Posted on May 26, 2014
Have you challenged anyone in administration or legislation with respect to violating oath of office?
With respect to the allegiance we all swore to defend the Constitution, has anyone challenged our leaders when they violate their oath of office by taking actions violating the Constitution (and our civil rights)?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
SGT N, great question. I do question the elected officials quite often although it's mostly through an email. I've received only one response back, which was from Hillary Clinton's office, and it was very insulting and patronizing.
I have not personally challenged anyone holding office in DC. However, I have seen their actions be questioned and many complaining that they have violated their oath. In the Usual DC political style, they all manage to essentially BS there way out of it.
Sadly, many Americans would rather believe the BS instead of holding the official accountable.
Sadly, many Americans would rather believe the BS instead of holding the official accountable.
LCpl Steve Wininger
Exactly. Truth be known, he probably has some damning evidence on them concerning the truth about Bin Laden or Benghazi.
Perhaps this will be an interesting story to watch, as members of seal team six died after they were revealed as the operatives that killed Bin Laden.
Perhaps this will be an interesting story to watch, as members of seal team six died after they were revealed as the operatives that killed Bin Laden.
SGT Craig Northacker
Sadly, there is always more hidden behind the scenes that causes unnecessary sacrifice.
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