Posted on Sep 27, 2017
SGT Military Police
So far I have checked through STP 21-24-SMCT, TC 7-21.13, Military Police Leader's Handbook FM 3-19.4 and Soldier's Manual MOS 31B STP 19-31B1-SM.

I am all well aware I need to salute an officer as per customs and courtesies. Yes on occasion the salute may be delayed as we deal with an immediate situation that makes it impractical/unsafe. The question I've been looking at is while on duty as an MP, is there an FM, AR or TC that specifically addresses MPs and if we are to stand at attention or parade rest while talking to an officer or NCO while under arms and on duty.

For officer safety, I believe the answer is no, my squad leader also agrees with this assessment. I've heard other NCOs use the reason that we do not stand at parade rest/at ease or attention is for officer safety while we've been down here as well. We have not been questioned about this where we are after giving the answer that we are not standing at attention/parade rest because of officer safety and weapons retention. I have yet to have any higher ranks upset because of this, but wanted to find what written doctrine there is on this if any.

I have always been taught to salute, but not stand at attention or parade rest while on duty if we are under arms on duty as MPs, but after training today we decided to look into this a bit more and check for actual written doctrine/FMs that give clarity if there is anything specific to MPs on duty for this. Keeping in mind I did not see anything in either the MP leader's handbook or the MP handbook addressing this. It may be possible I was looking using the wrong search words.
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Responses: 18
SSG Scott Stinson
You salute the officer after handing him his ticket at the end of the traffic stop.
SSG Security Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
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Damn another Stinson... i knew there was one out there... Hi CUZ
SSgt Security Forces
SSgt (Join to see)
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I have seen the argument made that after we hand the officer his ticket, we don’t salute him because it would be showing other people around that ther is an officer who isn’t upholding the standards and that would bring discredit on the officer corps.
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1SG Aaron Martin
In the Customs and Courtesy pub it mentions that a Soldier is required to render a hand salute blah blah blah unless under arms or when not practical i.e. arms full of equip, etc etc. You're looking in the wrong place with the STP 21-24-SMCT, TC 7-21.13, Military Police Leader's Handbook FM 3-19.4 and Soldier's Manual MOS 31B STP 19-31B1-SM, etc. Check the Customs and Courtesies manual.
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1SG Military Police
All of my sources report that this is normal Provost Marshal guidance (a.k.a. common sense officer safety) versus regulation.
SGT Military Police
SGT (Join to see)
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Thank you for the response 1SG. I've been finding similar guidance with checking around here. While we don't have any written SOPs and I don't know of any guidance put forward on this from our chain of command, I am aware my direct leadership is generally in agreement on us not standing at parade rest or attention as situation dictates.
SSG Security Specialist
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SGT (Join to see) - There is a NCOER bullet with you name on it....Developed, wrote and Staffed an Installation level SOP used by the PMO
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