Posted on Aug 30, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
This editorial is from "This Ain't Hell". I think it's spot on as to what our POTUS and government has done to our country to put it in the situation we're in right now. I would like to see what you think.
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Responses: 2
SGT Damaso V Santana
Thank You SGT Bodine, great read and although I agree with the Major that all administrations can be so attacked by its political opponents, this administration has from day one tried to Divide and Destroy the fabric of what makes the US great. It is a pity that the Admiral was afforded so little time, wish he would have expanded on his so evident truths.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Damaso V Santana - I realize that the government is 100% behind her, because Obama told them to. He calls all of the shots, except when it comes to terror. He doesn't do anything but appear on TV, and denounce them and say "WE" must do better. How can we do better without his support? We can't. I'm sure Obama told the FBI director to lay off of Hillary. I believe the FBI director did all he was allowed to do. Maybe one day he'll write a book about how he was made to make his decision. Our future looks mighty bleak right now, but I have to believe in God, and He won't allow that woman to ruin what He built.
PFC Teresa Walker
PFC Teresa Walker
>1 y
I totally agree with you sir! Well said!
SSG Michael Scott
SSG Michael Scott
>1 y
When a elected official takes the oath of the U.S. Constitution, he or she is to be honest, loyal, and have integrity and being ethical. The Army Values includes integrity in it's document. Let's look at the facts, if Hillary is president, she has never worn the uniform, her track record in combat is not a positive one either, especially with 4 Americans dead. Also, how she handles classified information. Just put the information on a instate ad board. Donald T. has not worn the uniform either. He has been file bankruptcy, but has come back every time. In addition, this current administration is a joke. We need true leadership, no liars, in which we have now in the white house. There is only one person who can tell a deploying wave to rescue Americans, and that is the CAC. Guilty as charged.
SSG Michael Scott
SSG Michael Scott
>1 y
stand down, stand down, stand down
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited >1 y ago
I believe that every Presidency can be subject to similar accusations from its political opponents. I think that in general it is much better for our country to focus on the positives and on what we can actually do for our future, and less on trying to divide ourselves.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Yinon Weiss, Yes Sir, but I believe this government is responsible for the division. Promise after promise has been made from this government to trust them with our future. We can't do anything about our future unless more voters vote, and there is less corruption in our government. It seems that corruption is the norm and all we can do is sit back and take it. We can write to our representatives and congressmen about the problems and what we think, but it's a waste of time and a stamp. I have written to both, and I never heard back. Now, I get mail and phone calls wanting my contributions to their campaign. I say bull to that. If they want me to help them, they need to help us first. That's the way I see it.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree with SGT (Join to see) and Admiral Lyons. Actions speak louder than words and the current administrations actions definitely do not match the rhetoric.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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