Posted on Mar 27, 2015
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
So anyways, there I was in 2005 sitting at the DIV NCO Quarter Board at 13th COSCOM. I was the Soldier of the QTR in 2005 at 1st Medical Brigade. I was just promoted to SGT (E5) and that should of been the end of it for boards for me. Well, the NCO who won the 1st Medical Brigade for the NCO Side of the house PCS'ed.

My Section NCO came to me and said,"SGT Dunn, you will go to the NCO of the Quarter Board for 13th COSCOM". I told him,"Is that right... I mean, I just got promoted and never went to the NCO Boards at a Company, Battalion, nor Brigade level?". He told me that I was good to go because I had crushed everyone at the Soldier of the QTR Boards.

So back to 13th COSCOM. While pacing back and forth, I noticed the board was full of CSM's... not 1SG's and several senior NCOs. I was already nervous. Suddenly, I was called in... conducted my facing movements and sat in the chair that was laying idol in front of the CSM's. The CSM of the board told me to go ahead and tell my bio.

The bio I told was great except there was one thing... I told them that I was looking forward to attending PLDC (WLC). Instantly, it raised their eyebrows. I knew what they were thinking... how did he get here if he had not been to PLDC yet. It was a DIVISION level board, so... I already knew I would fail this board due to the lack of time and experience of attending an NCO level board, INCLUDING NOT going to PLDC (WLC) yet. This already created an oversized-RED pin-point FLAG.

So as the board started, they completely ignored the MOI... the memo that states what they will ask. They asked all sorts of questions that were long and drawn out and had nothing to do with the memo in what categories were supposed to be asked in the board. I was crushed.

Finally, I was asked one final question by one of the CSMs. He asked," What is the highest GT or ASVAB score you can get to join the Army?". I was really confused... I was thinking... the highest score? I knew about the 110 GT score being the highest to let you get any job (except CID agent for 120). So here I was thinking, hmm... the highest score... he probably meant the LOWEST qualifying score to in the Army. I mean, he did say "TO GET IN THE ARMY" ... so he must have been asking what is the LOWEST ENTRY score was. So, I gathered my thoughts and to stated to the CSM that asked me that question... "CSM, the highest score you can get to JOIN THE ARMY is an ASVAB Score of 19, which is waiverable, which allows you to become an 88M." For some reason, that did not sit to well and I was immediately dismissed from the board.

So I walked out and my section NCO said... "did you know what you just did?". I looked at him puzzled and said... "No". My NCO then told me,"That was the TRANSPORTATION CSM of COSCOM. You basically called him and every transportation Soldier an idiot. He was asking you about the 110 GT score." So yeah... I lost that board... was crushed... and walked home never to attempt another board in COSCOM again.
Posted in these groups: Star Promotions
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 3
CW5 Desk Officer
Sir, I'll chime in on this. When I was competing for 82nd Airborne Division Trooper of the Month (April 1977), I ran into a CSM at the brigade board who had a very thick accent. I realized much later that he was asking me to name an individual on the national political scene who was fading out of the limelight, but when he asked me, I simply could not understand what he was saying. So I asked him to repeat the question. And I still could not understand him. Rather than alienate him, I replied that I did not know the answer. As I was leaving the board, that CSM said - with a big smile - "Montgomery, there's a Ford in your future." (That was the slogan of a popular car commercial around that time, and he was talking about President Ford.)

The good news is that I won that board and i went on to win the Division Trooper of the Month board. When I think back on it, I'm glad I didn't ask the CSM to repeat the question again.
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Haha... I would have probably would have said i would have not understood him... and that would have been a big fail.
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BG David Fleming III
The question by the CSM was poorly worded. I feel your pain! It happens sometimes, but I would expect more from a board member. Glad you bounced back in your career. Thanks for serving.
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
BG David Fleming III , I agree. That whole board was just odd. Not following the MOI and asking half structured questions. I was assuming they were doing that to see how people react, but rgr... it all worked out well.
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CSM Charles Hayden
CW5 Scott Montgomery, That is a great example of how keeping your mouth shut can pay off!
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Wonder if he would have been a CW5 if he had mouth off. Probably would have been held back another year.
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