Posted on Feb 6, 2017
SPC Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist
Going back into the active duty world and reclassing to a 27D. Just trying to get some insight into day to day and the AIT.
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When you re-class you'll go to Juliet Company, 262d Quartermaster Battalion at Fort Lee, Virginia where the JAG Legal Center and School is currently at (it was moved from Fort Jackson to be closer to the JAG Regimental Home in Charlottesville) . You'll attend a 10 week course on Paralegal Studies. The Manuel for Courts-Martial is not an easy read and the course work you cover will be covered quickly so you will have to do some studying on your down time to stay up to speed in class.

The upside to your stay at Fort Lee will be that you are re-classing so you won't stay with the AIT Students at their barracks, you'll get your own to stay in. You'll have more freedom than the other Students because they're still in IET. Another upside is that everyone in your Company is JAG, all the Sergeants including the First Sergeant are Paralegals, the Warrant Officer is a Legal Administrator, and the Company Commander is a Judge Advocate so if you have questions they can answer them or point you in the right direction.

You'll conduct morning PT, go to class, and be done by 1700. As for what happens at the re-class barracks, can't help you there.
SPC Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist
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>1 y
As far as testing either during or at the end of the course what's that like.

Thank you for the detailed answer!
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The class is broken up into multiple phases, based on the study material you'll be covering. You will take multiple tests 1 to 2 tests per week on average. You'll start with how to write a memo and which army regulation it's under (AR 25-50) then work your way through the various parts of UCMJ until you get to Operational Law or the Laws of War.

You'll be allowed to do make up tests, but only 1-2 before you get cycled to the next class and start over. If you don't pass after being cycled you don't get the MOS. Or least that's what it was like for the regular AIT Students. It's not hard to pass, it's just studying and attention to detail but there is A LOT of information. Don't expect to become an expert in those 10 weeks.

If I remember correctly you'll have First Sergeant Rausch (he was a MSG when I was there), and with him in charge you'll have an additional requirement, you must read the Constitution and take a small test on it. I don't think it actually counts but 1SG Rausch expects JAG Soldiers to know the Constitution and some history as well.
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Oh and much of the testing was a mix of computer and paper, due to Army computers well... Being Army... We used a paper test to record our answers but the computer to view the scenario or listen to audio.
PFC Joseph Allison
PFC Joseph Allison
>1 y
Honest, a lot easier than Adjutant General School at Fort Ord, CA, where everybody was an MP.
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SPC C Bell
AIT is easy but what's important to know is what your every day life is going to be like. I just out of the military last month so my knowledge is pretty fresh. Once you get to your unit you're gonna hit the ground running because they're gonna expect you to be independent and to know how to adapt. You have to learn quickly. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Study your regs because other soldiers are always gonna ask you questions about them. Be prepared to work late and on weekends. Court martials usually end up going into the weekend. But the job isn't all that bad. I had some good connections with a brigade commander and three battalion commanders, as well as a large number of battery commanders. Being in jag gets you connections that'll eventually help you out so much down the road.
SGT Human Resources Specialist
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Could you tell me how often you deployed? I’m still looking into which MOS I want to enlist with. Did you always work late nights and weekends! Not that it’s a deal breaker but I do have a family as well. Thank you.
SPC C Bell
SPC C Bell
>1 y
It depends on what position you have as a paralegal. You could work in military justice or trial defense. There are a lot of different positions. You deploy with the unit you're assigned to. We don't work weekends unless an important event is happening. We usually didn't work late unless you HAD to get specific work done ASAP.
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SGT Paralegal Specialist
I just reclassed to 27D. So, reclass barracks. We did PRT and class with the IET students. We had nights and weekends to ourselves. It's the best MOS to have I think, I have loved every minute of it so far.
SPC Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
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Where did you end up getting stationed at?
SGT Paralegal Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - I am in the NG so I went back home
SGT Military Justice Advisor Nco
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
I am a prior service E5 re-classing to 27D in August. Any insight you can provide into the MOS-T barracks themselves? Are POV's allowed to MOS-T NCO's?
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