Posted on Feb 18, 2014
SFC Anabel Cepero
I joined the Army as the BDUs were in the last steps of being phased out. I didn't get to experience the starching and ironing of my uniform or the shining of my boots. Many have told me that they took pride in these "tedious" tasks and that even if it was mundane the BDUs were way better.

Personally, I do not like the way the ACUs are made, the velcro doesn't last long and I know it says they have a wear life of 6 months, but I'm lucky if they look good for two. Also, it says they are "wrinkle free", I beg to differ. Basically I think they look atrocious and a waste of money. I know we can come up with a better uniform than this.

What's your opinion and what would you change?
Posted in these groups: 4276e14c Uniforms
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 37
SPC(P) Senior Mechanic
All I know is that as a Mechanic I got threw 2 sets of ACUs a year. I haven't been able ot get coveralls threw supply and at 80 bucks a set I don't have the money to spend on coveralls. What I liked about my BDUs was that they would still look good even after a hard days work. Black boots wont get discolored when oil was spilled on them, suede boots of any color will. I can recall taking pride in the way I looked then (and now). ACUs make that much harder. 
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SFC Anabel Cepero
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Maj Chris Nelson
When I deployed to Afghanistan, I was issued a set of FRACUs.  I liked some of the features the army has included.  I have heard lots about the ACUs and their lack of durability.  The AF has adopted the ABU in their "tiger stripe' pattern.  I was very happy when I discovered that they are using fabric that is similar to the BDU WINTER Weight uniforms!  I was NEVER happy with the summer weight as they wore out too fast.  Boots.....I have much better things to do with my time then shine up a pair of boots....I really like the current boots.  I just wish that the services could choose 1 color....I have tan...I have green.... I like the tan better...but I have both and can only wear the green ones while in AF unless deployed, then tan works.
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SPC 88h
For one the boots Yahh you can't kiwi them but at least use some carpet cleaner or something. Just saying ohh well and walking around with desert boots that looks like u have kiwi on them.
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SSG Squad Leader At 558tc

There are a lot of things wrong with the ACUs, but now that we can wear the PC and not the wool cover of heat cats we need to focus on other issues.

The pattern doesn't work, and needs to be replaced by one that does. The Army needs a pattern that works not one that looks good on a poster.

I think we should be able to roll up our sleeves, it would really help on those 80-100+ degree days.

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MSG(P) Student
Edited >1 y ago

Like the beret, and countless other changes that have been implemented over the past 13 years of my service, the ACU's are a disaster
among disasters. What really gets me is that the men and women who are in
charge of these decisions DO NOT take any input from the ground level, instead
attempting to "improve" the disaster, trying to justify the mistake,
and really just delaying the inevitable.


For years Soldiers voiced their hate
for the beret, and it took over a decade for that mistake to be undone. Now, for
nearly a decade, Soldiers have complained about the ridiculousness of the ACUs
and still we wear them.


It's really all about power and money. Contractors have
all the power (i.e. those making our uniforms control what we get through contracts), and we (the American taxpayers
and Soldiers who buy the uniforms) give them all the money. Therefore, we will
keep right on wearing the ACUs, no matter of their lack of utility, non-ruggedness,

dilapidated appearance, or the lack pride we have in them.

MSG(P) Student
MSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y

Not sure why that formatting looks that way... sorry about the rough appearance!

SFC Bill Mace
SFC Bill Mace
>1 y
Actually the G4 brought the ACUs to the NCO Academy to get input from the students and cadre. We emphatically told them the pattern was a disaster and they felt like pajamas. But the overwhelming majority of students were happy that they didn't need to iron the uniform anymore.
MSG(P) Student
MSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y

SFC Mace, take that same survey again and I bet the results would be different.  Soldiers need things to feel pride in... having a uniform that looks great on Monday morning gave everyone something to work for.  I don't care how many people say that they think that shining boots or pressing a uniform is a pain, they still will do it because it looks good!!  They want to stand out... have personal pride in something... there is far too little of that in today's Army.  If it was authorized to starch this current uniform I would certainly not hesitate to do so... and neither would many of the other Soldiers I know.  A Soldier that takes pride in his uniform is one who takes pride in what he or she does.

SPC Dan Goforth
SPC Dan Goforth
>1 y
SFC Downin, I say skip the survey, and give us a uniform we have to put effort into to take pride in it.
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Jason Orton
I could see the ACUs going but I love the boots.  I hate spending hours shining boots.  In today's military where I am expected to be doing all sorts of self education, online course, etc. I think there are better ways to spend time than shining boots.  In the past when soldiers needed busy work to keep them out of trouble during down time, it may have made sense.  In today's army where I am expected to use my down time for professional development I do not need busy work.
SPC(P) Senior Mechanic
SPC(P) (Join to see)
10 y
The only time it ever took me hours to shine my boots is when they were brand new and I had not worn them. I had one pair of boots I kept spit shined and one pair that I would just hit with a horse hair brush. The pair I used the brush on was the pair Ied wear every day. Took maybe 10 minutes to shine up both boots at the end of the day to get the scuffs off. 
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