Posted on Feb 27, 2016
SFC Daniel Faires
I am interested to find out if anyone here has experience with creating a proposition for voter approval ( I hope I am wording this right )
A. One to provide free tolls for all disabled veterans that qualify for a DV plate or a handicap placard on all Texas tollways

B. One to allow for medical marijuana not the extremely limited bill they have now

The reason for the first is due to traffic and tolls the local va is 45-60 min on a good day with 18 dollars in tolls
Without the tolls it's a 2 HR drive

The second is obvious

Any advice ?
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Responses: 4
SGM Erik Marquez
Yes as a matter of fact I do, you will need to contact your representative and get them to sponsor your bill... The easier you make that on them the better. Having an experienced person actually draft the bill using the appropriate language, contact groups (larger the better) that will support your bill publicly. Having those groups leadership signing a letter of intent for support is a good start, actual membership signatures attesting to support better.
The process starts many, many months before the senate session... Plan on spending a lot of time in Austin, personally or the leadership of your PAC.
For the two things you are interesting in.. Id suggest separating them two bills... as they will not have the same support groups, nor the same chance at being supported at the rep level, nor in committee.
SP5 Marcus Cole
SP5 Marcus Cole
7 y
SGM Erik Marquez - any ideas on how to implement the toll tag discount? i read it the same way as, disabled vets either do not have or pay discounted tolls. when i contacted NTTA they advised me its only valid in Austin, and Houston, and there is nothing to govern the north Dallas tollways, therefore they bill disabled vets.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
7 y
For sure separate them, rightly or wrongly marijuana is an incredibly hot topic at the moment and tolls sound like it could find a unified supporting group.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
7 y
SP5 Marcus Cole - Implement ? As in a law, policy or regulation on the books already not yet being used?
Or getting a new bill (and then signed into law)?
If new bill , the answer is that same as above..
As far as I know now, the decision in place to give disabled vets a free pass is internal to the tollway authority, of which I think we have three now..I access tollways in two of them daily/weekly.
A state bill , then law..not sure if that can be done, as the toll ways are a contracted business venture ..not sure the state can lawfully direct a business to not charge a fee?
Change the contract next time, sure, coerce an exception internally now? perhaps.
It all starts at your representatives plate ..and to get them to take a bite, you have to show them you have a group of constituents large enough to justify them expending time and political capital.
You need people, signatures, pledges shouting for this to happen, THEN seek a rep to bite. Getting multiple reps and lots of folks in all their districts increases the chances.
SP5 Marcus Cole
SP5 Marcus Cole
7 y
apologies, i mean how to make NTTA use or go by the state bill? when i mentioned it to a rep at NTTA, they basically told me it has no effect in North dallas,its only considered if you live in Austin or Houston. I advised i had read differently and that vets with 50% or more, get a discounted toll or free paid tolls. I was advised because no one funds it they dont implement it at all. so we are stuck paying regular tolls.
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MCPO Roger Collins
The average citizen does not write bills for state legislations or the US Congress.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
True, we do not PRESENT the bill to the speaker for getting on the calendar, nor to the committee chose to hear and debate its merits, but YES, the average citizen does in fact have the ability to write and propose the bill to their rep. Of course it will likely be re written in appropriate format, language ect... Im guessing that is what you meant..
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SSG Eddye Royal
There was something that I read in the from Dallas Morning News, or another and that Ms. Lee of Houston is just sent up. It will cover all of Tx, need to send your msg using FB, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
SFC Daniel Faires
SFC Daniel Faires
9 y
I'm on linked in same name no rank
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