Posted on Jul 21, 2015
How should a recruiter respond to the following question; reaching out to see if you have any opportunity that might be a good fit for me?
Responses: 5
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR I see that as an "Opening" a very large opening for me to my sales hat on and start exploring deep into the individuals needs. Recruiters are selling their branches of service and when an opportunity comes up to you like that you immediately work it through fruition. I'm sure that recruiters are cringing out there hearing me say this, but as a Commander, Commissioned Officer, and soldier I was constantly recruiting and signing individuals up. I guess that’s why I'm in sales today. When a potential client gives you an open door you have to invite them in and shut the door the behind you. If you leave it open a crack or ajar then they have an opportunity to walk out too quickly. Capture their attention and walk them through the various opportunities until you strike a cord with them. Then by goodness "close the deal!"
"The great thing about the military (insert your specific branch here) is that we have career fields for just about everything you can think of and them some! Why don't you come on down or I can come see you and we can go over all the career fields available?"
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