Posted on Dec 18, 2014
LTC Staff Officer
The SECDEF and SEC Air Force have both stated publicly that they are open to the possibility.
Posted in these groups: 9ed82c1 Transgender
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Responses: 31
CW2 Joseph Evans
No accommodations. Everything 100% unisex... Boys, girls, LGBQT... Same quarters, latrines, showers, doctors... 100% honesty and transparency.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) ,
Is this a "you wash my back, I'll wash yours" scenario? Or do you just want to show off your "Tiger stripes"?
Still, I see it as an incentive for the force to stay in shape, regardless of orientation...
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
CW2 Joseph Evans, yes. We shall go with "Tiger Stripes" because it sounds awesome. :)
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), LOL, you go girl, You earned them. ;)

Yeah, I know, oversimplified and cheesy... but respect, I can't do it.
SPC Driver
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9 y
Can I like this more then once?
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CW2 Information Systems Technician
not touching this landmine
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree with CPT Williams, although my thoughts resemble the same sentiments I had on the issue of women in Combat Arms.

Make no exception to the standards and no special accommodations that cost the military money.

I have worked with plenty of exceptional military professionals of different races/genders/religions etc.. All I care about is if you perform your duties as a soldier and your personal life has no negative impact on your soldiering. I have worked with women who swatted on mission 5 ft from me while I pulled guard for them from around the corner. I have even worked with one who beat me on the men's extended scale (what kind of human can do 125 sit-ups anyways?!)

When I was an infantry squad leader I would have welcomed any high performing soldier into my squad and protected them from any sort of harassment or other maltreatment.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
SSG (Join to see). Admirable sentiments!!! Warmest Regards, Sandy
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
That, CW2 (Join to see), is funny!
SPC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
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Img 0605
It's actually not as pricey as you'd think; furthermore, most trans* personnel are more than happy to foot the bill themselves. All they want is the same opportunity that African Americans, cisgender women, and the LGB community have: the opportunity to serve OPENLY AND WITH PRIDE IN WHO THEY ARE.
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Capt Richard I P.
Edited >1 y ago
We can outmaneuver all of this very simply: equality. Same standards, same opportunities, same requirements, same uniforms, same PT tests, same MOS options, same school options, same haircut/make-up/jewelry/ standards, same partner benefits standards the only accommodations/differences necessary are those truly medical: biological females need different medical care in some specific cases than biological males, and each should get what their bodies need. Voluntary surgeries or therapies (whether you want Testosterone as a biologically born male with low T or a biologically born Female identifying as a man) of any kind should be at personal expense. Nothing else should be different.

Problem(s) solved.

Anything short of this means a thicket of thorns populated by hornets' nests.
SPC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir, the problem is that GRS is medically necessary; that's why Medicare now pays for it. though most trans* personnel would rather pay for it themselves so as to not lok like leeches to the government.
SGT Senior Security Engineer
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>1 y
SPC Dawn Cassidy, Can you explain your comment about this GRS being medically necessary? Why is it necessary, they were born the way they are but psychologically want to be something else, so it seems more a psychological issue than a medical necessity! If they want GRS after they join the Military they can pay for it out of their own pocket. When you join, you join as either male/female, I don't think theyhave a slot for ?. Are we expected to start doing DNA tests to determine what or who someone is?
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