Posted on Jul 12, 2014
CW2 Jonathan Kantor
I just PCSd to Germany and am in the process of inprocessing. All is well. The place is great, and I am really enjoying it here. I had a little SNAFU with my sponsor in that he was on leave when I got here. No problem, the 24th MI offered up a CW2 to help me out. Also a CW4(P) is working with me while my sponsor is on leave (He had a lot of use/lose from deployments).

Anyways, I wasn't able to get into the BDE S1 one morning because the guy helping me out had to do a briefing and I mentioned this in passing to another Soldier in the hallway. So the guy in charge of the inprocessing program asked me to explain why to a woman in the office. I explained that I hit a snag for the reasons mentioned above. Just a simple explanation of a minor problem that wasn't a big deal at all. She filed an ICE complaint under my name!!!!!

I haven't even met my Commander or OIC at this point and the CSM, BDE CDR, BN CDR, CO CDR, 1SG, and just about everyone in-between thinks I was complaining about the sponsorship program! And the one thing I stressed when I explained my little snag to the lady was that the 24th MI BN was helping me out and they were doing a great job. That's who she sent the complaint to.

This is now how I wanted to be introduced to the unit. I know this has to be a discussion instead of a bitch-session so here are two things we can discuss:

1. Can I start going by the nickname "Iceman"?

2. Has anything like this ever happened to you?

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Responses: 1
SSG Battalion S2 Intelligence Ncoic
I came in on a four day weekend with my sponsor being gone on a TDY. I didn't have anybody pick me up at the airport. I had to get a hold of a guy we deployed with through facebook to pick me up. Then I was being led around the area by the wrong company and then once I found out the right company I was going to, they sent an E4 to get me and he wasn't really taking me around. I eventually got fed up with it and told him that he can go back to doing what he needed to do and I'll figure things out on my own, which I did.
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