brown
1 mo
Parroting is all they are capable of, their minds are often corrupted by drugs, and Communist propaganda. They form Large Groups, and will shun anyone who goes against the grain. They use Mob Rule to ensure that no one steps out of line. Anyone who is Free thinking, and forms their own objective opinions is an Extremist, and a bigot. I seldom meet a person on the left who is capable of holding a civil conversation about anything other than video games, or some other kind of distraction. The Real world is a scary place, and it is easier to be a follower to some.
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