Posted on Mar 3, 2017
MSgt Electrical Power Production
With all the rhetoric about Russian collusion and no evidence at the present to validate the accusations.

1. Exactly what does Russia gain with a Trump Administration that affects our National Security? Foreign interference is common in elections even by the U.S.

2. Why do you believe the Trump administration would conspire with Russia?

3. Do you believe Vice President Pence or Congress would go along with this idea?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 338
A1C Isa Kocher
there is one and only one reason why this presidency exists at all- QOTUS 45 quisling of the US

climate change is reality. a totally rebuilt USA infrastructure would provide a totally revitalized usa economy and alternative energy economics would totally bankrupt the tiny Putin/Criminal Cartel Russian economy whose banks are 100% the financial basis of the DT business which own about 900% of the DT investment portfolio: it's about 9 times it's total value under water. all financed by Cartel cash and Putin egomania … The Putin Russian Cartel is being killed by USa banking regulations and sanctions … as anybody with an IQ above room temperature could take time to read [Russia's economy is smaller than califoirnia's. not a world power.]

Patriotic Republicans who've served the country their entire professional lives under the last 4 or so presidents happen to be the directors of and managers of our intelligence community... along with the intelligence community of NATO, and our allies world wide, our intelligence and our military are in total agreement. they are in complete agreement about the aims, the methods, the achievements of and weaknesses of the Putin/Russia war establishment and its operations to deny democratic elections in NATO ally countries

the indictments, the convictions, the confessions, and the court papers available and recently declassified documents prove in minute explicit detail down to IP addresses and keystrokes what this conspiracy is and denial of these facts is mentally indefensible

choose to deny it. deny the science. deny the economics. deny the politics - that's your choice.

but our grandchildren's grandchildren will never know... because this administration according to Putin's own mouth, and the collective witness of the Russian Parliament, was put there for their profits and we lost this round - profiteering from Armageddon and the virtual end of vertebrate life on this planet - not in a Hollywood post apocalypse a millennium from now but people already alive today will know it - if not my lifetime, i'm 75, but in many of yours
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
quote"Deny the science: Science has proven that global warming is a myth."
there is no science publication, no science organization, no scientists in the area of climatology which does not agree with the fact of anthropogenetic climate change.

saying that science is a myth is just a damned lie: why bother? I honestly do not understand why anybody could have so little self respect as to say anthing that blatantly false. and to be personally rude about it.

the trouble is this: it matters. people alive today will experience the consequences. people we know, our own children, our children's children will suffer the consequences and they will curse us ...

so how does anyone have so little shame as to condemn theur own loved ones to the kinds of wretched deaths climate change has already begun to effect. when i was in grade school at Transfiguration School in Tarrytown NY in the 1950s, I knew about climate change and the certainty of massive human catastrophe has only increased every year since. what would any even marginally person chgoose to be so ugly - that's what I do not understand - to win the snark prize?
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
6 y
AirMan Kocher, Be careful how you publicly comment on YOUR Commander in Chief. What are you, an E1 or E2? No one in uniform can make degrading comments about the Commander in Chief. Do you not know this?
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - I made no degrading comments about any commander in chief. 1+1=2 is not a degrading comment. it's a logical reality. instead of being a bully, either make a better argument or learn the facts. bullying discredits our honor. bullying discredits everyone.
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A1C Isa Kocher
Edited 6 y ago
facts are facts - these are facts

1. the end of NATO would be a coup. Russia's economy is smaller than California's and it's invaded and occupied Georgia, Ossetia, Abkhasia, Ukraine and Crimea, assassinated the head of government of Montenegro, and is assaulting Macedonia, physically threatening Montenegro and Macedonia for applying to join NATO ...

- 2. the entire NATO intelligence community has universally agreed the Putin/Russia is sabotaging NATO and USa elections and infrastructure. Putin/Russia closed down the Baltic nation NATO allies's economies several times - there are several major Russian military and criminal cabal organizations engaged in sabotage of the USA and NATO and other USA allies

3. the entire USA intelligence community is universally agreed that Putin/Russia did interfere with USA elections - the details are too numerous to state - the indictments run pages and pages of explicit incontrovertible detail - denial is obtuse - the details are there in print all over the world - no serious member of any intelligence disagrees

4. in his own words, in Russian, putin admitted his personal efforts to get DTs elected

5. the Russian parliament held hearings about GRU's success in interfering in USa elections, in Brexit and in their successful psyops against NATO/USA and televised them.

6. 100% of Putin/Russian criminal cartel wealth is oil, coal, and gas, and the Siberian forests: Russia's economy is small potatoes so the Republican Party in the USA is its only guarantee of economic and political power - a revitalized USA infrastructure would bankrupt them and the most effective USa weapon is its banking sanctions and 80-90% of DTs family's business interests are Russian financed, Russian owned

...but we are USA military and/or veterans and are WE now taking sides with the same enemy killing us in places like Syria - where is your patriotism?

is there someone in uniform in the USA who wants me to turn on my country and get into bed with my enemy to make cadet orange oaf loaf heel splints richer greedier and sleazier - never

I enlisted during the Cuba crisis willing to die to keep us safe from the Putins and the KGB war mongers - so what that Curtiss LeMay was an unindicted war criminal. and fire bombed our POWs in Dresden - we are USa Americans not the enemy. shame!

Switzerland Canada The UK and the USa have tried and convicted conspirators in this conspiracy against USA and NATO democracy FACT. it's hundreds of pages of detailed USA Intelligence already published in USa court documents so the denial is obscene and insulting to us - NATO allies have videos inside Russian installations and computer keystrokes - personal names , computer ID - etc

it's obscene to take sides with a bloody handed geniocidal maniac like Putin against our military, against our intelligence community, against NATO and its military personnel and their democracy

- 1.2 million chechniyans: 800K ethnically cleansed. 200K killed outright - for example. Crimea Ukraine Ossetia Abkhasia and Georgia invaded with tanks and occupied because of applying for membership in NATO, allies of the USa, and all NATO and USa elections sabotaged - NATO ally economies shut down. Chief of States of countries applying to join NATO assassinated by GRU

and so it's obscene for a USA president to get into bed with our enemy

what does he get? his business has been built entirely on Russian finance from Russian criminal cartel banks - he was bankrupt in the 1990s and no bank would give him a sous until Russian cartel financing allowed him suddenly to buy -in cash- properties no developer would ever invest in with their own money

for the president of the usa to call all its allies enemies and the whole usa military and intelligence community wrong and a conspiracy against him personally is an insult, unforgivable insult to every person ever to wear a usa military uniform …

and to embrace our enemy currently shooting at USA military - what has happened to patriotism
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
6 y
All those terrible things about Russia and Putin are true. I was a Russian specialist in Army MI for a good while. In fact Putin was serving in East Germany in the KGB at the same time I was serving in Army MI in West Germany, albeit in a much more minor role than his.
There is to this point utterly no connection between Putin and Russia, and anyone in the Trump administration or Trump campaign. Also, as one of your fellow service members noted in another post on this topic, active duty personnel cannot express negative comments about the Commander in Chief. That is also a fact, it's not me "being a bully." Boo hoo....
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
"Boo hoo...." and you actually can say "it's not me "being a bully." and then go right back to bullying

This forum is not Malcom in the Middle and this is not 6th grade.

1. The president of the United States certified the overt and covert assault on the USA and its election infrastructure and outcome, between the Russian state FSI, GRU and the Russian Military and their campaign to overturn the election in favor of the current QOTUS quisling 45

2. The entire USA intelligence community have given sworn testimony concerning the matter. They are in consensus about the covert and overt enemy military assault of the Russian State on USA election infrastructure and outcome conducted by cyber warfare divisions of the Russian military forces and the Russian FSI and GRU.
3. The USA military intelligence are completely in agreement with that USA intelligence community consensus

3. The entire NATO intelligence community are in complete agreementthat consensus - and that Russian State enemy attack is part of a larger NATO wide enemy assault on the entire alliance - the details of this enemy assault on NATO including USA elections is simply a matter of widely disseminated actual fact.

so, as some sort of officer in the United States military you choose to bully another USA citizen quoting published facts, rather than choosing to show respect for our military establishment and our intelligence community in a matter specifically identified by our commander in chief - there is no newspaper in the world which has not documented this Russian State enemy action - in a great deal of very explicit detail, details also to be found in USA, Swiss, Canadian, UK court records - and you choose to impugn my character personally - that's Boo Hoo bullying and grossly unpatriotic

The president of Russia, speaking in Russian specifically agreed with the essential fact that he ordered the Russian State to support QOTUS quisling 45 in the 2016 election. Sworn testimony of GRU and FSI in the duma explicitly verify they did so. The Russian Duma at great length has openly debated FSI GRU and Russian military success in altering USA elections and other elections among NATO ally states. Our current QOTUS quisling 45 and part of their legal team have openly discussed the efforts of their 2016 election campaign to obtain information provided by the Russian State and by known agents of the Russian State - I'm not going to waste my time listing citations. cuz you are in deep denial and are incapable of anything but personal abusiveness

Again explicit USA court records in USA court orders, indictments, confessions and convictions of individuals acting in their capacities as employees of the election campaign, explicit records of courts in Canada, Switzerland, UK and government reports by them and by NATO ally states, parliamentary reports, leaked documents, sworn testimonies, loose banter by various principles under investigation, or their counsels spell it ll out vey clearly …

so Malcom in the Middle away all you wish

I actually never thought the details of Nixon's treason, or the details of treason in the Ronald Regan administration and election campaign would ever be public knowledge but now we know the essentials … their treasons cost USA lives of USA enlisted - while they wrapped themselves in red white and blue bunting

so accuse, bully, deny away, truth eventually will out, but the cost then was too high to calculate. The cost now is the future of your grandchildren's grandchildren: denial of science in and of itself is the greatest existential threat in humanity's existence

The Nazi confederates only wanted to destroy democracy. Today's confederates want to destroy life on earth as we know it for profit

choose: love of country, or love of the seal of beast Revelation 13 $
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
1. the entire NATO intelligence community has verified the connections between the campaign and the Russian military, FSI, and GRU and the Russian criminal cartel and their enemy actions against the usa, its elections, NATO ally states, their elections, infrastructure, commerce, etc.
2. The president of the USA has certified the enemy assault by units of the Russian State military, GSU, FSI and the Russian criminal cartel, expelled Russian State covert agents and identified Russian covert assets
3. Courts in the USA, Switzerland, Canada, and UK have identified Russian State covert military FSI GRU and criminal cartel assets in convictions, confessions, indictments, reports and sworn testimony engaged in covert and overt enemy actions against the USA, its elections, and against other NATO ally states
4.The president of Russia stated on TV in Russian that he directed his government to alter USA elections.
5. The Russian Parliament has taken sworn FSI, GRU, Russian military testimony concerning their enemy activities against the USA and NATO and detailed their success is altering USA and NATO elections. Parliamentary leadership has openly and happily detailed this testimony in public forums in Russian media

6. QOTUS quisling 45 has openly spoken about his campaign's meeting with Russian State representatives in order to obtain information to use in the election - just in the last several days. The legal counsel of the QOTUS qhisling 45 have openly given details of election campaign representatives meeting with agents of the Russian State to obtain support, information, datra from elements of their covert operations in FSI, GRU, and Russian State military units assigned to cyber warfare

deny and play Malcome in the Middle bullying
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
Berenzweig said to CNN's Brooke Baldwin. "If I try to rob a bank, and I walk in to open up a safe, but the safe is empty, I can't say it's a 'nothing-burger.' It's an attempt at criminal activity."
He added: "The person who gets thrown under the bus is [the president's] son, Donald Trump Jr. Several legal issues come into play, and they're all very high-level, and they're very serious. ... This could give rise to an instance of an alleged conspiracy for aiding and abetting a crime for a violation of federal election law, as you noted. There are other felony issues that potentially float out there as well."
Berenszweig pointed out that Trump Jr. originally argued that the meeting was primarily about "adoptions," concealing its actual purpose.
"If Donald Trump Jr. made any false statements to Congress, that would be a violation of the Federal False Statements Act — that is a felony, that is very serious. No wonder there are murmurings that the president is very, very concerned," he said.
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LCpl Stephen Sharp
NO!!!!!! nuff said
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Sgt Cesario Briseno
President Trump is doing exactly what he promised. I believe in him and I trust him. He should be tougher on China, they are doing so much damage to our economy and are challenging our military everywhere. The tariffs are going to hurt our agricultural business for a while, but I think in the future it will hurt China more.
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
Climate change is FACT. beyond any conceivable doubt. 99% of climate scientists have agreed for more than two decades - any government based on denial of science is mentally deranged. not up to discussion except by cultists - attacking science that is sure certain and clear is nothing less than and nothing more than a mental aberration

embracing the sworn enemy of the usa, calling its allies enemies, and denying the total consensus of the entire USA intelligence and military establishment and the entire coinsensus of NATO intelligence and the consensus of the entire intelligence community of the free world wrong and taking the word of a dictator who assinates dissent is mental aberration at best, not patriotic

right wing so-called Christian cults that sacrifice human life on their altars of a god of money is a moral aberration, a mental aberration and a denial of the fundamental foundation of the usa, the union according to chief justice john marshall of the people, he said, by the people he wrote, for the people the supreme court ruled

putin is our enemy
SFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
President Trump is doing exactly what he promised? So POTUS declared China a currency manipulator? Trump doesn't take vacations or time off? Hillary is in jail? Hillary is being investigated? Trump stopped the AT&T/Time Warner merger? Trump has negotiated a new deal with Iran? Mexico paid for a border wall? Has Trump released his tax returns? The $550 billion in infrastructure projects are underway? Trump enacted Congressional term limits? You really think there is a federal hiring freeze? (check USA Jobs) Where is that safe zone for Syrian refugees? When were the Syrian refugees deported? Was ISIS defeated in 30 days? Does ISIS still have internet access? Where is that international conference against ISIS? Has China been kicked out of the WTO? Are new parents now entitled to 6 weeks maternity leave? Is there a new child care tax credit? Was the alternative minimum tax repealed? Has the CDC published a new vaccine schedule? Is the deficit growing or is it on track to be eliminated by 2024? Has Trump sued all the women accusing him of sexual misconduct as promised? Is it Mt. McKinley or Mt Denali? Is there really a ban on lobbying for former White House and Congressional officials? Are we all tired of "winning"?

But President Trump is doing exactly what he promised and you trust him in-spite of all the times he has lied to the nation....?
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SGT Senior Human Resources Nco (S1)

I really don't feel Rally point is an appropriate venue for this sort of discussion. While the retirees and otherwise separated Servicemember are relatively free to express their opinions. Those currently serving are not. And while some of us are capable of being tactful with negative views we may have of any sitting oresident, not everyone is.

And that is a recipe for career disaster. Whether you like the man in charge or not, we've seen firsthand, multiple times, what happens when you aren't tactful about that distain .

Generals relieved. Enlisted members drummed out. For speaking their minds about a political subject in a venue, while making their military affiliation known.

Everyone on RP is connected to that affiliation. And no one is anonymous. This subject is an incredibly delicate one to attempt to tread in a public setting, where your name and rank are available and let's face it. I know my 1SGs and COs are on rally point. I know my last BN CSM and CDR are on rally point.

Making a political statement while demonstrating you are a Servicemember is a dangerous gamble, and one I would never advise anyone to make.
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
it's brought up to bully americans who still believe in the union of the people
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PO2 Louis Fattrusso
Absolutely not. He is a strong Commander-in-Chief. This is just another ploy to try to discredit President Trump.
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MSgt J D McKee
1. Sanity. That's what they gain. So maybe an advantage there. The Fucking Idiot Bitch (sorry, those are the most lenient terms I can discuss her in) was trying to get a No Fly Zone in Syria when she was SecState that would pretty much guarantee a shooting war with Russia. Don't think making her President would have improved her sanity.

2. There is no reason I could possibly think of that makes sense.

3. Rhetorical, I'm sure. But no.
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CPT Robert Hampton
The Soviet Union has actively infiltrated our media, schools, unions, churches, and Government since Lenin. During the Viet Nam War, the communists spent over $1 billion to create the anti-war movement. The LAST person the old Soviets, such as prior KGB Colonel Putin, would want as US Prsident would be Donald Trump.

Standard insurgency methodology is to accuse your enemy of doing what you are doing. While everyone chases the false allegation, the Revolution continues.

Interested in more details? Shortly after The Wall fell, the KGB Archivist, Vasily Mitrokhin, defected to the UK with a suitcase full of notes. Those notes guided our search for KGB records, remember EVERYTHING was for sale when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Based on actual KGB documents, Ann Coulter wrote the book, Treason about 2000. Then the Grove City College history professor, Paul Kengor, wrote the book, Dupes, in 2010.

Dupes details the communist infiltration of American media, academia, unions, churches, and Govermment from Lenin through Obama.

Military Intelligence knew much of this but could not talk about it. The compromised media ridiculed the House Hearings on UnAmerican Activities, destroyed Senator McCarthy (he helped as an alcoholic), discounted defectors’ testimony to Congress, and ignored Richard Wormbrand’s testimony about persecution of Christians.

In short, the real Muscovite Moles were Obama and Hillary.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
6 y
Please cite specifics. Where did you come up with this crap?
CPT Robert Hampton
CPT Robert Hampton
6 y
Read the books, Dupes is better footnoted, Treason is an easier read. Otherwise, military intel briefings between 1969 and 2004.
CPT Robert Hampton
CPT Robert Hampton
6 y
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - Man, it really helps to see this thread on a larger screen. On my phone I thought your had asked me where I came up with this “crap.” Now I think I see that your comment was directed at A1C Isa Kocher.

As a prior Russian intel guy, I bet we could share some war stories. I trust my comments point to the fact that the real Muscovite Moles were HRC and BHO along with a strong dose of Islamism driven by Valerie Jarrett and CAIR. Russia had nothing to gain and much to lose had it supported a Trump Presidency.

I see you are still in the service. My ast 13 years were at Eustis. Keep on keeping on!
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
6 y
CPT Hampton, Yes, there were some entertaining times. I'm a contractor now, I retired in 1995. Yes, the former president had an entertaining cast of aides from Chicago, many of them with very far-left political views. Hope you are well..
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PO3 Tomahawk Technician
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SFC Bill Snyder
Edited 6 y ago
Absolutely not. But, the current Democrat Leadership and its members would certainly do so. Remember, the Democratic Party, as it stands now, is all about Power. The Country comes second.
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