Posted on Mar 26, 2018
Does anyone have any contacts in the film world?
I just finished writing a screenplay (I translated the first story that I ever wrote into a script) and I am looking to see if it can go anywhere. It is formatted as correctly as I could figure out and runs 128 pages (just a little over two hours as is). If you might know a guy that knows a guy I am all ears!
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
Good luck. I'm voting up your request and responding to help it get noticed here on RP. Other than that, I've got nothing except some advice: Don't quit your day job
SGT Joseph Gunderson
Luckily, my day job is a full-time student at the moment. If it goes somewhere, then it goes somewhere. If it doesn't, well, I always have my future teaching career.
CPT Jack Durish
SGT Joseph Gunderson - My wife worked in the film industry (William Morris Agency and CFI - Consolidated Film Industries) but that ended over four decades ago (yes, we're that old) and her contacts are either dead or retired. I took a class in scriptwriting at the Sherwood Oaks Experimental College in Hollywood (a really fascinating place with classes taught by actual practitioners rather than academics) Again, that was over 4 decades ago, and I leaned enough to realize it was a closed shop and I didn't have the contacts to get myself in. I never though of hanging out at Sherwood Oaks and making some.

Mr. Stallone wrote Rocky while attending courses at Sherwood Oaks. We were fortunate enough for him to come back and speak at Sherwood Oaks and to be among our famous alumni. Although best known as an actor, he is an avid writer and taught a writing class for Sherwood Oaks. He does his best to write everyday even if it is two words – FADE IN.
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