Posted on Feb 24, 2016
How do you feel having a transgender Soldier on the front lines or holding NCO leadership Slot in your unit?
Responses: 39
I don't have "Transgender Soldiers." I have Soldiers. Period.
Our Leaders are Professionals. I expect them to behave like it. If they do the job, they get credit. If they don't do the job, they get replaced.
Our Leaders are Professionals. I expect them to behave like it. If they do the job, they get credit. If they don't do the job, they get replaced.
I'm dealing with it now. There are challenges that senior level leadership is going to have to figure out, but for the rest of us the only thing we can do is treat them like any other Soldier/Leader. You don't have to like the new policy, but you have to support it fully, or get out.
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