Posted on Sep 16, 2017
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Responses: 7
MAJ Daniel Biron
2LT Kyle. As a retired MAJ in the Army Reserve with my last assignment as a Health Recruiter I believe I can answer your question. For our purpose of answering your question of establishing the pay grade for medical AOCs, OTSG (Office of the Surgeon General) uses constructive credit to establish the pay grade of a health care provider applicant. This is where an individual is directly involved in providing care to a sick or wounded patient. A higher pay grade is offered based on years of medical or dental education from an approved institution, a degree, and years of experience in the field they are commissioned for. A 70B Health Service Administrator is in effect a leadership position and constructive credit is not used.
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Thank you for the info sir
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CPT Enrique M.
late to the game , but for 70B you won't get constructive credit. Heck as a 70D with a masters and 10 years in the industry didn't get me constructive credit.

the only way that i know for constructive credit is if you are a provider
Have fun at BOLC!
MAJ Project Manager
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT Enrique M. - I understand fully...If you find a good CIO job open please let me know...I could use the help...Are you tracking 70D?
CPT Enrique M.
CPT Enrique M.
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Already a 70D due to my background. But in the spirit of things I am headed out to 70D aoc track school next year because its all about the networking with other 70D's on the active duty side and learning the Army way of doing things. Plus i get my feet wet on decision making on the medical side vs the business world side definitely helping my background as I can now implore my skillsets from both schools of thought making me a better overall leader in both the military and civilian industries.

I'll let you know still growing.. I might have to take a stint on a large corporation as a product development executive before seeking that coveted CIO position.
MAJ Project Manager
MAJ (Join to see)
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CPT Enrique M. - Question: Do you do more management or more technology? I have done both on active duty, and in not so friendly places...There can be a distinct difference between a BN S6 or a BDE G6 and an AMEDD CIO...and they are forever the AMEDD you are also charged with tactical units its the S1 in Brick and Mortar Clinics and Hospitals its the S6 or CIO...I also was the FOIA Officer for all non-medical FOIAs, Contracting Officer for all IT and Automation, Investigating Officer for FLIPLS plus the fact you are on a multitude of committees and you are the primary proponent for the ITSC or IMGC, I also Chaired the MOI and ROC committees which are Management of Information and Record of Care (Healthcare (Joint Commission))...Honestly I had a lot more fun with Tactical...setting up multiple networks from ZERO..yes getting dirty with my Signal Soldiers....I loved every second of we set up VTCs for both Secure and Unclassified...OLD DNVTs to VOIP networks...When I was in Iraq I set up Medical Satellite Systems...not the SNAP...but the 12 ft non-self pointing dishes....Gawd I really miss that section also assisted and or set-up our power grid too....If you have any questions feel free to ask me !!!
CPT Enrique M.
CPT Enrique M.
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - from a stance in the civilian both I actually get to do both. I am extremely technical , but yet have a lot of management under my belt. In essence I am a unicorn in the world of technology. Someone that can manage and deal with the business but yet has a technical background both in infrastructure and software development.

For sure sir would love to chat because the issue I am finding out on the reserves is that there is a clear disconnection between a DC 70D and that of a home brewed MS 70D on the active duty side.
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LTC Stephan Porter
Just confirming that the above comentsvare correct, no constructive credit for 70B.
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Thanks sir! Found out when I called branch.
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