Posted on Aug 1, 2015
SCPO Investigator
What is the purpose of a popular vote by the American public IF a select group of people can negate that popular vote and choose someone else? IT HAS HAPPENED.
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Responses: 253
MAJ Matthew Arnold
I fear the mis guided vote of the masses, too many tend to vote for who promises to give them the most.  But, at the same time, the EC can be manipulated to some degree.  Hmmmm, which do I fear more?
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CDR Anthony Parr
Of course it isn't as proved by recent voting activities,where NY and Calif have voted heavily one way and many other states did not have the population to weigh in. The Founding Fathers in their brilliance saw this
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SMSgt Materiel Management
NO! The Electoral College is the last remaining vestige of our 'Republic'. If we get rid of that then this country will truly BE a Democracy. Democracy is a necessarily degenerate form of government that inevitably leads to chaos and dictatorship. Our nation was intended to be a Republic by the Founding Fathers. Nearly 100 years ago the worthless and the weak reduced our Republic into a degenerate democracy. Repeal the 17th amendment and restore the Republic!
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PO2 Robert Cuminale
Nope. I'd rather not have New York and California appoint my president every four years.
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LTC Dan Haveman
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
7 y
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1SG Leon Espe
No, because the majority is not always right. There are times when the minority needs protection from the unfair actions of the majority. Without the Electoral College we might still have slavery. KEEP THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!
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MSG John Bales
Then California and New York will elect every President.
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COL Eric Rojo
no, unless we want to change our concept of the republic and the union as we know it. The mindless liberals are clueless as to the consequences of their simplistic pronouncements just because as delicate cup-cakes they do not like the results of the election.
doing away with the electoral college also eliminates states rights and we become one amorphous republic with no traditions, no state pride, the senate becomes irrelevant, and probably the house of representatives.
also, the liberals are not considering that in the so called blue states that claim the majority votes" not counting" in this last election, is that their fantasy change may backfire since probably many republicans in NY and CA will no longer stay home and make sure their vote is counted for a change.
if we want better and fairer representation, the states (who really control de elections) must change the 'winner take all" system to one similar to my home state of Maine that awards proportional electoral votes depending on the votes gained by each candidate.
i believe this is what needs to be changed. however, the liberals who control the urban blue states will never do it. Why? they know they will be the losers
PO2 Peter Klein
PO2 Peter Klein
>1 y
I agree with you that the winner-take-all system is bad.
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PO2 Mike Vignapiano
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SSG Jim Laning
Let me add this:

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
Sir, Thank you! I accept your aforementioned apologies and intended clarifications. You are correct, in that your intention created a distraction that I am sure you nor I intended, but in the end was very instructive and perhaps, as in fact, not been the distraction you may seem it to be!

So that you know my father was Jewish and his survival depended upon the very humanitarian nature of a Catholic family who risked their own lives to protect and save his! Their true faith is what being of any faith really means! I nor my sister, who also spent 5 years in the Green Zone and who is now back in Kuwait, as I write this response, as a DoD civilian again serving “her troops” as she calls them, would not be here without that family’s courage and the true faith that courage was built on! This kind of courage and humanity someone like me will never forget! Also, my mother was a Christian from upstate New York. So, I had the blessing of knowing both faiths! In fact, many of my friends from other faiths have taught me more about real humanitarianism than all the dogma in the world.

Humanity, sir, is very fragile. Men like you and I have a very special responsibility to make sure those who would trample on it at the detriment of others must always be above the fray! You are correct we both misunderstood, but men, professionals as we are, must always set the example and offer the tone to agree to disagree and in the end demonstrate – honor!

Also, I chose the prayer you read in the prior, NOT because it was written by the Catholic Church, rather because it expressed the sentiment I wished to convey and the words fit at the time and still do! I have sought guidance from various spiritual texts and keep them on my desk for ready reference:

(1) So that when some idiot pretends to quote something or another I can locate that text, cross reference it, and study it to determine the validity and veracity of their argument(s). If I find that argument(s) valid and logical devoid of emotion and based on sound principle, such as in our Constitution and other document that force freedom, I continue to study it. If, however, their argument(s) is/are flawed (misstated) and invalid (inaccurate), based on conjecture or misinformation I then challenge them with all the cold and calculated logic it will take to reflect their illogic to them and those who would follow them like the proverbial Lemming. As the 2nd World Champion of Chess, Emmanuel Lasker, once remarked – If you see a good move look a little longer to find a better one! Thank you for finding the better move!

(2) Also, labels (e.g. Liberal, etc.) offer an attitude of divisiveness that often creates more problems that they solve. I too am a humanitarian, but the label I chose for myself is – Independent! For only an independent person thinking for themselves can have the kind of critical and creative thinking that challenges evil who always enjoys the Silence of the Lamb under vale of good or good intentions. Every American, in fact every person who calls themselves a humanitarian, is challenged to find the good in every form of human endeavor including a spirited debate such as we have had. To silence such debate will never be in keeping with the Founders wishes!

Sir, what we have done together for those reading, not so distracted exchange, is to keep alive what the Founders wanted, the beauty of our democratic-republic. With all of its challenges and flaws inherent in all of us - our nation is and should always remain humbly exceptional as evidenced by all those who want to come here for a better life!
Sir, also please take a moment to read this post on Linked-in ( As a veteran, I have an obligation to share about and act on the importance of voting. I hope the article provides you further insights.

In closing, I want to tell a quick story. My wife, a 1st Class Petty Officer then, was an intake specialist at the Naval Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center at Naval Operations Base, Norfolk, Va. She spent three years seeing all sorts of people from officer to enlisted come through those doors. At the time I was deploying all the time and she chose to remain close to our children by taking that billet.

She never once pitied those gripped by the ravages from such addictions. Like her WWII father, she had little use for people who could not master those monsters – alcohol or drugs, and was mystified when she got the assignment. Yet, her compassion is deeper than many I have ever known to serve and help people, first as human beings.
Often she would tell me stories of the various people who would come through the center, of course keeping their names and other information private, she was required to do.

But, one story was particularly telling. There was the USAF Major whose performance and his family was being affected by his alcoholism. He was apparently very good at what he did in the USAF, but he was beginning to fail. It was a few weeks into the program when he finally broke. It seemed, his father a real hard ass, was always gone, yet provided for his mom and himself, but never provided the simple joys his son, the Major, long craved to share with his father. His fellow drug and alcohol program participants found out that all he ever wanted to do with his father, no gone, was to fly a kite. His Air Force career somehow tied him up in knots and, he, in turn, did not do much with his kids, just as his father had not done much with him. What his fellow program participants did next was an act of collective strength collective courage? They got quiet permission to take him to Virginia Beach. When they arrived they took out several kites and began to help him fly a kite. As I understand the story, they stayed out all day, of course getting back before their designated curfew! What happened the next day and for the remainder of the time they were in the program together was amazing. Each of them healing beyond expectations, learning to really master the demons of drugs & alcohol, because they did not judge, rather they took a chance to heal each other, by choosing to begin the heal the most wounded among them! As a Navy Corpsman (aka medic) we are taught this simple axiom – The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number. It is hard for those in the non-medical world to understand this with any degree of true depth! Months, later after that group’s graduation from the program, my wife learned that nearly all of them, including the Major, were more productive and more human than the average group going through that program usually found themselves. In fact, he was now taking the time for his kids to fly kites and do the simple things between the times his duty called. My wife, now of 38 years, changed too, though she would not admit! Today, she is still not a pity person. Perhaps that is why I married her! Perhaps that is why I love her. Regardless, the man became a better Officer, a better leader, a better husband, and ultimately a better father! That was the greatest good for the greatest number in terms of his family, his command, his nation and the healing that he had that also allowed others to heal.

Finally, I have to be in DC in Jan and again in Feb. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting to break bread together. Never have pity (e.g. sympathy) for anyone! Have instead empathy, that is a much stronger test of your character to take the actions you espouse to believe in as a humanist and that I believe in as an Independent!

Sir, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukkah, and so many more to you and your family! It is out of respect and honor for each of these traditions that, I when I know greet people in the custom and manner they would appreciate, even if it is not my own.

God Bless and God Speed!
Shalom and may peace with you always!

The Chief

PS Sir, there is No Response Required. I too believe this dialogue has served its purpose for both of us. Again, take care and many blessings to you and yours!
MAJ Intelligence Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
"Finally, I have to be in DC in Jan and again in Feb. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting to break bread together."
I'd be honored. Despite the contentious beginnings, this conversation ultimately proved quite meaningful and constructive. Hit me up via private message and we can set up details as appropriate.
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
>1 y
Sir, did send you a message! Looking forward!
CWO2 Shelby DuBois
CWO2 Shelby DuBois
>1 y
Perfect response. If you want to see how 'majority wins' affects you ...look at Illinois Senatorial election... Obama loving Duckworth won...but she only won 17 counties out of Illinois' 102...with Chicago's Cook County giving her 900K. That's why Illinois is in a death sprial...It's also a great illustration why the Electoral College is needed.
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