Posted on Mar 26, 2020
SPC Team Member
I read an article online ( saying that the Chief of Staff of the Army has upgraded everyone to HPCON DELTA. From what I've seen, my unit hasn't even been following protocol for HPCON CHARLIE. I don't understand whyeach unit thinks they can do their own thing; there are some with the common sense to lockdown their soldiers to their rooms/homes and report to their leadership twice a day by sending an "Up" for accountability, then you have other units still doing PT, still going to work like nothing's happening, units like mine who don't even directly support fighting the virus. Please help me understand where the communication gets lost/ why units in Korea are not isolated to our rooms/houses like the rest of half the world's population.
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Responses: 4
SSG Infantryman
1. The article you're reading is reporting on FRAGO 13 to HQDA EXORD 144-20, this put essential personnel at HPCON C and non-essential personnel at HPCON D.
2. FRAGO 14 was published this morning, it rescinds FRAGO 13 in its entirety.
3. FRAGO 14 places the Army on HPCON C, the Immediate Response Force and Contingency Response Force are placed on HPCON D.
4. Your Command should 100% be enacting HPCON C.
5. This information will be dated in 20 minutes when the next FRAGO is issued.
6. I don't know why I chose to go with this format instead of a standard paragraph, teleworking may be driving me mad.
7. If you are at all unclear as to what HPCON C/D entails see the attached link from the Army Public Health Center
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
5 y
Also, as I now realize I didn't answer your question; it should be very rapid, these orders are published on the G 3/5/7 portal, all you need is a CAC and reader to access unclassified orders.
SPC Team Member
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
SSG (Join to see) Roger Sgt, I was able to catch up on everything via Facebook right after posting this question. If I am understanding correctly, FRAGO 14 gives power back to the Commanders on how to proceed. 2ID has been HPCON CHARLIE for three weeks now and it's been business as usual. We are still conducting PT, ruck marches, ranges, still forming up for Motorpool Monday, etc, despite the guidance here being to expect cancellation of all in-person gatherings.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
5 y
SPC (Join to see) - Considering where you are, I am not surprised about the business as usual aspect of what you are seeing. I would hope that you do realize that even though you there are issues with COVID-19 in Korea, that you are still in a Combat Zone. Yes, I know that it does not appear that way and that the 2nd ID is not as near and next to the DMZ as they have been in the past, it is still a Combat Zone. And though you may not see it, I know that the ROKA isn't in a stand-down posture because of COVID-19. I can easily tell you that those units on the DMZ have actually moved up 1 or 2 threat con levels, for them it is business as usual - prepare for combat.
Those in other combat zones may have hunkered down but they are continuing to conduct business as usual just under a tighter leash.
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LTC Program Manager
What part of Charlie is your unit not following? Do you know what the requirement is? No HPCON requires all Soldiers be placed on quarters.
SPC Team Member
SPC (Join to see)
5 y
Sir, we still have PT formations and still do PT. We have BN formations for Motorpool Mondays, and training is still being conducted. It's business as usual with the occasional "sanitize your hands."
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
5 y
SPC (Join to see) - How long have you been in Korea? Are you assigned to one of the short rotational units cycling through Korea?
Since you are a Horizontal Construction Engineer, I have a suggestion or two. Use Google Earth or Google Maps and look at the area between you and Munsan-eup. And then get with your immediate leadership and find out (if you do not already know) what your unit's area of operations is expected to be. And then start drilling down to where you can check out some of the detail. If you need assistance in knowing what to look for start with a close examination of the area between Camp Bonifas and Panmunjom and the areas to the west past the rail bridgehead at Dorasan-ri, and then pull out your manuals on fortification construction and demolition.
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SSG Intelligence Analyst
This post makes me believe you are a soldier who complains a lot about things, even when he has the wrong information or interprets something incorrectly. Take all orders and directives from your COC as they are being told what to do.
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