Posted on Jul 17, 2016
Sgt Tom Cunnally
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Responses: 58
Cpl Justin Goolsby
Fondly. Though they probably hated my guts with every fiber of their being, I can't help but be appreciative of the time and effort they took shaping me into a Marine.
Sgt Field Artillery Cannoneer
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Justin Goolsby - Semper Fi Brother and if you served they are proud of you. From one of those PMI's that taught you to shoot. OOH-RAH
Cpl Debbie Dave LaVallie
Cpl Debbie Dave LaVallie
>1 y
They are imbued into my being. They formed me from a 18 year old kid, into a Marine. SSgt Wilkinson and ADI's formed us into a basic Marine, we were polished later on, but they formed the Core. Their instruction help me and many other Marines to survive, we Marines will never forget them.
Sgt Lowell Tackett
Sgt Lowell Tackett
>1 y
If I'm correct (looking from the "outside" in - I went thru San Diego in 1961 and was never a Drill Instructor) part of their credo goes something like, "... let know man's ghost ever say, 'If your training had only done its' job'."" To me, that sums up very neatly the awesome responsibility DI's assume, and all the gentlemen I've ever know or seen to assume the role do so magnificently. They are not... like us. Somehow, a different breed.
Cpl Vic Eizenga
Cpl Vic Eizenga
>1 y
I remember very few names from 52 years ago in San Diego but NEVER forgot a face.
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SSgt Scott Walters
Edited >1 y ago
It is impossible for me to forget them. SSgt Griffin (Senior), Sgt. Hillard (2nd Hat), and SSgt. Cook (Heavy). We picked up SSgt. Mahan and Sgt Bowen in third phase. And there was Sgt Parks from third deck.
MSgt Anthony Westjohn
MSgt Anthony Westjohn
>1 y
Wow You needed { 5 } to train you / LOL / and Yes I still Remember THEM
SSgt Scott Walters
SSgt Scott Walters
>1 y
MSgt Anthony Westjohn - Sadly, we probably did. We were lead platoon, lead series. We got all the dog and pony show details.
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LCpl William Perry
I will say yes but one thing I have learned is that all Marines remember their DIs. They are somebody you hate but later realize what they were doing was to shape you into a Marine in the short time they had you. It is by their diligence that we are all able to hold the title Marine with honor and pride. For me I was MCRD San Diego (Hollywood Marine) and SSgt Bigby ran my but into the ground, but he took a snot nosed 18 year old only 2 weeks out of high school and produced a devil dog that holds the title with swollen pride each and every day. I can not thank him and my other DI's for all they did for me.....Semper Fi!
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
I hated my DIs but was in awe of the other Instructors we had at Parris Island SC.. We also had a Company Commander who we all respected and listened to his every word.
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