Posted on Mar 3, 2017
MSgt Electrical Power Production
With all the rhetoric about Russian collusion and no evidence at the present to validate the accusations.

1. Exactly what does Russia gain with a Trump Administration that affects our National Security? Foreign interference is common in elections even by the U.S.

2. Why do you believe the Trump administration would conspire with Russia?

3. Do you believe Vice President Pence or Congress would go along with this idea?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 338
PO2 William Simpson
NO! The liberals are doing whatever they can in an attempt to get Trump out of office because he is undoing all the damage they have done to our republic. They even go as far as commit sedition and other crimes to try to destroy him. Their investigation is finding nothing on Trump, only inadvertently exposing the criminal activities of those of the former administration with no recourse or mention of prosecuting them.
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MAJ Albert McCaig
From Russia's point of view, a Clinton Whitehouse would have been far preferable. Russia was well aware of how weak she was as Sec/State. That would not have changed as POTUS.

I don't believe it would "conspire" in the traditional sense. I do believe they would dialogue.

Neither Pence nor Congress would openly support criminal conspiracy.
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SFC Jay White
It’s very interesting, and disturbing that no matter what this President does and says, things that are OBVIOUSLY wrong, that so many people and veterans are still on his bandwagon.
Within the last year, there have been increased acts of racial profiling, bigotry and violence. From his lips to everyone’s ears, he has ENCOURAGED these things. I won’t even wade into the political aspect of running this country into the toilet. I’ve been around long enough to know, once you show me who you are, I then know who you are. I don’t consider myself a person on the left or right. I’m a person that has always lived without pleasing a particular GROUP!
Disappointing to see people’s TRUE colors, especially if I’ve shared the same foxhole with them during my active duty years and even now.
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CPL Laron Buggs
I don't understand why people keep saying the left, liberals and Dems. When the truth is right in your face. It shouldn't be about politics this should be about our Country and who's leading it. This man has lied from day one, he has a proven record of cheating and been unfaithful period. This goes to show you he trying to divide the country and the ones who served and fought for it shouldn't stop to the level of blaming politics. When has it been okay to trust Russia or when has it not to believe in your country over any man who is in office. I don't know what's happening to the country I love but what I do know this isn't the country i served for.
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MSG(P) Owner/Operator
Obama wasn’t a good president.
Hillary is a corrupt and terrible person and likely would have been an absolutely terrible president. I doubt that’s even debatable.


That doesn’t for one minute have ANY bearing on whether the current potus is or isn’t a terrible president also.

It’s possible many of us just cannot or will not see past our own biases, on BOTH sides of the fence, with enough clarity to see things rationally. I think soon enough indisputable evidence, for or against, will be provided of some sort.

I have served under every president since Reagan.

I hated Obama.
I hate Killary
I hated Bill Clinton

I have voted republican every single election since I was old enough to cast a ballot. 30 years of voting and this is the first election ever in which I couldnt vote republican. Im a die hard, 2A supporting, Constitution adhering lover of liberty. I’m not some liberal, thin-skinned snowflake looking for a safe place or wet behind the ears, millennial generation college student. I would have done anything to keep her out of the White House and I STILL couldn’t bring myself to vote for him. That’s saying something.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
6 y
A1C Isa Kocher - If you are now on Active Duty, be careful how you publicly refer to your Commander in Chief.
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
MSG(P) (Join to see) - i love my country and if you don't and cannot understand that, if love of country makes no sense to you, if the decisions by chief justice john Marshall, the sacrifices of 400 thousand Americans to protect and preserve those decisions by john Marshall against those traitors who made war on us and the sacrifice of the 400 thousand us Americans who fought the confederates in WWII who continued the racist godless sick perverted war against our Union of the PEOPLE of the United States of America makes no sense to you, than honestly, I cannot understand claims to loving our constitution - because our constitution is for all people - as we promised when we signed our declaration of independence in 1776 -

I have never scored less than the 99 percentile in any test of English comprehension - spent my life not only studying linguistics, and teaching linguistics, but writing sports journalism, and many other genre - so maybe - it's not me who cannot understand what is not written between the lines - maybe. - Did you read anywhere my attacking you personally by name? or any kind of personal criticism of your personal integrity? - I did not go back to re-read - if it was in any way an attack on you as a person - than I miswrote- or expressed myself clumsily, for which I apologize -
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - there is a first, a fourth, a 6th, a 13th, a 14th, a 15th amendment of the constitution and as a major sworn to defend that constitution, I suggest you either make your threat good, or learn some manners. I am prepared to die to honor my oath to defend my constitution of my country and in my whole life, I have never ever once shirked in my citizen's responsibilities: so learn some manners

nobody here loves, honors, serrves, respects, and sacrifices for their country more than any others. I died for my country, quite literally and a miracle, quite literally, brought me back to life again, and it was national guard and reserve surgeons who rebuilt my face and gave me back a mouth to speak with ... no bully ever since has stopped it. so anyone who wants can do their best

400 thousand americans 1860-1865, 400 thousand americans 1943-1945 gave their lives to save this sacred nation for its quislings who conspire with our enemies to make us slaves. a lot of the politicians who stuffed a lot of boxes. for profit. I am happy to give my life again to protect the USA from these predatory godless perverts and if god permits them, than my life is well spent.

We are sent here by god, all of us to defend human rights from the godless sodomites as it says in ezekiel chapter 16 quote" 48As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did as you and your daughters have done. 49Now this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and complacent; they did not help the poor and needy. 50Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me, and when I saw this, I removed them.…" endquote

what happens to the quisling is in god's hands, not mine - but quote Pirkei Avot - faith of our fathers :

“Rabbi Tarfon used to say: “The day is short, the work is great, the workers are lazy, the reward is great, and the Master demands you keep on working. … you cannot complete the task, but you are not free to walk away from it"
MSG(P) Owner/Operator
MSG(P) (Join to see)
6 y
No I mean you can’t write a coherent thought that makes sense. You’re just rambling. You other responses are much the same. Bad grammar. Bad punctuation. Typos. It’s chaotic. You’re on the verge of raving.

Also, you should probably familiarize yourself with the Constitution and the UCMJ. You chose to limit your rights to those things when you voluntarily took your oath.

Lastly. Try comprehending what you read before you go off. Had you UNDERSTOOD what I wrote initially you wouldn’t have responded at all because I don’t particularly agree with current policy. The difference is I’m professional enough not to violate my oath by vocally disparaging the POTUS while on duty.
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PO2 Harold Ashton
You don't start out a presumed "let's deal with facts" discussion by stacking the deck in favor of your desired and predetermined outcome.
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SSgt Brad Valois
I think that anybody that takes the time to look at the issues and is smart enough to see past the Rederick would know Trump is good for America.
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
ha ha ha ha
SP5 Michael Cates
SP5 Michael Cates
6 y
I agree with you Brad! It is really interesting how so many fellow Americans fail to see the FACTS of how Americans are becoming better off every day! I can only dream of how our Pres. Trump would have reacted to the Iranian people MARCHING IN THE STREETS and just BEGGING THEIR LEADERS to give them FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY like we have! We know how XPRES.Obama acted! AGAINST THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE GOVERNEMENT OF IRAN!!! Sad!
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SGM Brian Carter
Questions Obviously written by a Trumpet.

When your head is buried in the sand at Trump golf courses, you ass is in the air. Appropriate, cause he will have his way, tell you it wasn't him, and that Hillary Clinton did it. Could be, his hands are too small.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
6 y
Obviously a response from a camper from the Clinton encampment!
A1C Isa Kocher
A1C Isa Kocher
6 y
obviously a response from an American who still believes in the usa, the union of the people by the people for the people

Clinton? who's that. what's that
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MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Russia has gained nothing. Reading the "messages" that Russians allegedly posted on social media, there seems no way that these childish and simplistic "themes" could have cost Hillary Clinton the election. She lost because she was a bad candidate with a lot of baggage, and she forgot to care for the people whom she expected to elect her. She and the Democrats have gone WAY to the left and they aren't taking care of the American working people.
There has been zero evidence of any Trump campaign-related conspiracy with Russia found in the 18-month Mueller "investigation". What has been found shows that the Democrat campaign employed Obama appointees in the Dept of Justice and Office of the Director of National Intelligence to set up a fake "dossier" and then gain FISA Court surveillance warrants on false pretenses. It's all crap. And it will end with FBI and DoJ criminals going to jail.
SSgt Cynthia Hamilton
SSgt Cynthia Hamilton
6 y
May I humbly mention Manafort. His cmapaign manager who is CURRENTLY in a trial, and this is only the FIRST of the TWO trials about Manafort. More are coming I assure you. Mueller hasn't been on the job for 18 months by the way, and since I'm probably the OLDEST person on this thread, I remember that watergate took over 2 years, so give the Marine Mueller a little elbow room, and watch the dude work.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
6 y
Dear SSgt Hamilton,
The Manafort Trial has nothing to do with the 2016 election. Mueller and his "team" (mostly composed of former Obama and Clinton Administration lawyers) are prosecuting Paul Manafort on allegations that he lied about his dealings with wealthy Ukrainian clients in 2005-2006. That's 10 years before the 2016 presidential campaign. This has NOTHING to do with why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.
The only two indictments that Special Prosecutor Mueller has brought thus far have named only Russian companies and individuals, which makes the entire multi-million dollar effort to this point almost an entire waste of time and money. There's very little chance that any Russian company or person will be extradited to the U.S. to face trial. Mueller has also specifically stated in both his indictments that there were NO Americans who knowingly played any role in these activities, and NO indications that these Russian activities had any effect on changing any votes in 2016.
Robert Mueller has a great military record as a Marine. Peter Strzok was an Army Ranger. But their former military records don't mean that their current activities are legitimate or honorable. Strzok's own emails to and from his illicit mistress Lisa Page reveal his prejudice against President Trump and their collusional intent to try to "stop him" from winning the Presidential election.
I'm old enough to remember Watergate, and your comparison of Watergate with this case is invidious. In fact the origin of this case lies in the illegal efforts of the failed Hillary Clinton campaign. That bunch of political hacks illegally mishandled classified information to avoid Congressional oversight by setting up a private email server in Hillary's broom closet, which did not employ U.S. government cryptographic protection and thereby exposed highly classified (TS/SCI) defense intelligence to foreign intelligence services.
Hillary also allowed uncleared political operatives like Sydney Blumenthal and the "sexting" idiot, disgraced former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner, to gain possession of the same TS/SCI data. Neither Blumenthal or Weiner had a clearance for that information nor a need to know. But they both had access thanks to Secretary Clinton's deliberate evasion of security, so that Congress wouldn't be able to see her official emails as Secretary of State, which they are absolutely entitled to do.
Sorry, but this trial is an attempt to extort a former Trump campaign official to "flip" against President Trump based on events 10 years prior to the 2016 Presidential campaign. As the treacherous and disgraced Peter Strzok himself stated, "There's no "there" there."
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
I haven't seen anything yet that would point to that happening.
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