Posted on Feb 1, 2017
How will Trump deal with footdragging shennanigans by career politicians, and when will they find out he takes no prisoners?
The onslaught continues daily with politicians of all stripes jockeying for position in the daily news. My perception is that those who plan on long careers have already started to get in line with the new program.
The old guard power brokers of either party are engaging in ridiculous media grandstanding to this day to get another 15 minutes of media fame while it is still a cheap commodity.
The old guard power brokers of either party are engaging in ridiculous media grandstanding to this day to get another 15 minutes of media fame while it is still a cheap commodity.
Edited 8 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
I would engage in the same politics his opposition is and find a time when these foot draggers made statements years ago that run parallel to President Trumps current policy plan is today. I would then embarrass them like the Democrats do at ever turn.
Why don't the Republicans bring up the McCarron- Walters Act of 1952? H.R. 5678 was named after its sponsors, Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nevada), and Congressman Francis Walter (D-Pennsylvania). Jimmy Carter used it to stop immigration of Iranians into our country. Read what Senator McCarron said about his proposed legislation;
Senator McCarron Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:[4]
I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. ... However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. ... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.
This legislation was vetoed by then President Truman and the Senate and House over-road that veto and passed this into law.
Why don't the Republicans bring up the McCarron- Walters Act of 1952? H.R. 5678 was named after its sponsors, Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nevada), and Congressman Francis Walter (D-Pennsylvania). Jimmy Carter used it to stop immigration of Iranians into our country. Read what Senator McCarron said about his proposed legislation;
Senator McCarron Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:[4]
I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. ... However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. ... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.
This legislation was vetoed by then President Truman and the Senate and House over-road that veto and passed this into law.
SSG (Join to see)
The gates are cracking under the strain because there are those bleeding hearts inside the gates that are chipping away at the supports.
PO3 John Wagner
SSG (Join to see) - And may they drown in their own bullshit..never even having the dignity of being excavated from the bog 1000 years hence as peat mummies
PO3 John Wagner
Well someone with a firmer grounding in historical facts than I should ever hope to have. Thank you.
PO3 John Wagner
The hell of it is this. When I was in college at Iowa State in the eighties there were many Iranian students there...some in my own dorm section..they at least rose to the level of friends as young people account such things. When they went home at Christmas or over the summer they would make purchases of goods available in their own country if asked to do so....we of course paid for these things but it meant much to us that they were willing to put up with the trouble of doing so. Many well off families sent their kids to good midwestern colleges to get the best education the world could offer in a relatively neutral political environment.. Many Chinese, Iranian, Indian, and other nationalities were represented. These were good people and they shared our values ..or at the least did not find them reprehensible. Most of these students had far more class and polite upbringing than we did. When the shit started hitting the fan around the world and these people had to get back home to avoid trouble for their families it was a sad time. I truly miss that time when we still represented the best of the "free" world. We are by far the poorer for the loss.
I don't believe that the immigrants or refugees from Muslim Nations can be brought into our country with hope of integration at this time. No matter what they want, militant Islam is here...along with all the evils of Sharia law..which firstly has ZERO place in America..but second and sadly is something these Muslims cannot escape. It has been allowed to flourish and grow in our nation under the banner of religious freedom. YET as the few brace Muslim souls who make their voices heard..putting a price on their own heads as a result..Islam is not a religion but merely a subversive political plan to destroy non believers in it. ISLAM by definition and practice is NOT a religion. If we must turn down many to keep ourselves safe from the few it may not seem fair but it is absolutely necessary. The left must be stopped..the Left isn't an American phenomenon.. it is simply another name for the destructors of human civilization as we decreed in our constitution as our core value system. It isn't discriminatory... that is the buzzword force fed into our minds by those who would subvert our culture. It is simply a matter of survival.
I don't believe that the immigrants or refugees from Muslim Nations can be brought into our country with hope of integration at this time. No matter what they want, militant Islam is here...along with all the evils of Sharia law..which firstly has ZERO place in America..but second and sadly is something these Muslims cannot escape. It has been allowed to flourish and grow in our nation under the banner of religious freedom. YET as the few brace Muslim souls who make their voices heard..putting a price on their own heads as a result..Islam is not a religion but merely a subversive political plan to destroy non believers in it. ISLAM by definition and practice is NOT a religion. If we must turn down many to keep ourselves safe from the few it may not seem fair but it is absolutely necessary. The left must be stopped..the Left isn't an American phenomenon.. it is simply another name for the destructors of human civilization as we decreed in our constitution as our core value system. It isn't discriminatory... that is the buzzword force fed into our minds by those who would subvert our culture. It is simply a matter of survival.
I am looking forward to the Career Criminal politicians being handed their heads on a Platter and watching them jump up and down because the water in the Swamp is getting too Hot...
The Trumpster id making The bastards work for a Living and they can't handle the Truth... or reality...
The Trumpster id making The bastards work for a Living and they can't handle the Truth... or reality...
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