I think part of the issue is that as the company commander hat (I am also on battalion staff) I have issues with one section at higher headquarters that I should not have contact with as it is above my chain of command. One the battalion side of my job I do not work with them as I am in the plans section (aka just me) and I work with the plans at higher or exercise agents at our two star levels. There is no interaction and any interaction that I would do then would be circumventing the chain of command.
Second part of the issue is that they appear to not be in the office or be responsive to inquiries.
Also, in the Reserves it is extremely hard to develop relationships over distances without both parties being interested. I have developed some great relationships with people I have never met or met once. Some I still go to for assistance though both of us have since PCS'd.
I do see where you are going and I will see what I can do to reach out without stepping on too many toes.
On the staff side (I have been on BDE staff and I am now on BN staff) I absolutely agree with the need for company leadership to reach up. I have to pull teeth sometimes to get a reaction, unless it is about their pay of course.
Thanks for your response.