Posted on Jun 26, 2015
How many got that one assignment in your career that was just what you wanted and how did you get it?
How many of you have been fortunate enough to get that one assignment in your career that was just what you wanted? Did you have to reenlist for it? Did you go through branch? Was branch of any help when you did go through them? I was fortunate to work for the Clinic at 6th RTB in Florida for 2 years, and I lucked into the spot when a guy in my unit went to SFAS and his orders there were cancelled, I was was able to reenlist for it. That assignment was where I was able to "recharge my batteries" and decided to stay in the Army for a career. So, how did you get yours if you got your dream assignment? Any tips for people on how to work with branch to make it happen? I look forward to your input!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
I had what turned out to be my dream assignment twice, for 7 years total. I did Korea for a year and went to Germany for 3 years and then bacl to the States. After 5 years another opportunity popped up so I called my career field functional manager and worked it from there. It was exactly what I needed after being stuck Stateside for 9 years. The day my family and I left in 2013 was the lowest point and saddest day of my career. The next 22 months before I retired were very anticlimactic and not the way I envisioned ending my career. Germany was where my family really started; it's where my daughter was born and where my wife and I really started our life. Everything about Europe resonated with me and I'd go back tomorrow.
From what I've experienced a lot of it has to do with timing, the requirements available, and how you negotiate with the person holding the cards.
From Anchorage Alaska I was sent to Cairo, Egypt to work at the Embassy. It was #12 of 50 assignments on my list. However, branch had stated it was a 12 month tour without the family and after he slotted me, it turned out to be an 18 month assignment.
Luckily, my family could remain in on-post housing during the Cairo tour. But I used the branch managers bad call on the assignment length to get back to Anchorage (Joint Base Richardson Elmendorf) after Cairo. Again: timing, availability, and negotiation.
From Anchorage Alaska I was sent to Cairo, Egypt to work at the Embassy. It was #12 of 50 assignments on my list. However, branch had stated it was a 12 month tour without the family and after he slotted me, it turned out to be an 18 month assignment.
Luckily, my family could remain in on-post housing during the Cairo tour. But I used the branch managers bad call on the assignment length to get back to Anchorage (Joint Base Richardson Elmendorf) after Cairo. Again: timing, availability, and negotiation.
Dream assignments don't come through reenlistment, unless you're looking for a specific location (i.e. Fort Stewart) not a specific unit (i.e., 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment in Savannah, GA (Hunter Army Airfield)).
I landed my first my dream assignment at the Pentagon after someone I worked with previously recommended me to submit a packet for...I competed and was awarded the assignment.
I landed my second dream assignment with the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) just outside Washington, DC in similar fashion....recommended to apply by former peer and competing.
I landed my first my dream assignment at the Pentagon after someone I worked with previously recommended me to submit a packet for...I competed and was awarded the assignment.
I landed my second dream assignment with the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) just outside Washington, DC in similar fashion....recommended to apply by former peer and competing.
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